How Sacred Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script and Numbers Describe the Science and Math of Sacred Spindle Positioning Oriented Asymmetric Cell Division during Metazoan Development – Indian Languages for Science, Math and Computer Education: Be Happy Philselfologically – 84
The 0, the Zero in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language is the same as the “SASA”, which is the Point of Balance and gives the “Zero, the 0 of Balance”, and thus it named as the “Shoonya”, which means where the Tamo, Rajo, Sato and Turiya stand still. As we have discussed earlier that when the “OORA AARA EERI SASA and HAHA” balance, we have the “OORA, AARA, and EERI” balancing the Tamo, Rajo and Sato Guna with the “HAHA”, the Turiya State, the Awastha with the Balancing Factor of “Shun, the Sun, the Sana, the Shunya, the Shoonya”. Thus, we have the Balancing Scale of Numbers, the Numerals just before 1, the Number one, and after 1 at the 10, and its the balancing state of all numbers, and makes the “0, the Zero” act as the “SAHA”, which before 1, is SAHA, the Shoonya, and HASA, the HASHA as when after 1 at the 10, the Ten, and give the picture of Asymmetric Cell Divisions having the Two Products from the Single Cell as the SAHA, the Sad and the Serious Brain, and the HASA as the Happy and Comedian Brain. We have the SAHA and HASA in the Doppler’s Effect as “SA+HA=01*01 in a row” is the addition and the “HA+SA=HA.SA=10*10” the row twisted as if in the “OORA AARA EERI SASA and HAHA, we have the HAHA and the SASA or even the EERI.AARA=EERAHA, the IDA, and or AARA.OORA, AURA, and so on” is the Multiplication in this context:

When we say Addition, we have untwisted magnetic fields and when we say the Twisted Magnetic Fields, we get results that makes energy, sound and light work for us say in the electrical and magnetic systems on earth and space systems:

The twisting of anything as the “SAHA and HASA”, for example as it says in the Fluorophore Crosstalk:
“Depending upon the subtle details of molecular architecture and elemental composition, the fluorescence emission spectrum of any particular fluorophore can be distributed over a broad wavelength range that varies between 30 and 200 nanometers. To demonstrate this concept, the “generic” absorption and fluorescence emission spectrum generated by a hypothetical fluorophore is presented in Figure 2. The spectral profiles illustrated in this figure have characteristic features that are common to all fluorophores, with the emission profile approximating (but not exactly) a “mirror image” of the absorption profile. In the shorter wavelength regions of the spectral profile, the emission spectrum features a steep increase in quantum yield as the curve approaches the maximum value (termed the peak emission wavelength). Following the peak, as the wavelengths continue to increase, the slope of the spectral profile declines far more slowly until it reaches a minimum value upon returning to the baseline. The bandwidth of fluorescence emission is generally measured by the width of the spectral profile at 50 percent of the maximum quantum yield and is often referred to as the full-width at half maximum…” (With thanks from the source:… )
We have the Addition and the Multiplication of Nano Wavelengths as ending firstly say in Addition giving lower frequencies as the Slopped Excitation Tail (its Head, the Dragon Head rather than the Tail), and the Slopped Emission Tail, the Dragon Tail as the Multiplication, which in its worth seems higher but in if additions of frequencies is lower than wavelengths of the say what shows the red, orange, yellow and the green colors as now acting as the “SAHA” rather than the “HASA”, the higher frequencies as is the green, blue, sky blue and indigo color ranges appearing first as the “SAHA” first and the “HASA” next to it, and its also the “Sacred Theory of Birth, Death and the Life Lived” as the child on birth has the “SAHA” first, then “Life”, and the “HASA” at the end, and the Indians call it the Life and Death Cycle, and the Life Span, which goes for any atom to human life in the same way for any given universe as we see it as shown below:
When we apply, the “SAHA” and the “HASA” methods as above, we have the Lambda Stake as the Twisting of Green Colors, which is the “SAHA Color”, which we have twisting going on naturally, and we have the “OORA AARA with Twisted EERI”, and thus we notice in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script that we have the number systems as the “IK (1) DO (2) with Twisted Tin (3)”, and thus do not have “OORA” as the number 1, the One in the same languages, and that the Sacred Education Systems by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism gives this Sacred Twisting as starting of “OMKARA” with the “IKONKARA” with Number Systems, and has been researched well for the very reason as he, the Guru Ji says that “IK” has the “OM” at the second place, which is the “Do or Dou, the 2” of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Languages. It makes the “OM” having the “Sound Energies of “OM as the OAM or the OMN” in the “IKOMNKARA”, which means the “Emergence of Sound Energies in the Light Energies at the 3rd Step and thus the 1, 2, and 3 as the Ik, Do, and Tin rather than say Oka, Dara,and Teeri”, and we thus can have a conclusion hypothetically that at the “Twisting of Charges and the Frequencies in Light, we have the Light as the Wave Changing into the Particle.” It simply means the “Sound Energies must have the Wavelengths of Light with Addition Systems rather than Multiplication”. We notice it in the Disk Drivers as it gives the Single Cylinder following the Multiplication of the Frequencies and the Waves and have it as if the “GREEN LINE as a Kin and Kith to the 528 Hz, the Sacred Frequency that heals the DNA, and Seals the Computer Databases!”
In the above computer database twisting, we have the “Khanda Twisting” going on as the Sacred Spindling going on as shown below:
We use these qualitative works by saying that any “SASA, the Balancing of Computer Programming by Spindling of Direct and the Indirect Methods as same as in the Languages and Grammars”, and thus always have the following:
1. The “SAHA” as the Direct Blocks, the Addition Blocks
2. The “HASA” as the Indirect Blocks, the Multiplication Blocks
It gives all Sacred Spindling Producing the Mother and Daughter DNA Tress with Extensions going on as in the Computers and the Computing, the Semiconducting in the Universe as we see below:

When we use this “SASA, SAHA and the HASA”, we have the Holistic Camera, the “SASA” that Communicates with the Base Station giving the “SAHA and the HASA” digital messaging, the broadcasting systems worldwide, and in it the Mobile Camera can also be acting as the “SAHA and the HASA” for the “SASA”, the Viewer:
We use the Methods of “SASA, the SAHA and the HASA” to troubleshoot almost all problems in the computer, internet and networking, which gives us the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script and Numerals as a blessing helping in it as the following image is for the Direct (SAHA), Indirect (HASA) and the Redirect (SASA in which SA=SA), and thus the Sacred Computing Systems of the SASA, the SAHA and the HASA:
It gives all Spindling Adjustments with Twisting and the Spindling going on to serve all as we can add as many diagrams, charts, systems, which can help us to troubleshoot any problem related to computers, machines, and other system problems that need networking, and we have the most electrical, electronic and computing images made on at a given charts for solutions, the troubleshooting:
We when have the SASA Electromagnetic Systems with the SAHA and the HASA, we have the following:
1. The “SASA” as the Alternating Currents and in it we have the SA=SA, the Electric Systems
2. The “HASA” as the “Direct Current”, the Electronic Systems
3. The “SAHA” as the “Variable Current” as shown in the Image 10.0 Sacred Electromagnetic Twisting, which can also give what we know as the fluctuations say as we go little with the following image:

SA’HASA, SA’SAHA, HA’SASA, and thus the SA’ and the SASA’ with the “SA’HASA and the SASA’SAHA and the SASA’HASA Systems”, which can be either
4. “SA’HASA”,the “MARA, the Medium Systems” and the Semiconductors, and or
5. “SASA’HASA”, the Transmissions as giving the Medium as discussed the “MARA” and the “RAMA” Systems, the Light as the Medium that the Indians know also as the “SOHANSA” and the “HANSA”.
The SOHUN which is the SAHANSA and HANSA is the Horizontal Line that draw to signify the X and -X, and also as the Y and the -Y and the Z and the -Z Axis, and the Indian Systems as we discuss it in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems, we have it as the Sacred Trigonometry in which we show the following in the Modern Math and Trigonometry:
SA’HASA, SA’SAHA, HA’SASA, SA’HA’SA, and thus the SA’ and the SASA’ with the “SA’HASA and the SASA’SAHA and the SASA’HASA Systems, which in the Trigonometric Systems give us the Degrees as well.
We have the SASA as the 0 Degree as its at the Origin, and thus the Horizontal Line that we draw as the SAHA, the 4th and the 5th Letters of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script on it is having the opposite as the HASA, and its the opposite of the SAHA, and but completes the Circle of 360 of the 35 Letters, and the “SAHA” is the 36th and the Compound Letter, and thus when we come back from the SA through HA, we have the 360=0 Degrees covered and the HA through SA gives the 0=360 Degrees, and we always have the Direction of a Given Circle as Clockwise from SA to HA, and the HA to SA as the Anticlockwise, however as in the Conventional Math, we have the Anticlockwise as the 0 to 360 Degrees as shown below, we have the HASA as the Clockwise and thus 360 to 0 or the -360 Degrees:
Thus we have the following:
1. “SA” and the “SASA” as the 0, and the 360 Degrees
2. “SA to HA” as the 90 Degrees, and the “Middle of the “SA” and the “HA” as the “SAHA” as the 45 Degrees, and “HASA” as the 180 Degrees, and its conventional
3. The “SA’HASA” means Starting from 0, the SA Degrees, and reaching to “HA”, the 90, and then back to “SA”, and at the “HASA”, we have it as we say the AB, BC, CD, and other points say on a given Triangle. HASA is the 180 Degrees and we have the “SA” as its origin with 0 Degrees not as the 360 Degrees, and thus our HASA, the 180 Degrees from the 0 Degrees is the “SA’HASA”
Similarly, the SA’SAHA, is from the 0 Degree, the SA and covers the SAHA Degrees of a given angle, which is the SAHA, 180 Via HA, the 90 Degrees, and the Half of the SA and the HA again the 180, which is the 90+180=270, and that it covers through the SA and the HA Path, its also the SA, we can use this notation for SA and the SA as we know the “Mirror Theories”, and in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Scripts, the Mirror Theory is given as the “SA” and the “SAA” or the “S” and the “SA”, and in it, we have the “S” without “A”, and the “A” is the “AARA”, the Proton or the Positive Charge added to it, and thus the “S” is a Bindu, the Point in a given graph, and the “SA” is the line drawn from the Origin of the Graph, the Circle giving it, the “SA as the Line Joining the Center of the Circle to the Point S, and thus A is the Addition of Points, the Bindu’s, the Reason that we say the “AARA”, the Points of Light Joined, and always have it as the “AARAHA”, and the “HA” means the Sound, the Visible Light or Hear-able Sound, and all that is Perception!”
Thus, we have the “0+Bindu+AARAHA”=”AARAHA+Bindu+AARAHA”=”0+AARAHA”=”AARA HA”
We continue and discuss it in the next part:
How the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems Explains the Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, Mirror Theory, Modern Physics Beyond the Standard Model, Baryon Particles, Black Matter, Super Symmetry, String Theory, Dimensions of Orbitals of S, P, D, and F as Bonds: Be Happy Philselfologically – 86
Meanwhile, we will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!