How Indian Sacred Theories of Pure DNA, the Vedas and Sacred DNA, the Purana are the Incarnation and Reincarnation of Pure and Sacred Worlds of DNA: Sacred Sikh Moolmantra and Be Happy Philselfologically – 68
When we consider any Indian Sacred Systems, we have the following two major categories that deal with Existence of Life as we the Loka, the Earth System and the Parloka, the Space, the Subtle or Heaven Systems as the Parloka as when we say:
1. The Pure Form of Life as the 4 Vedas giving details about the Atama, the Intelligence as the Pure Form of Sacred DNA. As its the Invisible World, we also know it as the Parloka in the Indian Sacred Education Systems called the Indian Shastra.
2. The Applied Form of Life as what “Other Than Vedas” teach in the world as the Mann, the Creative Intelligence as the Pure Form of Sacred DNA. As its the Visible World, we also know it as the Loka in the Indian Sacred Education Systems called the Indian Shastra.
We live in both the Loka, the Visible World and the Parloka, the Invisible World at the same moment when we have a human body, which has the Pure DNA as the Invisible World and the Sacred DNA as the Visible World. The close word in English to Loka is Locus, which means the Pivot, the Center of a say Circle or any shape that we imagine. This Sacred Pivot as the Sacred Locus has two circles a Circle Inside the Circle as the Para or Pure Circles as we say in the Indian Languages as the Para Locus, the Loka or the Paraloka, and the Circles outside the Outer Most and thus the Visible Circle, which is simply the Locus, the Sacred Circles as we say the Loca or Loka.
As we all live in the Loka, the Visible World known all together as the Brahma World and the Outer World and the Parloka all together as the Par-brahma, the Invisible and the Inner World. Now, the Visible Universes are the Brahma Loka’s in the Universes as even the Universe is known as the Brahmanada, the Egg Type Sphere having the Elliptical Rotations about the Static Axis while all of it Revolving around the Sun, North Polaris and the Centers as the Earth, Earth-Moon-Sun (Solar System) and Group of Stars as around the Center of the Universe, the Sachkhanda to say is simply one Universe as a Sphere, and there are many such Egg or Elliptical Spheres, the Indians call it the Aanda, the Elliptical Shape as that of an egg in the Space. Thus, all the Universes together, which are visible are in the Brahma or the Brahm, the Outer and Visible State, the Asthoola, the Matter World of the Universes. All of these universes as the Elliptical Sphere, the Anda’s are in the Space, which gives them all a balancing factor as if the zero gravity or centers of gravity, which is nothing but the Space by itself. The Space, which is so minute that the Indian Astronomical Scriptures call it the Sukhama, the Brahma of Shakti World or Shiva Worlds of the Shakti, the Matter Worlds sustaining the Matter World, the Asthoola World and we can understand this Invisible Space as the Parbrahma.
Thus, all the Sacred DNA’s, the Shiva-Shakti as the Sacred Set of Electromagnetic Systems live and rest in the Pure DNA’s in Brahma, the Visible Worlds of the Macro Universes as together and this setup is in all the Atama’s, which are divided Sacred DNA’s and all as One Single Atama as the Parmatama live in the Parbrahma, the Micro Space as if in the Absence of Sound Energies that we know as the Ethereal, the Akash or Space Element. When the Indians say “Guru”, its Reminder of the Micro State, the Permant State as the Sacred Awastha stated as the Achet Vivashta in many Indian Scriptures. Carl Jung has studied it as the Philosophy and Concepts of Parbrahma and the Parmatama, which we also know as the Sacred Studies of Unconscious Mind, and it bears as the Indian Sacred Philosophy of Guru as the Symbol of Parbrahma, the Micro or Sukhama Universe and the Parmatama, the Micro or Pure DNA, which are as if the Sacred DNA in the Unconscious Stage. Here, the Sacred Wonder that the Vedas say as: “Net! Net!” exists that the Sukhama Mandalas, the Sacred Spheres of Preserving of All Sacred and Pure DNA’s get their rest as in the Creative Intelligence that we know Mann in India, and thus the major reason that the Sacred Indian Education Systems talk about Before Birth, Birth as the Incarnation, During Life and After Death Life, the Reincarnation of Pure and Sacred DNA’s, and thus the Secrets and Mysteries of Indian Sacred Philosophy of Death and Rebirth of Sacred DNA’s, and the Entire Process as the Recycling of Life and Death. The Sacred DNA’s are thus called the “Jeeva’s”, the Ones, which live!
The Indian Sacred Education Systems study the Genes, which is the Jeeva’s (Jeev, Jiv, Gene,…, and so on) Studies as based on the following categories:
1. Soil
2. Water
3. Fire
4. Air
5. Sound, the Space
6. Shakti, the Electricity or the Electrical Part of the Jeeva’s, the Genes, the Sacred DNA
7. Shiva, the Magnetism or the Magnetic Part of the Jeeva’s, the Genes, the Sacred DNA
8. Shiva-shakti, the Electromagnetism or the Electromagnetic Part as the System of the Jeeva’s, the Genes, the Sacred DNA
Now, these are what we know as the 8-Dimensions of the Jeeva Shakti, the Sacred Dimensions, the Bhavna of the Shiva-Shakti and mostly as the 8-Shakti, the Sacred Energy, the Dimensions of Force, and the Ninth Dimension is beyond the Sacredness as we say its the Pure Form of Energy as the Power Dimension as the 9th Pure and Sacred Dimension. The Purity is the Power Dimension in the Indian Sacred Education Systems:
9. Shiva or Z-Axis on the 8-Dimensions of X-Y Axis’s as the Bio-Electromagnetism or the Bio-Electromagnetic Part as the Direction of Bio-Systems of the Jeeva’s, the Genes, the Sacred DNA
When we have a drawing or any other paper lying flat, its 8-Dimensional as we use in the Indian Vastu and other Sacred Map Systems, and when we fold it from anywhere, the strings of that or any other fold acts as the 9th Dimension as the Starting of what we have discussed in this part as the 8 Dimensions of Sacred Power (9th to 16th), and thus the Vector Direction and the quality, and we may have the String Theory of Say Universe in just 9 Sacred Dimensions:

We can more details about the Sacred Dimensions and the Direction Dimension or the Vector Dimension, the Direction Dimension that balances the 8-Dimensions of Energies as the Forces:
Philselfology of Indian Sacred Mantra Systems: Drisha, Darshaka, Drishta, Darshana and the Theory of Dimensions: Studies of Nature and the Universe say Shri Yantra: Be Happy Philselfologically – 59
How Sacred Indian Geometry Makes All World Grammars a Sacred Ease of Learning of Languages: The 8 Cases in World Languages as 8-Dimensions of the Universe: Be Happy Philselfologically – 60
How Sacred Indian Geometry Makes All World of Sciences Sacred Ease of Learning with Atomic Orbitals: The Sacred 8 and 10-Dimensions of the Universe, Holy Spirit and God, its Sacred Visualization, 14-D and 16-D’s: Be Happy Philselfologically – 61
The Loka remains as the Reincarnation of any given Parloka as the Incarnation, the Master Map as we say the Pure DNA that the Sacred or the Reincarnated DNA from it follows till it lives in any body say a human.
For example, the Sacred Mapping of DNA goes as the Sacred Genetic, the DNA Locus: “In genetics, a locus (plural loci) is the specific location of a gene or DNA sequence or position on a chromosome. Each chromosome carries many genes; humans estimated ‘haploid’ protein coding genes are 20,000-25,000, on the 23 different chromosomes. A variant of the similar DNA sequence located at a given locus is called an allele. The ordered list of loci known for a particular genome is called a genetic map. Gene mapping is the process of determining the locus for a particular biological trait.” (With thanks from the source: (genetics))
Now, in the Punjabi languages, we say: “Loki Ki Kahange!” “What will the People, the Loki say!”, and it has a very deep, sound and a profound status of sacred education and studies in the Punjabi, Hindi and Sanskrit languages and thus the Vedas and the Gurbani, the Holy and the Sacred Teachings of Sikhs, yes founded and established by the Sikh Gurus, who never went to any school or colleges as all the Indian Bhagat’s have never gone, while all being the great and sacred or divine researcher of sacred education systems in the world with center of the universe as the Locus and the Loci!
The Indian Bhagat’s has been the Quantum Philosophers of Universe, Consciousness, Time Dimensions and experts of the dimension theories based on the Tat Darshana, the Philosophy of Elements present all over the world as the easiest way of innate knowledge and wisdom, and we need it in our modern education systems as all theories of the “Bhagat’s Constitute the Single Theories of Everything” as well, and this thesis supports that the knowledge and wisdom of the universe reincarnates, and thus the “Theory of Reincarnation, Avtara, the Christ Sacred Systems”:
World Civilizations, Universe with Classical and Brahmi, the Quantum Languages: Quantum and Classical Studies of Light and Life: Sanskrit and Hebrew as Classical with Armenian and Gurmukhi as the Quantum Languages – Be Happy Philselfologically – 116
The Vedas thus mainly focus on the Human as the Light Observer and the Indian Bhagat’s and say the 5 Year Old Dhruva, the Other Children, Aged and Others who followed the Second Observer’s Level of Consciousness as the Observers do everything from the Theory of Elements, the Shabada Theory of Indian and the World Civilizations that is the Jeeva, the Ishwara, the Consciousness as the Source of Everything says that one does not need the Veda Knowledge and Wisdom and when one needs is to add the more witness and testimonials to what Vedas, the Holy Scriptures otherwise describe. The regret is that almost no works has been fully conducted on these “Original Works without Reference” and the Modern Education Systems lack “Theories of Elements and Dimensions” from the last 300 years and we notice and observe it as the “Dark Age of Science and Technology with Mesmer’s Education Systems of Materialism that does not recognize the Theories of Elements and the Dimension as world has studied it from thousands of years” and thus the Sacred Education Systems seem to have gone from the academics even though world population and the communities now know it from the Holy and Sacred Systems in the world.
Anyone in the world can study the Indian Sacred and Holy Scriptures, which give the Most Ideal and Perfect Lessons of Sacred Education and its Studies in the Universe as it embraces the Sacred Grammars, which follow the Most Sacred Symmetry of the Universe in which we live and it has nothing to do with any world religion and faith whatsoever as for example the Holy Book of Sikhs as the Living Guru is the Composition of Most Sacred Grammatical Hymns possible in the human life, and give spiritually finest lessons of any possible sacred education in the world, which we study to master the Sacred Education and thus the World of Sacred Symmetry. It thus embraces the Symmetry of Words, the Sounds that we say “AA EE OO” in the World of Grammars in any world languages, and this is what all birds, animals and humans speak. It gives the First Symmetry of Sounds of the Universe as the Sacred Composition of Indian Ragas, the Sacred Hymns and thus the Sacred Psalms. and also does the Composition and the constitution as what we know as the Sacred Mantras in the Human Civilizations and the Essential of Vedas, which the Gurbani and All of the Sacred Grammars of Any Contemporary Age teaches and educates in the same way as we study numbers as Math!
“The learning of Indian curriculum in late classical times had at its heart a system of grammatical study and linguistic analysis.<18> The core text for this study was the Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini, the sine qua non of learning.<19> This grammar of Pāṇini had been the object of intense study for the ten centuries prior to the composition of the Bhaṭṭikāvya. It was plainly Bhaṭṭi’s purpose to provide a study aid to Pāṇini’s text by using the examples already provided in the existing grammatical commentaries in the context of the gripping and morally improving story of the Rāmāyaṇa. To the dry bones of this grammar Bhaṭṭi has given juicy flesh in his poem. The intention of the author was to teach this advanced science through a relatively easy and pleasant medium. In his own words:
This composition is like a lamp to those who perceive the meaning of words and like a hand mirror for a blind man to those without grammar. This poem, which is to be understood by means of a commentary, is a joy to those sufficiently learned: through my fondness for the scholar I have here slighted the dullard.
Bhaṭṭikāvya 22.33–34…
Pāṇini’s work became known in 19th-century Europe, where it influenced modern linguistics initially through Franz Bopp, who mainly looked at Pāṇini. Subsequently, a wider body of work influenced Sanskrit scholars such as Ferdinand de Saussure, Leonard Bloomfield, and Roman Jakobson. Frits Staal (1930-2012) discussed the impact of Indian ideas on language in Europe. After outlining the various aspects of the contact, Staal notes that the idea of formal rules in language – proposed by Ferdinand de Saussure in 1894 and developed by Noam Chomsky in 1957 – has origins in the European exposure to the formal rules of Pāṇinian grammar.<citation needed> In particular, de Saussure, who lectured on Sanskrit for three decades, may have been influenced by Pāṇini and Bhartrihari; his idea of the unity of signifier-signified in the sign somewhat resembles the notion of Sphoṭa. More importantly, the very idea that formal rules can be applied to areas outside of logic or mathematics may itself have been catalyzed by Europe’s contact with the work of Sanskrit grammarians.<20> (With thanks from the source: )
Now, the Sikh Gurus especially Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji as the Founder of Sikhism, who never went to any school as none of the 10 Sikh Gurus went to schools that way and the Second Sikh Guru, the Second Guru Nanak, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji gave the Gurmukhi Lipi, the Script and its Sacred Grammar, Linguistics, and thus the Sanskrit and Hindi Made Easy with Punjabi Grammars of the Gurbani, the Sikh Teachings, which embrace almost all Indian and the Arabian Languages as Rewritten and Composed it in the Various Indian Classical – The Sacred Raga, the Musical Sacred Composition by the Sikh Gurus say by Fifth Guru, Shri Guru Arjan Dev Ji and Tenth Guru Shri Guru Gobing Singh Ji in the Gurmukhi Lipi, the Script that the Punjabi Sacred Grammar is the Glory of Sacred Worlds and the Universe, which we have in our modern world civilization as a Sacred Blessing!
When we consider Sanskrit and Hindi, we notice that even today scholars in the Indian Regional Languages are one of the lowest paid as comparative to other world languages and thus the serious downfall of all regional languages due to attention, help, support, respect and sincere efforts for its keeping alive as sacred languages has become of the most serious threat to the world communities as we no longer have neither Indian Sacred Systems nor sense of equality for these sacred regional languages, which has brought all of the great bhagat’s and the Sikh Gurus, who almost never went to any school, but has always contributed the Sacred Alternative Grammars in the various regional languages in the world that have started to extinct now. We hope for the better future in keeping the contribution from the sacred regional languages alive without exploiting and roaming around the funds in the raising of cultural awareness among all regional and thus native and aboriginal worlds in any country, and hope we may keep it alive at least in our personal life.
A Lesson about Composition of Sacred Poems in Punjabi Languages in Punjabi:
In the Gurbani, the Teachings of Sikhism, we these Two Loka’s are also called as the “Two Dimensions, the Thava”, as it says: “Dovai Thaav Rakhe Gur Poore…!” Means the Pivot as the Center of Gravity or Frame of Reference of both the Inner Locus and the Outer Locus, we have it as the Guru, the Point of Frame of Reference that Keeps both the Loka and Parloka sustainable and thus always available to anyone living as the Light that Glows, the Atama, which moves as the individual Pure DNA in the Space, the Universe in which we live, and thus discussed as the Pure DNA, the Thing of the Ether, the Space, the Eternal and thus the Akash Tattva; it is unlike the Sacred DNA, the Visible Form of DNA on any earth system in the heavens or space in the universe and thus the Creative Intelligence as we have discussed in the previous part of Be Happy Philselfologically.
Now, the Pure Form of Knowledge and Wisdom as we know the Gyana, the Vedas needs Schools, Colleges and the Universities as we now have all over the world doing it very well, and related to it is what we can know as the Process of Knowing the Pure Forms of DNA as its similar to what we have as say the Theory of Forms, and this Pure Form of the DNA in philosophical worlds of the Socrates, Plato and Aristotle is the Inner or the Hidden World. The Takshashila University Systems has been an example of it the Modern World civilizations.
On the other hand, the Sacred Form of Knowledge and Wisdom is lived practically, and needs no formal education, and this is what follows the Intuitive Side as popularly known as the Psychic and the intuitive faculties among us.
For example, a teacher or a lecturer in a school, college and a university may not do farming or the labor, and when we work practically the education that we have in any institution at any given time may not bring any good results as Pure Knowledge and Research Works differ when we notice it in the Applied Form of Knowledge and Research Works. The Intellectuals are thus the type of DNA Developers with Incarnation Theories, and we cannot develop, excel and see evolution of Pure DNA without the Sacredness, the Environment it needs, and thus comes the need and role of Reincarnation Theories in the World, and the Need of Sacred Side of a Given Pure DNA. Thus, the Purity is Known by All, and we can educate it worldwide, but the Sacredness is Never Known as its Lived Only, when Known. However, human world needs both categories of Incarnation and the Reincarnation Sacred Education Systems of DNA.
For example, the Bhagat’s, who ideally follow world religions and faiths in any given age learn most of the things that we know as the Natural Laws and Principles that they have both the Pure and the Sacred Sides of DNA well developed, and we humans need no education for knowing what a human is as the cow does not education to know what she is and what she needs to do. This very thing that all humans know what and who they are by just being what they are is the Indian Theory of Reincarnation of Pure DNA in any form say cat, dog, bird or whatever as the associated form of Sacred DNA gives the necessary knowledge and functionality to any Complete or Perfect DNA of say cat, dog or a human.
The Indian Civilizations call it the Theory of Naam, the Mantra, the Sacred Resonating Vibration of the Atama, the Atma as the Sacred Vibration of Holy, Pure, Perfect, Pious and thus the Sacred DNA as well because a person in it, the Scared Knowledge and Wisdom by Insight as it gives without any previous information and knowledge can know the secrets of the universe and life in it.
For it, the Sacred Education Systems of All World Civilizations, the Theory of Bindu, the Point, Circle, Sacred Cycle, the Wheel, Sacred Geometry, Sacred Math; Music, Grammar, and Arts, and so on have everything in abundance as one by learning and specializing any one topic can achieve the highest possible level, the Pada in the universe, which a well educated person achieves in many years. The Founder of Sikhism, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji gave the Most Sacred Explanation Needed for Sacred Bindu, the Frame of Reference in what we know as the Moolmantra of Sikhism. It starts with Ik Onkar, which has a greatness of both the Sacred Geometry and the Sacred Sounds.
The number “One”, the 1 in any world math and languages comes after the zero, the 0, in the Punjabi, Hindi and the Sanskrit languages the Zero, 0 is written as Blank, which is Light as the Bindu, the Point, and the these languages extend “One” as having the “Zero”, the Light Point at the Head, and its tail ending at what we know as the Black or the Bindu Part that we drag, and its theory is same as the Human Sperm as having head and the tail or a line when we draw it from any given point and leave it anywhere and thus the Symbol of 01, and its the First Measurement of the Sound Energy of “K” as we limit it to the minimum with “I” or “EE” making it “Ik”, the minimum of Shakti that we draw, and here the Shakti stands for force of friction required to produce the first letter, the consonant of Punjabi language that needs energy to pronounce and say it, and thus it has 4 Major Sacred Dimensions of the White Bindu, the Point as the 4-Directions, E, W, N, S and the 4 Major Sacred Dimensions of Black Bindu, the Point as the 4-Directions of EN, NW, WS, and the SE. This very structure is always shown as the Swastika as the 4 Major Directions and Dimensions, and the 4 Dots inside it as the Secondary Sacred Directions and Dimensions. This is also present as the Shri Yantra and Hindus and many others worship it, while to say all use it for yoga, meditation and focus, and Sikhs greet using 1, the One as the “Bole So Nihal! Sat Shri Akaal!” means “It Gives Immense Pleasure If One Simply Reminds the Sacred Truth of 8 Dimensional Sat, which is Shakti Form of God, the Shri and 8 Dimensions of Sacred Power, the Akaal!” or generally as the “Sat Shri Akaal!)

In the Ik Onkar as the Ekonkar, the Symbol of 1 is for the Bindu, which in the Sacred Hindu Geometry is the Male-Female Shakti’s as One and is represented as the Swastika and thus the Point, the Bindu that is the Symbol of Sacred Energies as one, and thus the Representation of 8 Sacred Dimensions as described above and thus the Symbol of “1”, which is one Single Frame of Reference. It then has associated OM, which is the Sound Energy as the First Thing in the Theory of 5 Elements as the Akash Tattva, the Very Space Element as the Sound of OM which starts like in the Sacred DNA of 8-Dimensions, while the Sound of OM has its own dimension, and then comes the “Kara” in the “Ekonkara”, which means that “Kara”, the Sounds of Sacred Vowels, which is the Un-struck Sounds as it does not need to create any touch, the friction to speak the sacred vowels, and thus the sacred vowels run the rest of the sounds that need force of friction (thus all that it creates is called the Bhav+Jala, having clusters of consonants as the Jala as the Free Atoms Join to form the cloud, the liquid form of 5 elements when they cannot freely exist in air, the vana as airy form of sacred vowels, and as the consonants all change into the clouds, the water or the Jala, and thus the clusters of consonants, and it means consonants do not belong to Bhava+Vana, the Bhavana as we have discussed the dimensions of 5 Elements, Electromagnetism and the Jeeva, the Gene. So the Bhavana is the ocean of sacred vowels, which Sikh Gurus and the Bhagat’s call the Sukhsagara, the Ocean of Sacred Sounds of Vowels are easy to swim, and this is thus called the Sukh, the Sweet to Consciences and here its the Sacred DNA, which controls and manages how we feel the pains and the pleasures), well again the Liquid, the Clouded as if bonds of consonants and the sacred vowels, and thus the Form of Consonant Clusters is the Nada (not the Anahada or Anahat), and thus the Un-struck, the Sounds of Vowels, which are the Primal, Primitive and thus the Incarnated Sound Energies run all the Struck, the Sounds of Consonants, which is simply the Various Sound Energies as the Reincarnations of Primitive or Primal Sounds in the Universe, and thus all the Systems of Sacred Dimensions on the Single Base of Sacred 8-Dimensions.
Now, the Entire Universe exists with one natural law that all the Sacred Energies in the 8-Dimensions can never be destroyed, while these energies, the forces follow the Law of Conservation of Energy, which as One Single Sacred Dimension is the Power Dimension, which we have called the Vector Dimension, and that is the Power of Direction, which follow the Law of Conservation present in the 8-Dimensions, and thus is the 9th Dimension.
The important point is that the 8 Sacred Dimensions of Shakti, the Force are called the Sacred Dimensions of Loka, the Visible World., and the Other 8 Dimensions say from the 9th to 16th Dimension as we discuss here are called the Sacred Dimensions of Parloka, the Power or Invisible World as Plato calls it the Inner, the Ideal World inside in the Theory of Forms, and he further says that all humans follow the Ideal and Inner World while using it in the Real Life and the Real Outer, the World Outside. Thus, we follow the Theory of Similarities Present in these Two Worlds, the Loka and the Parloka. In our scientific endeavors, we have the Nucleus of an Atom as the Parloka, and the Electronic Orbitals around the given Nucleus of an Atom as the Loka, and the Loka carries the Electronic Force, the Shakti of the atom, and the Nucleus carries the Magnetic Power, the Stability of the same Atom. Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the 10th Guru Nanak as we say, and thus the 10th Sikh Guru, who founded the Khalsa Panth introduced this Sacred Theory of Shiva-Shakti as the Mahakala-Kalka Theory of Khanda, the Double Edged Sword Theory of the Universe in the Electromagnetic Way as he says: “Sarb Loh Ki Rachhai Hamnai…!” “The Pure and Sacred Iron, which constitutes the Electromagnetism of the Universe Saves me everywhere!” in the Sacred Dasam Granth as discussed in the following part of this series:
Philselfology of Sacred Electron, Nucleus, Atom, Earth Systems and 3-D Theories of Universe: Sikhism and Sacred Structures of Electromagnetic Symbols, Emblems, and Systems in Atom and Universe – Be Happy Philselfologically – 56
8-D Sacred Structure of Iron:

Now, as we discuss it further, we have the 9th Sacred Dimension, which also the Z-Axis, and its Power can be either positive or negative as for direction sake of a given vector in the Z-Axis. Thus, it completes the 10th Direction. All the Natural Laws and Principle follows firstly that the Energies can neither be created or destroyed, but we can change the Form of Energy, and secondly that Law of Conservation of Energies in the Given 8-Sacred Direction is always preserved. These Two Sets of Laws as the Pair are what we know as the Law of Induction and Deduction, and its the “Sat” of the Vedas. Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji called it the “Satnam”, and here Naam is as we say that for any given that fulfills the requirements of 10-Dimensions of Sacred Symmetry is Name of Sound as we say “OM”, the Sacred Sound Energy of Vowels, which is the Glowing Light as the Center of any given Circle, and when we talk about the Consonants, it produces the Clusters of Consonants, and thus is what creates the Circle Around the Light that Glows. The Bonds that Consonants have with Sacred Vowels are like the Radius of the Point at the Circumference, and as we can have many circles around the same point, the center of a circle, we have these Two Points considered as Light and Darkness, the Center of a Circle does not change and is thus light, and any set of circles around the center, the light can be repeated, replicated, and more circles can be created or removed but the wonder is that the Bindu, the Light which is 8-Dimensional Point can never be destroyed anywhere in the universe, and as this Bindu, the Inseparable Light is everywhere in the universe as if the Light that remains immersed, it called the “Naam” means what “Nams”, and thus the Satnam means as Guru Ji says the Unchangeable Truth, the Sat, which is Immersed everywhere in the Universe is the Naam, and thus the Satnam.
Then the Vedas talk and discuss about the Words as when the Consonants or the Grammatical Structures use the “Light as I” that is in the Brahmi Languages say in the Gurmukhi talk and discuss it as the Third Person as the Vedas say: “I’m Light” and thus Sanskrit Grammars, and “I’m Jeeva, the Consciousness” differs in the Grammatical Structures and the Functions, and thus the Sanskrit Grammar goes for the Classical Systems and the Gurmukhi, the Brahmi Languages go for the Ishwara, the Jeeva or the Right Brain Theories, the Mann Theories of Indian and the World Civilizations, we have a Single Word for all words, which we measure with the Sacred Scale of the Sacred Vowels as with “EE” or “I”, the “K” is given the Minimum Weight in the Sounds having all words getting weights as the Laghu and the Guru words as the Valimiki, the Great Indian Epic Poet learned:
Thus all of the 16 Sacred Vowels are the Base of Indian Sacred Measurements of Weight, Time and Distance, and lot more as the Indian Sacred Dimensions are are in say Raga, the Ghaddi and Pal Time System of say 60, 60, 60 (all as the 16*5), and distances in Inch and Feet (British), Ratti, Currency as the 16 Aana, the 16 into 4 quarters or 16 divisions of currency, the angles, and the entire of Sacred Systems of Geometry, Math, Trigonometry, Drawing, Economics, Music, and whatever we can use in the Indian Sacred Education Systems is having the Sound Base of 4*4=16, while the 8 is its Mid-Point. It is the Vedic Verbal Communication Skills that all Indians know and use even today, and never changed in any Imperialism intervals.
Every kind of Music in the World Civilizations is Set of 4 Beats with 1 Blank Beat, and 8 Beats with 8th as the Blank Beat! Its same as “AA EE OO …”
In the Gurbani, the Teaching of Sikhism these scales are used for all purposes. However as our modern education systems are not yet based on the Sacred Educational Systems of any of the World Civilizations, and all the Calendars used are not scientific either, thus the Great Spiritual and Scientific Works of Great Sikh Gurus are highly ignored in India to say as the Governing Bodies never use these Sacred Scales, and modern Indian officials and the Indian educated person may not know almost anything about it, and thus its mostly matter of getting grants, and the scholars and researchers are mostly “yes man” to the grant issuing authority and challenge mostly by saying and asking about how long one is going to live and survive as “no man”, and one day one has to be a sold person by becoming the “yes man”, and the lo grant comes! This is true in almost all world native and aboriginal cultures and civilizations, and I am a living example of it from say 40 years!
Thus, on the measurement scales of consonants with the sacred vowels, we have the “K”, the “Ka”, which stands for all Mantras of the Aadi Shakti Kali, and in these is well immersed Satman as the Karta, the Rata in the Karta is that Male Form of Rati, the Shakti as the 8-Dimensional Sacred Geometry is the Rati, the Shakti, and the Sacred Dimensions of Power, the Vector and Direction as the 9th and the 10th Dimensions are the Rata, and thus the Male Form, and thus the Karta. Now, as this Karta, the One, who Runs the World of Words and the Sounds of the Sacred Vowels and the Clusters of Consonants is beyond gender, and this is specified as the “Purukhu” as Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji calls it, and thus in every living thing, we have the “Karta Purukhu”, who runs the Bindu, the Light and all that it creates as the Shakti as the Image of the Bindu around the Bindu as the Consonants create millions of sounds around the sacred vowels. This is the Visible Presence of God as the Omnipresent, the “Karta Purukhu”.
When we have understood the Secrets of 10-Dimensions, we need to know how the Power that Drives these 10 Sacred Dimensions, and thus who and what the “Karta Purukh” is. The Guru Ji says that He, the Eternal Power is “Nirbhao”, without Fears means it cannot be Influenced by the Energies of the 8-Dimensions, this the 11th Dimension and “Nirvair”, without Enmity means this Sacred Power does not Influence anything in the 8th Dimensions of Shakti, the Energies, and its own Unchangeable Power Dimensions of say Vector and Direction Dimensions, the 9th and the 10th Dimensions as to say. Thus, the 12th Dimension is where the Shakti, the Energy of 8 Sacred Dimensions and the Shiva, the Power of 9th, 10, and the 11th Dimensions are ONE. The Wonder is that its called the Mann, the Mapping of Union of Human Intelligence and the Creative Intelligence. This is what Guru Ji calls the “Akaal Moorati” means that what is Beyond Time, the Kala, which we can assume as the 13th Dimension and thus Akala, and Beyond Space, the Moorati, which is the Sacred Image we see inside and we can assume it as the 14th Dimension and when imagine in our Human Brains that is called the Moorati constituted of 14 Sacred Dimensions. Here lives the Swami of 14 Bhavana, the Sacred and Pure Owner of 14 Sacred Dimensions.
Now, one wonders what are the qualities of the 14th Sacred Dimension as the Vector Addition of All 11 Sacred Dimensions that the Guru Ji calls the “Akaal Moorati”.
The Sacred and Pure Owner of the 14 Sacred Dimensions as the Mann, the Creative Intelligence is “Ajooni”, its Beyond Any Form that we can imagine and thus the 15th Dimension of Formlessness. He, the Owner is “Saibhang”, which means the Formless Dimension has the “Self-illuminating Light” as the 16th Dimension with First 8 Sacred Dimensions of the Shakti and the Next 8 as that of the Power, the Shiva, and thus the 16 Male-Feamle Dimensions and now the Ribs of Male are the Sacred Dimensions to say as the Holy Bible says that God Created the Female, the Shakti Dimensions, the Sacred Daughter DNA from the 8 Pure or the Mother Sacred DNA, and thus both Jointly Stand as the Two Sacred Strands of Mother-Daughter DNA making it the 16 Dimensional Sacred Set of Life as shown below as the “The Sun Code of Genetic Programming”:
“The Sun Code of Genetic Programming,” c1982
“Sun Code of Genetic Substances: The so-called sun-code of genetic programming. The codones (four genetic substances) should be read from the inside-out. The four color-coded substances (G, A, U, C), combine first in 16 ways (4 x 4), then in 64 ways (4 x 16). The magic number 64 immediately reminds us of the 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching, the Chinese synergetic book of life. In this painting, the Sun-Code occupies the place of Tiphareth, surrounded by its satellite Spheres of the Tree of Life. The surrounding DNA chain in the shape of the World Egg, is a variation of the alchemical tail-eating serpent Ourobouros. Its head is formed by the Hebrew Yod, a symbol of life and sperm, the unbroken circle of life.” (With thanks from the source: )
Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji gives these 16 Sacred Dimensions as Sustained by the Parbrahma and Parmatama as the “Most Sacred and Pure Source of One Light” in the Universe, which the Guru Ji calls as the “Gurparsaadi” that the what keeps all of the 16 Sacred Dimensions working in the universe is One Pure Light, which is Beyond All Tastes, the Desires, which we say the Swadi, which may Drive the Sacred 16 Dimensions in any direction, but the Parsaadi as we have discussed in part of the series is beyond any selfishness, the desire or force that the Creative Intelligence as the Mann can use to influence the Sacred Dimensions. This very Invisible Dimension is the Dimension of Sacred and Pure Light with the Given Name of Gurparsaadi.
Now, the Guru Ji says that after ponder over Pure Light in the Form of “Gurparsaadi”, one feels it Holy Presence, and thus further says:
“Japu” means Recite in the Mann, the Heart as the Center of Creative Intelligence that
“Aadi Sachu”, this Holy Light is same at the center of created Sacred 16 Dimensions of the Universe, “Jugaadi Sachu”, that this Holy Light is sacred even in the Presence of the 8 Sacred Dimensions of the Shakti, the Force, “Hai Bhi Sachu”, this Holy Light as we see in our hearts right now is due to the Sacred Sounds of the Universe as the “Sounds of Sacred Vowels, the Sach”, and finally gives his witness saying: “Nanak Hosi Bhi Sachu” means “Says Guru Nanak that this Holy Light of the Sacred Vowels will remain there as its in the universe as the Holy Light of the Sacred Universe”! Amen!
We need to pay serious attention to what seems an irony in the World of Religions and Faiths as say in the Indian Civilizations, we read, listen and say:
“Baba Bikhu Dekhya Sansaar… !” (Gurbani)
“Wise and holy human, we see world perishable and thus like a poison… !”
and on the other hand,
“Eho Sansar Tum Jo Dekhde Hari Ka Roop Hai… ” (Gurbani)
“O Wise and Holy! The world we see is the Beauty of the Creator…!”
Now, these seem opposite, contrary and self-contradictory almost everywhere, but these two statements in which all things are perishable belong to the Sacred Dimensions of the Shakti, the Force and any Form of Energy can be converted into other form and this process keeps occurring from birth to death as even the atoms have life spans, and when we ascend to the Higher Sacred Dimensions of say the 9th and up to the 16th Sacred Dimensions of the Power, we are not talking about the Force, but the Power, which follows the Law of Conservation of Energy, which is always preserved, and thus nothing perishes in the Power Dimensions. That is why world religions and the faiths seem to condemn the bodies as the “perishable”, and thus the Shakti, Maya, Illusion and so on stands for it, and at the same time eternity of everything in the invisible form, which again reincarnates in the perishable physical form is stable. We say that life and its beauty is infinite, in abundance, pure, peaceful, pious, all powerful, and so on is the praise of the the Incarnated Sacred Dimensions of the Power, and the reason that we meditate is to live the inner life in the Sacred Dimensions of Power. Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji talks about this Divine and the Sacred Worlds of Power Dimensions by singing, and has given self-contradictory Life of Shakti, the Force a due respect in the context of living in the Visible, the Reincarnated World as all World Religions and Faiths teach and educate the same and in the same way.
The major reason for any problem that we deal with Inborn Genius of “Any Kind” as the Sacred Dimensions of Power and Acquired Sacred Dimensions of Energy, the Shakti. All of us are born with inherited talents, merits, qualities, and traits in either the Shakti, the Force Dimensions and the Power Dimensions or both, and it is what we have as the Inborn and the Acquired Genius within all of us. In my research studies of Philselfology, I observed that most of the modern and even many ancient institutions of education and research focus too much on the Acquired Genius and thus the Root Cause of imperialism and all the Educational and possible related human fields and the faculties of knowledge boosting marketing of education as something that if acquires from the university becomes a “genius”, the “scholar” and the “researcher”, but seems totally a wrong idea and wastage of precious times, energies and capacities of any human. Thus, the Acquired Genius Theories when we use anywhere in world, we use the Reincarnation Theories!
As a result, we have Nano Brain Chips making one Reincarnated as What One Wants to Be rather than What and Who One is, and thus is the need of Recognition of Inborn Genius in which one is a born student, researcher and a genius, and we can well know it in one’s childhood.…
“Are you there!”
So, for such Inborn Genius People, we may notice that every school, college and university may seem same as the Reformation Center for the Prisoners as we nowadays have the “Great and Serious Need to Modify the Behavior of World Population”, and we have what we want as it needs almost no effort to program any brain and the computers simply make it faster!
When we talk about the world mass population, we never talk about the Acquired Genius that we Install in the Brain, but the Sanskara Theory of Sacred India in which one starts from one is, and the fault that we face in any contemporary age is that we set the syllabus, standards and the procedures that one must pass to “Acquire the Genius Within”, and it is serious insult as it seems to most of the people in world having older age as emotionally, mentally, philosophically, spiritually and otherwise because they are usually senior even to their teachers though not biologically, and we seem to have left no animal and bird forcing them all to meet our criteria and standards so that modern people acquiring Nano Brain Chips Acquiring instant Genius in a Single Click, and it has no worth as it assumes one an animal! Thus, it is not a Sacred Thing!
Now, when we see a movie or our favorite TV Program, our Natural Installation of Brain Chip gives us what we need, and we need no education for it as when we see sun-rising, a bird chirping, sun-setting, we really need no chip for it, and that is what a Human, the Genius, the Child Within Knows, and when we are educated and or taught what we are not having relevant to our inborn genius, we one day need to get it edited and modified and at the cost of time, money, human energy, age, and all that could have been better if we have recognized that we all have a special, sacred and pure and thus the inborn genius inside all of us, and in hunting for bread and butter, we usually get time even to pause to recognize or give recognition to others as all having it get nothing good educationally, legally, socially and otherwise setting the worst possible example for next generations that when our kids play with mobiles, we know nothing sacred about how to educate them and bring them back to realize that they do have inborn genius within, and we have never recognized, we are unable to get it to give them while being sure that they will be educationally, legally, and socially recognized for it, and as a result modern education systems have failed. When I am writing, I feel the need of an ad:
Ad: The Indian Sacred Education Systems are the Best Prevention and Cure for Any Harm Modern Education Systems. Get the Package, and Free Ayurvedic Medicines!
Please note that when we talk about the Quantum Physics and Sciences, we talk about the Intelligence, which Indians call the Atama or Atama as present among everything as the Pure DNA Systems as the Sacred Poles of Electrons, which makes our universe a Place of Electromagnetic Energies and Powers as the Sacred Indian Civilizations call the Magnetic Side of any electron, atom or a magnet as yes to say the Pure Side of Matter, the Shakti DNA, and the Electric Side as to say as the Sacred Side of the Matter, the Shakti DNA, and the Together as the Electromagnetic System A Pure Sacred System of Matter, the Shakti DNA. We then add to it the Botanical and the Biological Dimensions, the Essence of Creative Intelligence, the Mann that we know as the Sacred Living Body, the Shakti DNA as in the Botanical and the Biological, the Human Worlds.
Our children always need personal education based on their real talents, merits and abilities which has nothing to do with the biological age, and we in India and the each state give the great example of the Child Bhagat’s and the Great Indian 10 Sikh Gurus, who Never Went to Any School, but gave the World the Best of what the Native, Aboriginal and Rural Civilizations can give. Their Sacred education Systems now run all over the world and no imperialism has ever won it. The only harm that came was from the Introduction of Imperialistic Education, which went viral worldwide but has never been the Sacred World Education System that says that one should have a good character and deeds to be a leader in anything as in the Sacred Indian Education Systems, one needs to be Human of Merit and that is Inborn Genius, and others help while such people also help the masses with easy of life as all the Bhagat’s, Sikh Gurus, and others having no degrees of Acquiring Genius Within kind of education systems. We salute to them as we salute our mothers as they need no qualifications to be mother as we say one is what one is and also who one is as while reading one is what one is; the “you!”
When we notice of the major contribution by the Bhagat’s and the Sikh Gurus in the Indian Civilizations, none among them might have gone to any school, college, university or the similar to get the degree and start to get this Sacred Knowledge and Wisdom. They literally and practically rewrote all the Vedas, the Vedic Knowledge and Wisdom without ever going to any Institution of Education. People call it a Miracle of Indian Sacred Education Systems, and no wonder western countries have all great people with this lineage who gave the world the Lived Modern Sacred Civilizations of the Vedas that we usually study in the modern colleges and the universities. This makes Pure and Sacred DNA the Perfect but not Utopian World Inside and Outside All Living Ones!
Now, these natural laws and principles may never support the modern medicines and the drugs in any form anywhere in the world as these without Puti, the Potency Systems mostly harm the Sacred DNA’s in the soil, plants, trees, birds, animals, humans and any other living and or non-living forms and thus any genetic modifications at cell, tissue, and other breeding systems among any kind of life forms and thus species may not be considered sacred in the context to the Sacred DNA, both the Linear as the Mother Side and the Parallel as the Daughter Side of the Sacred DNA, and thus Mother-Daughter RNA-DNA Sacredness, which is also present among all living ones. The good thing is that I was the best student of Biology until the Grade/Class/Grade 10th at the High School, and DNA Studies was my favorite topic, but one day our teacher of Biology operated on a frog, and cut all of its organs and limbs, and when I asked, she replied that she cannot bring it back to life, and while I opposed it, she said its part of practical’s of biology and all medical students do it. Then was the end of my studies in the Biology as it needed such a cruelty for biological studies. However, I kept studying Biology and the Sacred DNA and learned a lot as we have had a dairy farm in which we have had about 25 cows and the buffaloes and biology and psychology was thus our real and practical life as we also have had many cats, rats and dogs while birds would visit our home daily. My practice of Sacredness of DNA remained one of major interest, and we always learn it in Indian Farm houses and villages that life is sacred.
So, I worked on the Sacred Use of Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Twelve Tissue Remedies, Naturopathy, and natural resources of energy based on these animals and the birds. We thus never supported Modern Medicines and Drugs, which I discovered need to be made more sacred through the Puti or Potency Process of Triturations or at least the Formation of Mother Tinctures of All Allopathic Medicines as is in the Ayurveda and the Homeopathy as otherwise, the modern educations systems in India seem to have made most of the Indians atheists, communist kind of rationalists and the surgery and the translating of human and animal organs too have made people no longer dwell on the nature but on the crude medicines and the drugs. I felt great when the doctors of Rajindra Hopital of Patiala proposed Calcarea Phos 3x for teething among the children. We hope soon Calcium Products be launched with say at least Calcarea 1x as we take many medicines like at low cost, without side effects. Well, without say upto 3x-6x, all medicines are Tamo Guni, and thus is the Story of Allopathy that could not cure mother of a doctor of allopathy who was MBBS and MD in it and he cured his mother using China, the main medicine of Allopathy. He then resigned from the Allopathy and gave our modern world what we now know as the medicines of Homeopathy, and he, the great Hahnemann, yes Sir and Dr. Samuel Hahnemann has made the Ayurveda function as Nanopathy (Nano Technology) by giving us the Nano, the Micro of all Medicines and Drugs as the Potency of all say 1000, 50000, and 1CM, which is Pure and Sacred Nano Healthy Technology. We salute to this Founder Angel of Homeopathy!

I must add what it means Tamo Guni Allopathy means, anything that is made by processing is only chemical extract and mostly does not contain any bio-energies in it, and thus are matter that is what it means to be Tamo Guni or Guna. The Homeopathy and the Ayurveda uses Mother Tinctures and thus the Puti and the Potency Systems keeping Bio, the Botanical Energies present in its medicines and the drugs and thus produce the Rajo Guni products. When in any world therapy, we ask to eat fruits, herbals, the herbs and whatever the plants and the trees bear, we call it the Sato Guni Products. The water as Turiya, the Bio-Re-cyclic Process as the Turna, Going inside the Re-cyclic Process are the medicines and drugs that are present on the Plants and Trees and we receive all the treatments and the healing energies by simply sitting, strolling and walking among the plants, trees, which can be herbal or non-herbal trees, and these qualities are naturally present in the recycling natural world and thus the Turiya Products, and its the Most Sacred of All Possible Treatments in the Natural World in which we live and helps one becoming Vegetarian or the Vegan, and is thus continuous prayerful mode, when all doctors and healers say that only prayers can save the 3 States, the Guna and Naturally Programmed State, the Turiya Awastha of our Sacred DNA’s in any form of life! Well, this is the Ideal Profile of Indian Sacred Education, Health and Wellness, which is as clear as crystals that absorb the green light, and thus the green bottles, which gave me the topic for my thesis of PhD in the Alternative Medicines that I passed in 2005 saying: Philselfology: Multiple Drug Therapies and the Multiple Philselfological Counseling for Drug-less Therapies! (Not a bad idea!

Now, the Inborn Genius carries all researches naturally as long as one lives and that is what it means Finding Genius Within and thus the Philselfology!
We will edit and add!
In any case, the next part of the series is here:
Indian Civilization and the 16 Sacred Dimension of Shakti, the Force and Shiva, the Power as Proposed by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji – Exploring the Wisdom of Vedas: Be Happy Philselfologically – 69
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!