It is matter of great importance that we understand the role of civilizations in the genetic and other evolutions that are local and global at the same time. For example, the civilizations are universal in nature whereas the nations do not seem to manage such causes of greater good for all. I as admin of Life Dynamix – Wings for All try to embrace Indian Civilization in various contexts that is one with other world civilizations as the following description given by the Cow Protection Organization at addressing url:
“Indigenous cattle play a vital role in livelihood security in our country. Majority of crop growing and livestock rearing areas in India are dry land areas with low and medium input production systems which favor conservation of animal genetic diversity. The local breeds of cattle are well known for their draft efficiency, heat tolerance and resistance to diseases.
Inherited resistance to (or tolerance of) disease and parasites in livestock has always been a valued trait among stockowners. Today, many of them are disintegrating and degenerating both in quality and quantity that has crumbled our genetic base. The net result is that a few of the well-established breeds such as Punganur have already become extinct, and breeds like Krishna valley is fast approaching the stage of extinction.
Excellent draft breeds such as Amrithmahal, Hallikar and Khillari etc. and good milch breeds like Sahiwal, Tharparkar and Red Sindhi have reduced in number as well as in quality.
At a localized agro-climatic zone, loss of breed means loss of livelihood strategy and loss of indigenous knowledge. The drought prone semi-arid regions are characterized by a major animal component, as animals can exploit resources that cannot support intensive crop cultivation on a sustainable basis. As per FAO records, one third of all Indian breeds of livestock and poultry are threatened with extinction and require conservation.
Maintenance and protection of remaining livestock breeds is mandated by UN convention on Biological Diversities (CBD). This legal instrument emphasizes need for the conservation of agro-biodiversity in the surroundings, essential to support the system. It also emphasizes active involvement of indigenous communities, their knowledge and active participation in conservation. But so far no initiatives are visible in large scale and organizations that maintain domestic animals biodiversity are only now beginning exploration. Experiences with truly community-based approaches to the conservation of local livestock breeds are also lacking.
Understanding the situation and problem, Shrimad Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shri Shri Raghaveswara Bharathi Swamiji has taken up the programme of preservation, improvement, conservation, in depth study and research on the desi cattle and their products in the name of “Khamadugha”.
Farmers’ friend Hallikar cattle, the dwarf cattle of Western Ghats having high resistance to many diseases ‘Malnad Gidda’, well suited breed for black cotton soil with good milk yield ‘Krishna Valley’ pride of Andhra Pradesh ‘Ongole’, dual purpose breed ‘Deoni’, famous milk breed of Gujarath ‘Gir’, world famous war -horse like looking ‘Amrithmahal’, heaviest breed ‘Kankrej’, best milch breed from Punjab ’Sahiwal’, ‘Rati’ from Rajasthan and many more breeds of indigenous cattle are found in the ‘Amruthadhara Goshala’ at Ramachandrapura Math, Hosanagara, Shimoga District, Karnataka, India and also at Kaggalipura, Bangalore. Many more Goshala are in the offing for the cause of desi cattle.
The products of desi cows viz arkha (cow urine distil), soap from cow dung, toothpaste, shampoo etc are also made and distributed at nominal cost. …”
The Arabians believe that one should not torture or kill the cow that gives milk and the tree that bears fruits!
The Indian Civilizations believe in the soul, the Atma and thus differ in approach to the world or the global problems. We consider it a philosophical approach as the darshna, the sacred visualization approach. We thus support it Be Happy Philselfologically!
In other words, the Just Be Happy Philselfologically: The Indian and Other Civilizations has its Own Kind of UNO as its own impact as we as the Punjabi’s, Rajasthani, Marathi, Telgu and Kashmiri are a kind of world civilizations that group up or unite as one civilization named Indian and federal government and the Civilization. It thus may not have any state and the federal disputes in Indian and other civilizations as it has nothing to do with the political borders and the boundaries in the world. We all thus work locally everywhere in the world, is not a magic!

Without the Civilization of Himalaya, the world civilizations may have but no meaning!
The civilization is one’s own identity that is same as one’s identity in the universe, and thus all share it together as one common identity that if one harms anyone harms all so nothing is fair in any survival or surviving for war when also we learn to edit online! lol

Thanks for your time!