The Indian Philselfological Model of Bindu and Bindi gives Topological and Quantum Universe and Transitions in Matter with Gurmukhi Languages and Grammars: Universe as Balanced Forces of Centrifugal and Centripetal Force: Be Happy Philselfologically – 110
The Quantum Topology of the Indian Sacred Systems that we know as the ONKARA deals with every point, the quantum dot, the Qubit as the system that follows the “IN and OUT with UP and DOWN Pressures inside every system of the universe that goes for classical or the quantum entanglement”, and its the Topological Quantum Qubit that creates all bonds in the atoms and the molecules, and we notice that the Bindi, the Point that goes into the circle as the “Centrifugal Force” dances with the Bindu that as the Centripetal Force that goes outward from the center of the circle. This makes a great and easy system of the universe that the universe is like a “Circle that is Flat (1-D), 2-D and 3 Dimensional based on the Pressures and thus Forces it experiences”. When the “Centripetal Force”, the Bindu interacts with the “Centrifugal Force”, the Bindi, we notice “Black Hole that is when there is more Centrifugal Force than the Centripetal Force” and we notice, on the hand, “White Hole that is there when the Centripetal Force is Less than the Centrifugal Force”. That way, we have the “Bindi” as the “Black Hole” and the “Bindu” as the “White Hole”.
When we “Black and White Hole Systems, these are the Light and the Darker Shades and it constitutes what we also know the YIN (BINDI) and the YANG (BINDU), and for advanced level, the Bindu is also the “Yong System” when discuss the Qubit instead of the Classical Bits of the Yin and Yang.
This centripetal and the centrifugal force creates what we see below:

Image: The Bindi as the Blue (Black Hole) and the Bindu as the Red (White Hole) balances the universe, and the 3 Structures are the O, A, and the E Structures as the OORA (1-D), AARA (2-D) and the EERI (3-D) Structures respectively
When the Bindu and the Bindi interact these use the UP and DOWN Systems as we notice in the “Elementary Particle Systems” as the Quarks that is giving everything that we deal as the “Dimensions of the Matter and the Universe”:
In the same manner as above, we notice that the “Bindi” when “IN” gives us the e- (Blue, the Bindi) and when “OUT” gives us the e+ (Red, the Bindu), and we see it as the Standard Model of Physics:
When we consider how the A’, 2A’, 3A’ and the 4A’ in the 4 Quadrants act, it constitutes the “Vowel Theory Based UP, DOWN and Balanced Quarks” and we see the “Vowels Playing with Forces and the Vibrations”, the Vibration is the A’ and the Force is the 2A’=A, and we see the following:

The A, E and O as the A’, 2A’ and the 3A’ gives us such that it creates 6 Faces, and that gives UP and DOWN at the center, and LEFT and RIGHT at the center that makes it 8 Dimensional or Sided Octet where the most important part is around the “Central Square around which there is set of “UP and DOWN with LEFT and RIGHT Forces as the Simple Math of Cetripetal and the Centrifugal Forces”. For this reason, we have to consider the Indian Philosophy of Zero, and that is the KALA, the Time Dimension in the Sacred Indian and the World Systems with 0A’ and the 4A’ as the Upper and Lower Points of the Sphere of the Universal Systems that is also the “Octet” as shown below with its sacred expansions in the next images:.

In other words, the Indian Theory and Philosophy of OAMKARA is the Topological Geometry of Everything!
Here we need to consider the ONKARA Philosophy as we notice in the image below, and that is the Non-abelian Quasi-particle Systems that make the “Sacred Trajectory of Quantum Qubit Systems” as the O, A, E, AE the 4 Pairs and that makes it interact with the N and M Systems as expressed in the OA and OE Systems that is Waves that travels as the “Wavelet System”, and it shows the O, A, E, AE and the OA with OE adding up to convert it into the reverse order and that is the AE, E, O, A with OE and OA that function in the process as shown below:

The Quantum Process that is shown in the above image of Non-ablelian Quasi-particle Systems is the “Reversible System of the 8 Sound Energies of the Vowel as the A, E, O, AE, EO, OA, N, M” Systems that constitute the ONKARA System and this process is the OM and NAMO, where see the “Quantum Role of the N and the M”:
The above quantum methodology is based on the “A, O and the E, EA Pairs” that if we join as the “Quantum, the Two Qubit Systems”, we get the following as explained for the “Two Qubits of A, O and the E, EA”:
“A pair of twist defects induces two distinct non-contractible loops, labelled a and b. For twist defects in (mm0) states, these loops effectively cross only once, leading to a magnetic algebra for the quasiparticle loop operators. Here, the branch cut indicated by the dash line connecting two dislocations is merely a gauge choice, which is similar to supposing that the phase winding of a vortex in a superconductor is all localized to a single cut connecting a vortex/anti-vortex pair.” (With thanks from the source: )
It ends up as: OM MANTRA NAMO, the SVO as the (a)(S), (b)(V), and the (c)(O):
This is what know as the Classical and the Quantum Phase Transitions

The easiest phenomena to understand the “Qubit Philosophy and Quantum Science” that all quantum interactions that go through 3 Classical Spins that are the “Circulating Circles in the X, Y, Z” that follow the Indian Vowel Philosophy of 45 Degrees Angles and 90 Degree Opposition to one another, and thus we always have the A’, 2A’ and the 3A’ with the Red, Blue and Green Colors that “Circulate with 90 Perpendicularity and 45 Degrees of Be One, Zero, Half or the 1/4th, and even the 1/5th and the 1/6th of Charge, Color, Spins, and that all go for the Rotation, Vibration and Translational Motion, and this is what produces heat (thermal energy) when they do not want to leave the “Charming Particle Rotations, Vibrations and Transitions of the 45 Degrees Apart and 90 Degrees to One Another”, and that is why we see “Change in Colors”, and that electric charge and magnetic charges increase, and all happens as major support comes from the 4A’ and the 0A’ Systems which move the entire setup UP (Bindu) or DOWN ( Bindi), and we need to smile the Electric Charge likes “Bindi, the Quantum Dot with Darker Color or the Black Hole Systems” and the Magnetic Charge likes “Bindu, the Quantum Dot with Lighter Colors or the White Hole”. When they are one, they are the “Ardhnarishwara as the Electromagnetic Systems”, and give the “Quantum Ganesha as the Product”, which is a “Qubit Vector” that is “Perpendicular to the Electric, Magnetic, Electromagnetic” and thus called the “ONKARA Systems” and our “Forehead deals like this as its the N and M Sound Center”.
For kids, Electric Charge is the Bindi, the Magnetic is the Bindu, and the Binda is the “Charm Point on the Bindi and the Bindu”.
This very phenomena is what we discuss as the Para Vortex Atomism nowadays:
How Gurmukhi Linguistic Theory Explains C-Theorem and Weinberg-Witten Theorem, Homotopy Type and Invariant Theory as Para Vortex Atomism: Philselfological Model and Theory of Everything: Be Happy Philselfologically – 122
“If these are happy at the X, Y, Z and enjoy 45 and 90 Degrees, then how these have the colors!”
“The Original Source Color is White, the Brahm, the Binda!”
“When these have vibration, these immediately align to X, Y and Z at the 45 and 90 Degree Charge Point”
“The Bindi (Blue) and the Bindu (Red) create the “Green” as the Quantum Son, the Ganesha” that is the “Binde”
“O yes! The Bindi is “Y”, Bindu (X) and the Binde is the Z”, but as we discuss the “Quantum, the Gyana Putra (Children of Light, the Wisdom) Theory”, the Bindu and the Bindi do not create the Z as the “M” and its opposite pair as the “N”, the Most Charming Sounds of the Universe.
Now, we have arrived why music is quantum, and that is from the “X, Y, and Z”, we have music in the 3-D’s where “Dance is 1-D”, the “Instruments 2-D” and “Singing 3-D”, and naturally its orbital theory as in the quantum systems we have the “Singing as 1-D”, the “Instruments as 2-D” and the “Dance as 3-D” and that is because of the “M and N” Sounds that when we hit any instrument with 3-D Systems, it produces the DOWN, the “N” Sound that goes “UP” with “M” Sound that makes everything go musically UP and DOWN with the “M and N”, and this so with everything that dances, sings and play:

Images: The “N” (DOWN) and “M” (UP) Sounds of Bindi and the Bindu create the Indian SA, RE GA, MA, PA, DHA, NI, SAH, and its Secret of Everything Storyteller says from Angles and Gods
In reality, the music is the proper and scientific study of the quantum sciences as it deals as always with the Bindi (N Sound) as the First Qubit Photon (Subject) and the Bindu (M Sound) as the Second (Object) Photon, and what it creates is the Sacred Dimensions in the Universe that is the Universe as the Information Universe as we discuss in the next part of the series:
“The Indian, Egyptian, Arabian, Israeli and World Single and Simple Models and Theories of Everything are all one in the Vowel Theory of Indian Language and Grammar Systems: Gurmukhi and All Secrets of Universe and Be Happy Philselfologically – 111 “
One of relevant reading is here: “Modern Fiber and Optical Sciences and Technology: How Waheguru, the Quantum Qubit created the 3 Charges of OAM, Matter YIN and Antimatter YAN: Quantum Philosophy of Waheguru in Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Numeral Systems: Be Happy Philselfologically – 89”
If we do not learn these sacred systems, we remain insensitive in our entire life!!!
We will edit and add.
Be Happy Philselfologically! Kala, the Qubit of Quantum is in everyone!