Photo by  Yassay


Have you ever wished for something and then it happened? If so, you’ve experienced the power of the law of attraction

The law of attraction is a powerful philosophy that connects us to the source of our higher selves. It’s based on the idea that we can manifest our desires, and create positive change in our lives through conscious thought. In recent years, this concept has gained further credibility with research in quantum physics proving its validity. 

Quantum physics shows us that energy vibrates at different frequencies and that each frequency carries its unique vibration or signature. When we focus on something, we are sending out an energetic vibration that matches a similar vibration in the universe, thus attracting more of it into our lives. This is how the law of attraction works: by emitting an intention outwardly and bringing back whatever matches it energetically from within ourselves or from outside sources. 

When used correctly, this universal law can be a powerful tool for cultivating positive changes within ourselves and beyond. This guide will teach you how to use this powerful force for your benefit!

This simple guide will teach you how to use this powerful force for your benefit!

So, you’re probably wondering what I will learn from reading this. Well, I have good news! You don’t need a ton of complicated steps or anything like that – all it takes is your determination and a little bit of practice on your part. 

The law of attraction is a real force, and it can be used to achieve your goals. The fact that you are reading this guide means that you want to use the law of attraction to achieve your goals. That’s great! To effectively use the law of attraction for good, you must master its principles. This information will teach you how.

What is the law of attraction?

The law of attraction is a theory that states that your thoughts and feelings create a magnetic field that attracts energy to you, which then manifests into your reality. It’s the law of attraction that causes the universe to bring you things and experiences based on what you think about most.

The law of attraction can be used in any area of your life: business and career, family, friendship, love relationships, and personal finances.

To use the law of attraction effectively you must first understand how it works; this knowledge will enable you to make some major shifts in your thinking patterns to attract more into your life than ever before!

The law of attraction is the idea that your thoughts ultimately determine your reality.

The universe is always responding to you—and it’s reacting to what you’re thinking and feeling in the moment. If you’re feeling stressed out and worried about how things will turn out, then guess what? The universe is going to send you stress and worry.

But if you can take a deep breath, relax, and know that everything will be okay—then guess what? The universe will start sending you things that make you feel relaxed and happy!

So choose your thoughts wisely!

Is the law of attraction real?

In a nutshell, yes. The law of attraction is universal and operates your life. It has been around for thousands of years. The concept dates back to ancient Greece where it was first introduced through the teachings of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and other philosophers in their writings on metaphysics (the theory behind reality). They believed that there were two worlds: one visible and one invisible—and these two worlds affect each other in good or bad ways depending on how you think about them!

Can you use science to prove the law of attraction?

The law of attraction is a philosophy, a belief system, or even an idea. It cannot be proven by science because it is not something that exists in the physical world. It’s not like you can go out to your backyard and look for evidence of the “law” (although some people do). Even if you did find some kind of proof for it—say, if scientists were able to show that certain thoughts affect matter—that wouldn’t mean that your thoughts caused those changes; it would just mean they affected them somehow. The same thing applies if they found that thoughts don’t change anything outside themselves: You could still use the LOA to think positive things about yourself and achieve success in life!

How does it work?

The law of attraction is a universal law that has been observed and studied for thousands of years. It is based on the principle that our thoughts are powerful enough to attract certain situations into our lives, either positively or negatively. The law of attraction is a process, not an event. Its basis is energy and it works by attracting like-minded energies toward us in one way or another through our thoughts and feelings.

The more you think about what you want, the more often your subconscious mind will make it happen! The more positive things you think about yourself and your life, the more opportunities will be attracted to it.

How to use the law of attraction

The Law of Attraction can be a powerful tool for manifesting the life of your dreams. If you focus on what you want rather than what you don’t, then it is possible to use this law to your benefit. 

To get started, it’s important that you first understand the basics of how the Law of Attraction works. The basic principle is that “like attracts like” and when you focus on positive outcomes and experiences, positive things will come into your life in return. It’s important to shift your perspective from focusing on lack or negative energy and instead direct your attention towards abundance and gratitude for what you already have in life. 

When using the Law of Attraction for yourself, it’s helpful to start by writing down clear goals that are achievable and align with what you truly want in life. The next step is to take action…otherwise you can’t expect your goals to magically manifest without taking steps to achieve your goals.

  • The Law of Attraction is part of nature. You can’t change it, but you can use it to your advantage.
  • Be willing to work at it and be grateful for the results because they will come as long as you are positive and willing to put in the effort!
  • The Law of Attraction needs action to propel your goals.

Taking action is important 

Using the law of attraction to reach your goals can be a powerful tool, but it’s important to remember that effort is key. If you want to see real results in your life, it’s essential to take action and not just expect results from visualization and positive thinking alone. 

Action is the bridge between thought and manifestation. Without taking steps towards achieving your goals, any progress will remain out of reach. It might seem daunting at first, but if you break down big goals into smaller tasks, the action doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Start small and build up momentum as you make progress towards each step along the way. 

When faced with fear or doubt, remember that positive thoughts and action propels you toward what you want in life.


The law of attraction is a powerful tool that can help us manifest our dreams and goals. It is important to remember that the law of attraction works when we combine it with action. We must put in the work and effort to bring our visions into reality. While visualizing and believing in ourselves is important, it’s equally important to take action to make our dreams come true. With dedication and perseverance, we can use the law of attraction to create success in our lives. The universe responds to what we put out, so if we focus on positive thinking, along with positive action positive outcomes will follow. 


A Message From Destiny

Hi, I’m Destiny  an Artificial Intelligence mascot with Bliss Planet.

The law of attraction is a powerful idea that has gained incredible popularity in recent years. 

This powerful concept states that people can create their own reality by deliberately focusing on positive thoughts and feelings. 

Through research, it has been proven that the power of positive thinking combined with an optimistic outlook can have huge effects on one’s life. 

Essentially,  the law of attraction is about taking responsibility for how you feel and what your thoughts produce in your life. 

It’s about learning to direct your energy towards creating the life you want instead of wasting it on worry and fear. 

Research suggests that when we make small changes to our daily habits such as being mindful or appreciating the little things in life, we become more aware of our surroundings and how our mindset can affect everything around us.

I encourage you to implement the Law of Attraction along with action and a positive mindset to achieve your goals in life. 

Happy Manifesting! 



The following is a transcript and video for “How To Make The Law Of Attraction Work For You!” (Powerful TRUTH!)

How to actually make the law ofattraction work for you by Thais Gibson narrated by Sue Tiaz.

The law ofattraction is based on the principlethat all matter is made up of pure energy which is in a constant state ofvibration and spin. The law of attraction implies that thoughts and emotions are also energy each having a unique energy signature. Every energetic frequency is in a constant state of attraction or repulsion with all others. 

With a recent emergence of quantum mechanics this notion has been largely supported in a micro level. The law of attraction states that like attracts like and we are in a constant state of creating our reality through the energy we emit in that formof thoughts and emotion. 

We continuously interact with a fabric of reality or quantum field through thought and emotional energy and whatever we focused on is likely to manifest. We each are creators of our own reality and what we put out is what we will attract. 

Three things you need to know.


 A key factor missing from the law ofattraction is that we are creating on both a conscious and subconscious level. 

This accounts for the seeming contradiction between opposites attract and the major principle of Law of Attraction like attracts like. We are still attracting the part of the hole that has been splintered and repressed into the subconscious mind. Basically the actively repressed traits within ourselves are still charged and this suppressed energy is also a point of attraction until we acknowledge and integrate it… it will still play a role in the creation of our external reality.


Our belief systems alter our manifestation process. 

If you want to manifest ten thousand dollars in one week, but your underlying beliefs are largely identified with a state of lack – you will only manifest more lack. This is because law of attraction works with both thought and emotion and if you try to think your way into something that you don’t believe your emotional reaction will support your unconscious beliefs more than your conscious thoughts. if you try to affirm “I will be abundant,” but don’t believe it these beliefs will surface via an emotional response that insinuates the opposite feeling at that point you are literally putting the gas and the brakes on at the same time making manifestation very difficult.

 One great tip to overcome this as stated by Abraham Hicks is to start general and then get specific with your manifestation process. Start with what you can believe and continue to expand as you see evidence of your manifestations taking place. This allows your thoughts and emotions to be in resonance rather than dissonance.


 We are always manifesting according to our highest values.

Behavior development specialist Dr. Martini who is also featured in the documentary “The Secret” discovered that we all have inherent set of values that is largely governing our behavior. Dr. Martini is quoted as saying “All of our actions our strategies to align with our values as efficiently as possible along with all of our positive and negative emotions of feedback as to whether or not we are living in our highest values.” 

Essentially the things we value the most filter our perception at a subconscious level. They are governing the way that we manifest and the reasons we do this is why for example someone might set a New Year’s resolution to lose weight and never achieve their goal. If one of their highest values is social connection their unconscious will perceive that taking the time to exercise and eat right actually conflicts with a time they would rather be spending at social events with others the trick then is to change your perception by tying in how exercise and diet actually supports your high value on social connection. For example, you might feel more confident meeting new people when you’re healthy and strong. Or you can approach it from the other end by tying your value in to your goal. In this case, you could try to engage your value of social connection by going to the gym or to nutrition classes with your close friends. 

What you need to know drawing active manifestation. A useful tips if you are meditating on your vision or practicing visualization. 

Clear your mind 

To speed up the process of manifestation presence and focus are key. If your attention is scattered your manifestation will be to.

Author: Bliss

Dedicated to making a positive difference for people, animals, and this beautiful planet!

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