Here are some stark facts that speak for themselves: * If the earth is one month old, the human species arrived just a minute ago, and yet in the span of that one minute, we have threatened the life of the whole planet. * The Hubble Telescope designed to measure the origin of the universe has already photographed colliding galaxies, the birth of the stars, yet they have never found a planet with so much life as the planet earth. * The coincidence of life on this planet according to biochemists is one against ten raised to the 301 power. That’s a one with 301 zeroes after it. Unimaginable. It’s true! * If the present trends continue, In the next 50 years we will witness the greatest ecological catastrophe that we have ever known because of the greenhouse effect. * 40,000 children 5 years old and below die every day because of poverty. * The ecological timebomb is ticking, we are in danger of nuclear annihilation because of the theory of the first strike, and the global social volcano is about to erupt. Yet we can avert all these with the recovery of the human spirit. Which will come first? The buddha or the bomb?:
The Naked Facts About the Environment
by Bodhi | Dec 11, 2020 | Earth, environment, Featured | 0 comments

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