How Ball of Light Particle Model is Explained by Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems: The Rama as Light Theory of Kingdom of God, OAM and Ravana as the Particle Theory of Kingdom of World, ONAM Systems: Be Happy Philselfologically -99
When we discuss the Ball of Light Particle Model, we notice that the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems explain it well as follows:
Image: Phases of WAHEGURU, the OAM and the ONAM, the AA EE OO Systems of Nano-systems
-> WAHEGURU=OAM (Fermi-Light Systems)+ONAM (Electrical Systems)
-> WAHEGURU Systems=MC*C (qVB, the Vector Products)+qB (the Scalar products)
-> WAHEGURU Systems=Wave Side of Light+Particle Side of Light
Image: WAHEGURU, the OAM and the ONAM Systems of Light Models
This part of the series discusses it.
In the Cubic Systems, the Role of 16 is Incomparable as its the “Most Essential Part of Nano and the Computer Systems”. It gives the Indian OORA, AARA and EERI Systems of Scale 16 as the 4, 8 and 16 as when we divide we get OORA as the 16, AARA as the 8 and the EERI as the 4 Systems, and its is the “basics of the Computer and Internet Computing and the Programming Systems” as we see below:

Image: The The EERI=OORA+AARA as the 16*3=16*2+16*1 Systems, the Indian Weight and Measurement Systems
When we use the above OORA, AARA and the EERI System as the Byte, Nybble and Bits as thus the OORA as the Byte, AARA as the Nybble and the EERI as the Bits, we can learn anything in the Computer World as shown below:
Image and Video: The Byte as OORA, the Nybble as the AARA and the Bit as the EERI Systems explain the Computer Systems as through Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems, and we can also put the OORA, AARA and the EERI as the Bit, Nibble (Nybble) and Byte according to the order in which do the programming as we need both
When we use the OORA, AARA and the EERI Systems as the Bit, Nibble and Byte Way, we have it the way the Indians write the Mantra of say SHREE Yantra or anything similar as the Matrix, the MANTRAS in which the MANTRA and the MATRIX have the same root words of the MATRA or the MANTRA and thus the MATRIX and the MATRICES that has the Computing Programming done as shown below as with the 5 Headed Yantra, the YAMA and YANA Systems the on the Left and the Neural Network Mantra on the Right:

The Genes also follow the Matrix, the Mantra and the Yantra Theory and the Elements that comes it say the Proteins are the Tattva, and thus the TANTRA Systems, the Elementary State of the YANTRA (YAMA+YANA Systems)), the MANTRA (MARA+RAMA Systems) and the TANTRA (Atoms and the Elementary Particle, the Nuclear Systems)
Images: Indian Mantra Systems as the Matrix Systems of OORA, AARA and the EERI with the YANTRA Systems, the YAMA and the YANA Systems
The above Genetic Systems for the Neural Networking follows the OORA (the O), AARA (the A) and the EERI (the E) with the EERI-AARA (the EA) Systems hidden as the Hidden Layer that is one of the fastest processing in the human brain or any computing systems as when we notice the “Input and the Output Layers” in the given systems say the Neural Network Systems:
Image and a video: The OORA (the O), AARA (the A) and the EERI (the E) with the EERI-AARA (the EA) Systems in the Neural Networks, the Theory of Superconductors and the Metamaterial Systems
We can understand the Bit Systems in the Computing in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi language Systems as follows:
1. The OORA as the O, and OO, the First Place 0,0 Number Systems in the Matrix, the Mantra Systems
2. The AARA as the A, and AA, the Second Place 1, 0 Number Systems in the Matrix, the Mantra Systems
3. The EERI as the E, and EE, Third Place 1,1 Number Systems in the Matrix, the Mantra Systems
4. The EA, the Nano Systems as the EA and the EEAA as the Fourth Place Systems in the Matrix, the Mantra Systems

Images: The Boolean Algebra as the EA-EEAA Systems of the O, A and E Systems of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems
When we have the “Neural Networks and the 4 Phases of Writing Scripts”, we have the following 4 Classical Methods of Writing the Neural Networking as the Media, the RAMA, the Light Systems in which we use the Nucleus and Atoms and in the Medium Based Systems as the MARA Systems in which we use the Mediums say the Chemicals:
1. The Medium as the MARA Systems: YAMA Systems
2. The Medium as the MARA Systems: MAYA, the MANA Systems
3. The Media as the RAMA Systems: YANA Systems
4. The Media as the RAMA Systems: NAYA, the NAMA Systems
The most prominent systems in the world has been the NAYA, the NAMA Systems, and the NAYA is also popular as the NAVA, NOKA, NOVA, NAWA, and so on, and it simply means “Thing Not Interpreted can carry the maximum signals and messages and thus are also called the RATHA Systems as the Photon as the Nano Systems is, and that when we do the Interpretations, we offer the “Free Associations that harm the human brains, neural networks and any medium that we use”. Thus, we have say the “RAMA” as the RATHA, it needs no interpretations as when we do, we “Earth it in one or the both of the Medium and the Media. This “Earthing is the Leakage Systems that creates its own threads that slows anything that can be faster than even the speed of light”. This “Earth” is called the “A-Ratha”, the A-Ruth Systems that means forcing things to flow in the OAE Planes rather than the ONAM Planes that is the Red Color Leads the OAE Systems and the ONAM is always led by Blue and High Frequency Systems.
The Gurbani and Other Ancient Holy Scriptures go to the extreme that when we “Earth (ARUTH) anything, it may be even the “BERATHA, the BERUTHA” Systems so created that it may only produce the Virus and thus the Decay and Degeneration among anything that we use as the YAMA, MAYA, YANA, NAYA (NAMA), and it simply goes to the down-most systems of the AYAMA, AMAYA, AYANA, ANAYA, which is simply the YAMA and the YANA Systems at the lower speeds in the “A” medium and the media of “A, E, O Systems”, and its wastage of time, money and energy, as we always need higher speed of motion in the universe as the “Gati, the Parmagati as in the Dimensions and Domains of AE, EO and the OA, the Para, the Parma and for the DNA as the PRANA Planes”.
We always focus on the Parma Planes as the Prime Thing as it can carry the PRAMA, PRANA and other PARA Systems as follows:
1. Para
2. Parama
3. Prana or the Parana
4. The opposite pairs of Para as the Rapa, the Roopa, Roopam and Roopan, and we can laugh
The ONAM and the OAM has only one significant difference that the ONAM uses the “Sound Energy, the Shabada, the “N” as the AKHARA, which is the Concept of the Universe, which is visible”, and that in the OAM, we use the Light Systems as the Quantum Light Systems as the OAM with OAE, OAAEE Systems that we have discussed as the YAMA and the YANA Systems and thus the SAHAYA, the AYNA or the IONA Systems. In this contrast, we have the OAM for the NANO Systems of Technology as Science and the OAM as the Science as Technology using the “Sound as the N Systems of Dispersion or Multiple Splitting of Light. It should not be misunderstood as the RAMA, the OAM and the RAVANA Systems, the ONAM Systems. What we have discussed as the RAMA and the MARA Systems are also as the OAM as the RAMA and the MARA as the ONAM that is as the RAVANA as both are together as the Science and Technology from the same Veda Systems that describe the Science and Technology during any given age. The “Ravana” is as the “RAVA, the Opposite to the VARA Systems”, and thus “VARA and the VARANA as the RAMA as the World Languages of Media that is the Systems of Grammars as to Use Technology as Science the Media as what does the VARAN, the Accepting of VARA, the Neutralized State of Cell and Life, the Light Systems as we have discussed it as the “WARA or the VARA Systems in the WAHEGURU Systems” and the RAVA as the RAVANA Systems, the World languages and sciences of Medium that we say the “Charm as the Use of RAVANA”, and both have the “Common Systems as the RAMAN Systems”, which means we can use the “Charm Particle System Theory for RAMA as the RAMAN and the same for the Medium of the Charm Particles as the RAVANA Systems. Thus, we always have the following:
1. RAM and the RAMAN: The Media and the Process of Mediators, which are most popular as the “MADH, the MADHAYAMA Systems”, which we consider as the Invisible Systems of the Media” as “Light Travels in Space” and the “Space is the MADHAYA of Light”, and the “MADH” in the “Inversion of Light Focus “MA” into Less Focused Systems in which we notice “Two Colors of Light say MA and the DA”, and these can very easily resonate and show the wave qualities of light as we notice in the green color systems of close lights of the yellow and the blue systems.
2. RAVAN and the RAMAN: The Many Chemicals as the Medium have the different conductivity, the RAMAN, the RAMANA and its the Chemistry and the Chemical Systems, which are considered as written by RAVANA by learning the Vedas and he is considered as the Best Scholar of the Vedas for it.
3. RAM and the RAVAN: In it, we have the RAMA Systems as the “Media and its Processing, and RAVA is the Joy of VARA, the Neutralized Light Systems as we say the Balanced pH levels give us the bliss, and its as simple as we understand. It is the 4th State of Matter, the RAMA State and how 3 Guna, the 3 States of Matter interact with it as we have discussed that when it the 4th Dimension of Light, it follows the NAMA Theory, and when its the 3 Guna’s, we have the MANA Theory serving in the universe.
4. RAVAN and the RAVANA: The 3 Systems of Static, the Tamo, the Kinetic as the Rajo and the Sato as the Dynamic have its own blissful systems that makes a world a beautiful place as we all enjoy the 3 Guna’s in doing RAVANA, the Interactions with one another as the 3-Guna as when we go in a car, we travel, car travels, and the road and the trees travel in the opposite direction and thus is the “Theory of Relativity of the 3 Guna of Static, Kinetic and the Dynamic States of Matter”.
When we discuss the Indian Systems of A, E, O, and the AE, we have the A, E and O as the RAVANA, the 3 Dimensional as the 1-D (O, the OORA), 2-D (A, the AARA) and the 3-D (E, the EERI) Systems and the RAMA Systems start from the AE, the 4th Dimension as the Light Systems as we know as the AE, the Nano, the Chara Systems are the RAMA Systems, but its base as the 3-D Systems is always the RAVANA Systems as otherwise, it cannot exist in the Matter Form, and thus the Indian and the Sri Lankan Systems describe the RAVANA as the 5 Senses and the 5 Sense Based Organs of Human Body. Its shown below:

Image: The 10 Dimensions of Human Body are the RAVANA Systems, which serve the VARA, the RAMA Light and the Conscience System
Thus, we can also sum up that the “WAHEGURU Systems” are as follows:
WAHEGURU Systems=OAM, the WAHE, the RAMA Systems+ONAM, the GURU, the RAVANA Systems
-> Living Light Systems=Light and Conscience (RAMA)+10 Senses (RAVANA Systems)
-> Living Light Systems (WAHEGURU)=Media, the Light as Wave (RAMA)+Medium, the Light as Particle (RAVANA)
-> Living Light Systems=YANG (RAMA)+YIN (RAVANA)
Thus, when we consider the WAHEGURU as the 4 Points of Two Dipoles, we always have the following:
In it, we have the “WA” as the RAMA as the Light, and “HE” is the MARA, the Medium of Light, and that “GU” is the RAVANA Systems, and RU is the Medium through which the RAVANA does the VARA Systems, and thus we always have the following Opposite Pairs:
-> White Color, the YANG with White DOT (RU) Systems=Black Color, YIN, the GU with the Black Dot of HE Systems
-> Pure YANG with RU, the White Light=Pure YIN with GU, the Black Light
In the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and the Grammar Systems, we have the “R” as the next to the YA-H-YA and in 2nd Row of Vowels, which we know as the Row of Mediums, and the “G” is the in the “K” row, the 3rd Row of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems, and its the Row of the Carbon Systems and the “K” goes “G” as the “Electronic Set of Carbon Systems, the “Ga” Systems”. The “W” as the “W’, W: and the W” Systems is the 4th in the Medium of “H: Systems” and thus the Medium Set Up as the “Air that is Neutralized as below the “S, the SAH Systems”. The “H” is the “Light Systems as the Fermi-Particles”, which always have the “H:, the Hydrogen Systems”. Thus, we can also put all of it as follows:
WA (Elementary Particle Systems, RAMA)=RU (Light as the Medium, VARA)
HE (Hydrogen Systems as MARA)=GU (Carbon and the Hydrocarbon Systems as RAVANA)
Image: The Black Dot in the White YANG is the Black Hole, which is very strong as its called the Dot of AADI-Shakti, the Primal Energy Systems that Joins the White Hole, the AADI-Shiva, the Primal Power, the Bala, the Male Systems in the Black YIN Systems, and thus 4 Systems together as the WAHEGURU Systems as the WA (YANG)+HE (Black Dot)+GU (YIN)+RU (White Dot)
Thus, in it, the YANG Meets the Black Dot, the YIN Power, and becomes LIGHT, the YONG, the Buddha Systems as simply the White Light as when the YANG+Black Dot=White Light.
The Mystery of Black Dot, White Dot in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and the Grammar Systems is the “E, the Chi Systems” in the “WAH’E’GURU” Systems as its the “E” that goes as the AE, EA, AO, OA, EO and the OE as we have all variations in every possible thing in the universe as the “E” as in the “WAHEGURU” Systems, and that No Energy in the Nano, the Chara Systems can violate it, and thus All Theories Need to Meet the Chi, the QI, the E Systems in the WAHEGURU Systems as we have discussed:
Image: The “E, the EA and the NANO Systems” in the WAHEGURU Systems as the CHI or the QI, the Bipolar Systems of YANG (WAHE) and the YIN (GURU) as the CHI or QI, the EKA MAAYI, the Mother EAKA, the Essence of EA, OA and the OE in and as the K, the Carbon, the RAVANA Systems or the Black Hole Systems in the Universe as described in the Japji Sahib by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism
The “Color Frequency as well as the Sound Frequency Systems follow the OORA, AARA, EERI and the Vowel Systems as these are written”. We have the “OORA (Blue), AARA (Red) and the EERI (Green) as in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script and the Alphabet in general”, but these get the “Pairing as “AA (Red) EE (Green) OO (Blue)” as shown below:

Image: Colors are the additions and subtractions of the Vowels
We know that A+O=E -> Red+Blue=Green may seem a bit absurd to the beginners, but all colors with two vowel addition have it:
1. A+O+E, the Most Primal Color is the White
2. A+E=AE as the Red+Green=Yellow
3. A+U (O)=AU (or AO) as the Red+Blue=Magenta
4. E+O=EO as the Green+Blue=Cyan
5. Subtractive Colors as the Vowels, the A-O Systems: Yellow-Cyan=E+O-A-E=O-A Systems
6. Subtractive Colors as the Vowels, the E-A Systems: Cyan-Magenta=A+E-A-O=E-A Systems
7. Subtractive Colors as the Vowels, the E-O Systems: Red-Magenta=E-O-(A+O)=E-O-A-O=E-O Systems
Thus, we have the 7 Swara, the Vowel Systems and the Colors working together as follows:
AO+EA+OE+A-O+E-A+O-E=O+A=E Systems
-> (AO+EA+OE)+(A-O+E-A+O-E)=O+A=E Systems
-> (3 Primary Colors with the White Hole)+(3 Secondary Colors with Black Hole)=A+O+E as the White and Black Color Systems constituting the Color Models of say RGB, HSL, HSV and the Digital Color Systems
When we discuss the color and the sound equations, we have the following as the Trinity:
Forces of A+O+E=(A+O+E)+A*O*E, the Magnetic Poles of the Waheguru Dipole Systems+A-O-E, the Electric Dipoles of the Waheguru Dipole Systems
-> Forces of A+O+E=(A+O+E)+A*O*E, the Magnetic Poles of the Waheguru Dipole Systems Ranging from A/O/E to AO/OE/EA and AOE/OEA/EAO Systems+A-O-E, the Electric Dipoles of the Waheguru Dipole Systems Ranging from the A/O/E to A-O/O-E/E-A and the A-O-E/E-O-A/O-A-E Systems
It always follows the 8-Dimensional Systems of the WAHEGURU Dipole Systems, and always end up with the following:
Living Light Systems=YANG (RAMA)+YIN (RAVANA)
-> WAHEGURU, the Living Light Systems=WAHE, the Fusion Systems, the RAMA Systems+GURU, the Fission Systems, the RAVANA Systems
The reason that we have the black and white holes getting all things done, we have the black hole releasing energy as it goes for first absorbing energy and then release it, and similarly, we have the white as the climax of the black hole, which ultimately turns into black holes as we notice it in the Star Systems. We have discussed it as follows with “S” as the Hydrogen and the “H” as the Helium Systems in the First Vowel Row in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems:
WAHEGURU Energy Systems =SAHA, the Fusion Systems+HASA, the Fission Systems
-> WAHEGURU Energy Systems =SAHA Hydrogen in Association with Helium, the Fusion Systems+HASA, the Helium in Association with Hydrogen Systems, the Fission Systems
When we put the “A”, the Proton Systems to the “SA”, we discuss the Hydrogen and as a Proton or the reactions with the Proton, and its same with the “H”, the Helium Systems, and that we can replace the Proton Systems, the “A” Systems with say the “E, Electron, O, Neutron systems”:
SAHA+HASA -> SEHA+HESA -> SOHA+HOSA, and thus leading these equations with the “A, E and O Systems as the Vishnu (A), Shiva (E) and the Brahma (O) Systems”, but as its good for learners and we can focus on the future researches based on the “EA, AO and the OE Systems that is AEO, the WAHEGURU as the Light that Speaks Systems” , and also the A-O-E Systems as we have discussed as the EA-EEAA Systems. The Indian Systems put these fusion and the fission reactions in the simplest format:
WAHEGURU Nuclear Energy Systems=SOHUN Fusion Systems+HANSA Fission Systems
WAHEGURU Nuclear Energy Systems=SOHUN as the SAHA Nano Systems of Fusion Systems+HANSA as the Nano Systems Fission Systems
In the SOHUN and the HANSA Systems of the SAHA and the HASA, we have the S having the O, A, N, M, the SOHANAM, and the HANSA is the HANAMSA, and in it, we notice the RAVANA Playing the Role of RAMA as the OHANAM is having the “S”, the Nucleus, the Hydrogen Systems that makes the ONAM as the SOHANAM, and in it, we say that in the “Abode of Lord Vishunu, the Nucleus of RAMA, the Light Systems, the RAVANA is the “Gatekeeper, the Guard”. At the same time, the HANSA as the HAMANSA is the Sleeping or Resting Vishnu, the Resting States of the Human Body and that the “HAMANSA” means in the “MANA”, the “HA” goes into the MANA, the Heart Center, the Creative Intelligence, the Center of Fusion Systems as its what heart needs the “Glow Coming from the Brain, and thus the “SOHANAM” that Glows in the Head Centers and Ascends to the Heart Centers, the Moon, the Heart and the Earth, the Human Body Systems. Thus, we also have the popular term of “HANU, the HANAM” as the Major Part of Nuclear Energy Systems in the “SOHANAM”, and its the “Root of the “HAVANA” not the “RAVANA”, and the “HANAM” is close to the “RAMA Systems as the “RAHANAM”, which simply means the “RA+HANAM”, the Annihilation, the HANAM (HANI, the HAANI, the Loss in the Hindi and Punjabi Languages) and thus the HANAM, the Loss of Light, and its the “root word for the HANAM+MAAN, the Level, the MAAN of Loss, the HANAM, and thus its popular term and thus the name of Monkey Lord HANUMAN from the HANA-HA-MAAN, the HANUMA or the HANUMAT Systems in the Fusions in the Brain and the Missions in the Heart, which is a Sacred Cycle of Human Fission and the Fusions as its the “Feedback Systems of the Nuclear Energy Systems”.
In the Nuclear Energy Systems, we have what goes from the “White Hole to the Black Hole and then Black Hole to the Energy in the Universe”, and thus when we consider the Black Body, what do we consider in it: Matter or Energy?
We mostly think of the Black Holes rather than the Huge Energy that Works in it, and in the Nucleus, we have the Fission Energy and around the nucleus outside it, we have the Fission Energy, and its when we consider the “SA” as “Atom” and the “HA” as an “Atom”, we have a “Molecule of SAHA Systems”, and thus the “SAHA Releases Energy, and its the Binding Energy”, and its one of the major reasons that SAHA as the S: Systems is the “Binding of More Than One Vowels, the Atoms” and its also the reasons that we have the 15 Vowels and as this cannot exist without the SAHA, we have the “SAHA as the Binding Energy” that gives us the Nuclear Binding Energy Systems of Fusions and the Fission’s. In other words, when we wight 2 Kg of Potatoes in a Bag, we also weigh the Bag, and thus Bag, the Container is the SAHA, and its the Boundary, Bonding, the Bindu in which we all live. When we consider the Atom, we cannot imagine it without the “Boundary, the Boundary of the Nucleus”, and that very thing is called the “SAHA” Systems. Thus, when we consider the “SAHA and the HASA Systems”, we talk and discuss about the Inside the Boundary and its the SAHA, and Outside the Boundary, and its the HASA Systems with “Low and High Voltage as the 0 and 1 Bit Systems, in the same way as when we inhale we say: “SOHUN” and Charge and Recharge our Body Systems, and when we exhale, we say: “HANSA”, and we release the “Carbon Dioxide”, and thus for us the “SOHUN is Oxygen, the White Hole Systems of Oxygen and the Water, the H2O Systems and HANSA is the Carbon Dioxide, the Black Hole Systems of Carbon and the Hydrocarbons”.
Meanwhile, we will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!