Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, and the Theory of Forms, and OM: How Sacred Vedas Chant Physical and Metaphysical Rama in 7 Heavens and 14 Sacred Dimensions – Be Happy Philselfologically – 54
The Vedas have 2 major branches the physical that deals with the world we see, and the world that we do not see is the metaphysical and thus the Vedas for the two worlds as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle call it the Theory of Forms. The Inner World is metaphysical in everyone and everything, and outer world we see is the Outer World and reaches to the ends of and to the universes. The invisible and thus the hidden world is known only by one sound, name and light that has almost no alternatives and we say its the Spirit, the Light, and its name always remains OM, the OAM,the divine vowels of “O, E, I, O, U”, and that these primitive qualities, sounds, names, shapes, colors, and all that we know as the omniscience is nothing but the metaphysical world of Vedas. It cannot have any mantras in it as it does not deal with the visible world.
So, the Vedas, and thus Metaphysical Philosophers of Vedas renounce all names of God, say Rama, Krishna, Shri, and whatever in the universe can be possible, and the worst is that it does not seem to have the Guru-shish traditions and this is the Picture that Shri Arjan Dev is has described in the Sukhmani Sahib that in Light, the Spirit exists nothing that we discuss on earth systems.
Before the Fifth Sikh Guru Shri Guru Arjan Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism introduced the Philosophy of Light that Vedas discuss as the Abode of Light, the Quality of Ethereal World, which most of Indians and Eastern People call the Eternal World, and thus the Space Element that has Light as the same as Light that glows as he says “Loy” “Lou” and so on and that its invisible, and most of the contemporary religions including the Jewish Religion, this Light is the Talking Light, yes the Light that Speaks, and Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji talked to this Light that Speaks and he discussed all that Abraham, Lord Moses, Lord Jesus, Lord Hazarat Mohammad Sahib, Mahatama Buddha and others have been talking and speaking laughing and joking with this Light that Speaks. Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji named this Talking Light as the Nirankara, the Light With No Shape, Dimensions and Time Limits and so on and this very light is the essence of the Vedas, and where does it reside!
Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji says that world is nothing but word, and the word created it and that world and word are one, and thus the Space Element of Sound, the Quality of Light as the five basic elements is everywhere where one wants to access it, and all feel it when one meditates, and this is what Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji had seen, talked and thus wrote the dialogues and discussions in the Raga Measurements as he sang his composed hymn as the Gurbani that has been same for all whom Shri Guru Arjan Dev Ji complied as the Bhagat’s, the people who talk to Light that Speaks. The First Sikh Guru named the abode, the place of this Light as the Sachkhanda, means the Dimension of Space Element, the Subtly Dimension that in the Sacred Geometry, we study at the Fifth Dimension, and the other 4 Dimensions are as follows:
1. Earth Systems, the First Sacred Dimension
2. Moon Systems, the Second Sacred Dimension
3. Sun, the Star Systems, the Static and yet Dynamic, the 3rd, 4th, and the 5th Sacred Dimensions
4. North Polaris, the Kinetic and yet Dynamic Star Systems, the 6th Sacred Dimensions (He, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji described it at the Jaganathpuri in his Aarti), and we can view it in this video as the Aarti being done by the stars, earths, moons, signs, constellations and other entities in the universe:
and the fifth dimension remains as that of the sound as:
5. Center of the Universe, the Dynamic Systems of universe as we live in the one, where everything glows, the Sachkhanda, the 7th Sacred Dimension of the Universe
The 7 Sacred Dimensions as proposed by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism are also called the 7 Skies, the 7 Akasha, the 7 Asmaana, and so on, and one may wonder about why the Guru Ji has not talked about the 14 Sacred Dimensions, and in the Sacred Moolmantra, he explains it as well as in the Japuji Sahib that when we consider the Shiva-Shakti, we have Two poles present at every earth, moon, sun and other star systems, and these give 7 Levels of Astronomy the 14 Dimensional Study of Matter in 3 Forms, the Static (Tamo), Kinetic (Rajo) and the Dynamic (Sato) Qualities (Guna’s) of the Sacred Universe in which we all live.
Sacred Science, Math and Arts of the Sacred Universe Give us the Complete, Perfect and Always Verifiable Knowledge and the Wisdom of the Sacred Vedas: Static, Kinetic, Dynamic and Guru Dimensions: Be Happy Philselfologically – 72
Scientists talk about the Sachkhanda as we in India have been talking: We say yellow, blue and white Sudarshana Chakras run the various universes and these run from finger type tip on which rotates the universe and thus every earth systems has one short set of very tiny system based on the universe system.
The Indians and other people who have been using the Art of Sacred Meditation as the 6th Dimension and then getting the knowledge and wisdom of the universe naturally as we know it as the Sacred Vedas have put all of the Sacred Astronomical Studies in which the 5 Dimensions are of Astrology, the 6th of Mantra Theories, the “Theory of Mana” and the 7th Sacred Dimension as the “Theory of Nama” of the Sacred Universe has put it all both in the East and West into the following 7 Sacred Dimensions:
1. The Earth, the First Dimension: The Earth as what is popular as the Lagna or the Ascendant
2. The Moon, the Second Dimension: The Moon as in the Moon Signs
3. The Sun, the Third Dimension: The Sun as the Sun Signs
4. The Signs, the Fourth Dimension: The Group of Stars as the Rasi or the Signs, which are 12 in number or count
5. The Constellation, the Nakshtra, the Fifth Dimension: The Constellations are the 27 or with a smaller Abhijit Constellation as the 28 Constellations, the Nakshtra
These 5 Sacred Dimensions influence the humans and life in any form as it influences the 5 Elements, the Tattva as in Indian People say: Astrology, the Force of 5 Dimensions influences the Matter.
Thus all astrologers and other spirituals, and thus the Sacred Vedas recommend the 6th Dimension as the Sacred Remedy, and thus the use Mantras as described in the next dimension.
6. The Force or the Shakti Regions, the Sixth Dimension: The Electric Spheres as produced by the 7th Dimension of Power, the Shiva, and these electric spheres are beyond the Sacred Constellations, which are the Regions of Shakti where Sound Energies reach and Indians call it the Levels of Mantras, and thus the “Theory of Mana”, the Theory of Sound Energy as for curing any matter or sending information say through internet and the mobiles, we use the “Sound Energy in an Electromagnetic Way, and thus the Theory of the Semiconductors”
7. The Power or the Shiva Regions, the Seventh Dimension: The Magnetic Spheres, which produce the First Outer to the 7th Sacred Dimension as the Frame of Reference (as we call it the Sacred Dimension), the Bindu that Glows, and thus Enlarged Sphere of Electricity, the Electric Particles around it which glow (Tithai loyai loyai Akar… There are many glowing spheres as there is no struck sound, and thus the consonants, but the sacred vowels and the light energies, and thus the “Theory of Nama”, the “Light Energy” as when we send signals towards the center of the universe we use the light energy usually beginning with the LASER beams
We have blue center of Sudarshana as the result of the “Nama Theory” that now runs for many many thousands of years, yes the light years and this is what video seems to show, and it does not seem to show it shows the Fifth Dimension, and thus the Blue Sudarshana Chakra as we see it from our earth system, and Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji says that there are countless “Lou”, the Glowing Plants that are part of the Fifth Dimension, and we are talking about the center of the universe and it does not matter how it looks without seeing as our concern is that the space elements glow and have word, sound, waves and vibrations that talk and speak and are same as if mobiles that we have on our earth:
Please note that the earth, moon and the sun is a set of a trinity, the star system that revolves around what we say the Polaris North, which remains static for say billions of earth years, and that the center of the universe exactly is not the hub of 5 basic elements and thus the sounds do not exist after some distance covered within and towards the center of our universe. The light as Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji describes has two aspect, the white light that can see itself and others, and the black light that sees everything and that white light cannot see it, the black light, and thus the center of the universe as the founder of Sikhism proposes is black area at the very center of the universe because of which there is a white glowing Light that Speaks!
This black body as the black light is far stronger than the white bodies and the white light as Sikh Gurus have proposed and we discuss, and this means our universe with black vacuum kind of light that creates white light is the deepest possible accesses that helps the Light that Speaks to exist and Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji called it the Ekamkara, the the light, the feeling of being alive (consciousnesses, the being that Jewish call: IT IS) and that is one and our right side of the body simply feels is and has operating connection with the left side of the brain, and is the Living Brahm, the Divine as we say, and we hear it through right side of the brain, and the Omankara,the Light that is the Pure Form of Shakti, the Vital Energies having essence of bio in it that glows, and still is the element of space, the Akash Tatav, the Mann as we say means its connected to left side of body and right side of every human brain, and that what we say as OM has tiny parts that run as if mobile systems that we call the Atama’s, the individual souls, but the master of all is one, and that is the black body supporting the entire systems as if the Artificial Intelligence that is very natural or perhaps the most natural thing in the universe, and seem to use only the white light of a black star as this wonderful video shows:
This very black and as if the Purest Iron Magnet with two poles is what the Tenth Sikh Guru called the Mahakala, and thus we all have “Sarb Loh Ki Rachha…” means we all are safe in the pure iron that is associated with the magnetic systems of the universes and the EM in it produces white light and thus a wonderful Orange Theory of Universe and the following video shows EM System of our universe, and that I finished researching this topic as Be Happy Philselfologically for Sacred Astronomy and Space Sciences back in mid 90’s and particularly in 1996:
The Wisdom of Vedas talks the same thing as Sikh Gurus say in the Prayers and the Sikhs and other Indians use it as the Theory of the Universe, yes the theory of the one universe in which we live and that is well known as the Sut or Soot Theory, the Soot, the Theory of Son, the Soot as described by the Christian Mythologies, and it is the Thread Theory of the Earth, Moon, Sun; the Trinity, and Polaris stars with center of the universe sustaining it, and we pray it like this:
“Sagal Samagari Tumrai Sutar Dhaari” (Sukhmani Sahib)
“All Materials Are Well Threaded in An Order as women while knitting does and as if a String”:
In the Daily Sukhmani Sahib Prayer, the Sukhmani means Prayers of Joy and Bliss in Sikhism that is recited by almost most of the Indian one way or the other. This Thread or String Theory is Knitting Cotton, Woolen and other things that Indian women do and that is the joy of the universe.
Now, the problems do not exist in the invisible world that is the pure metaphysical world, and thus grammars as guides need to have rules to tell all that humans eat and drink many things and need natural laws and principles based on most unchangeable thing that people in the east say, the Ethereal, and call this Space Element as the highest possible among the Five Tatav’s, the Five Primal Elements that give birth to all other elements possible in the universe.
The first thing in the Space Element and thus the space elements, the integration all space elements as sounds, the waves and vibrations that change into various colors and patterns that we notice on music systems. It sprouts where we sow rather than keeping thinking what happens at the center of the universes and thus brain tapping’s that one is connected with the universe that is nothing but again the space elements realized that many say is the Brahma Gyana, the knowledge and wisdom of the metaphysical world, a status that helps in doing and pursuing the Personal Relations with God, the Spirit that guides the Holy Spirit, Saints, the Good and Civilized Santan’s, who accept and follow the Ethereal or Eternal, the Space (Akaash) Element ((Tatva) as aim of their lives, and thus all of the spiritual who follow the Path of Ethereal Life.
After all what is the Samadhi and the Saints: We all are born from the bio-contents that we say is level of mammal’s reproduction systems and its base is mostly the Bhoga, and thus born as Bhogi, and its S-aadi, the swad, as we may never leave habits of taste say bad habits, and thus S-aadi and we popularly call it swad. Now, there is end of life that all of us have to leave this world one day, this very truth is what, the S-ant, and those who remember and follow knowing that all leave and one is slowing heading towards this very end of life knows what one’s end is; the S-ant, and thus the Sant or Saint. Now, we all live in between these two ends, and thus S-madhaya, the S-madhi, the popular term for it is Samadhi.
Now, the Samadhi one has a wish of Bhoga, the desires to have pleasures is doing Bhoga Samadhi as the Birds who catch fishes do! When one wants to attain good end of life that is Yoga Samadhi and one remains as one is rather than forcing others or self to attain things of pleasures unethically that we know Bhoga. Thus, the S-ant does the S-madhay, and others whom we say are not religious but are scientists, researchers and thinkers as they seem not be religious, they remain in the S-madhay most of times even while working, and their continuous samadhi gives them enjoy the Bh-gati, the harmony with Mother Earth and the Natural World, and the same done for just pleasures, the Bhoga, one is not called the Bhagat, but Sa-kat, the one who enjoys Shakti and cuts or disobeys the S-ants! So, what does one wants to do is Sakalpa, the personal decision and thus people say please do not live like just a bhogi, the sinner, but as saints, the good and civilized people, the sanatana, the ethereal life seekers or the seekers in general, the most popular term always remains the seekers in all world religions and the faiths!
On the other hand the trinity of S-adi, S-madhay and S-ant has its Kundalini levels, as these names suggest, and now these have the owner of the Kundalili, who does not change, and that is the Atama who enjoys what one experiences and that is what we know as the spiritual or divine joy and bliss. In S-adi, the Soul as Atama, the Set of Divine Vowels enjoy the taste only, in S-madhay one experiences the bliss in the body, and in the S-ant there is only the owner of the Kundalini, who is what one is and thus the bliss alone with no reference to the Kundalini. You see most of the people in west and east too worship aadi-shakti, the shakti is from the Shakt, the Botanical Studies claiming life started from the Sound, the Sarasvati, a Taskal, Domicile or Universities who follow and believe in it, the Matter gave birth to life is what people say Goddess Kali, and the rest follow the Botany and the Bio-energies as Laxmi, which is study of Dualism. However, this is Trinity that serves Mother Nature, which is called the Goddess of Natural World as the Vashno, while its again the name of Lord Vishnu as the Female. The Vishnu is the San-rakashak means that sustains Sah, the S: or Saha bound together, and thus the A-adi shakti keeps three forms of matter and life alive. Thus, Vaishnu as Goddess of Nature is the Goddess of Green World and Botanical as Vegetarians do.
No wonder: I was just searching simile words for S-aadi as Si, the sin, S-amadhi as the son, so, So, and S-ant as the San, and when I put these three words together as Sin, Son and San, I got this one, hope does not harm anything communicating about it as its a name of a person at Facebook and thus names of people as I studied these names in the Genesis in Holy Bible in 1989 while studying in Year 11 (of course I did Year 12 from these Schools) at the Muirden Secondary Schools, click on the photo to visit the school!
This personal approach for any research as the personal relation with God is a new chapter to the book of the universe, and that is An Art of Self-study and Learning, and thus Self-Researching that leads to self-realizations so that one attains better levels to understand the metaphysical in a better way.
This very approach for self-study about the ethereal works as the eternal works needs a guide who has already done this job, and that is the self-realized research works that does not influence any student but guides as in the universities we say they are the consultant levels who provide the choices for selections of the thesis works, which is a major problem in any given times as everything needs to be right contemporaneously means in any given contemporary time. This is called the Swaadhaya and for meeting of east and west as ancient and modern, I had to give it a name, Philselfology, and thus Be Happy Philselfologically, and thus one of my firm named BHP Consultants, the Be Happy Philselfologically registered this year in say 2012-13, and never panic or worry please as at the moment I am investing from my parental and sisterly pockets and thus the help from the family. I keep changing names as I also have Bhagouauty Prime Waves as BHPW House of Publications running from say last more than 10 years and is registered with about 15 books published, and so no panics again as when money matters who knows not the writers!

Now, back to the pavilion, the metaphysical world says chant nothing but vowels, the set of OM, the “OO EE AA”, and does not support Rama, Rama, Krishna, Krishna as these have the Shakti that is the World of Consonants, and thus some Arya Samaji’s, the Divine Society of Aryan’s, the Good and Civilized People that Hitler, the President of Germany followed and excelled in Science and Technology, and mostly the South Indians follow this theory of science and technology properly, and the Vedanti’s feel confused about why Sikhs talk about all names of God say, Rama, Krishna, Gopal, Hari, and Waheguru, but as the Waheguru is a word that is common for all, and all of these names are adjectives and attributes to OM, the OAM.
The Divine Vowel Theory of “AA EE OO” that the Sanskrit and other ancient world languages follow as in the mathematical sciences and computer programming use and thus is the well known Swara Gyana, which Maharishi Vashishtha’s son, Maharishi Sanialaya is said to give as the Brahmi languages. However, during the Manu Times, the Vedic Times, the Shakti was not part of any religious and worship methods, and thus even the Avatars who first control the Shakti, the Energy and when they understand the Law of Conservation of Energy, people call them the Divine Thinkers and Wise People as we say 3 Holy People went to see Lord Jesus as the Bright Star was shining over the Bethlehem. These holy people, saints, avatars and the similar category has been part of the Shakti, the Energy, and its Management of Universe Worshiping and thus Vedas say almost a very little about it. So, there has been times when world needed it, and we have Christianity, Muslims and Sikhs following the Shakti as the Holy Spirit from ages as Manu Ji is said to worship it after he took retirement, the sanyas, the renunciation from the householders life and then talked to the light that speaks and followed what all world religions and faiths follow, and thus it was the Manu Ji, who seem to have introduced the Visible Rama worship later and earlier it was the Sun Worship, but when he finished his Veda Compilations, as we study and research nowadays this very thing of Visible or Shakti Worship seems almost missing from the Vedas, but Ved Vyasa and others say even Vashishatha and Sandyala as well as the 10 Prajapati’s have done these works and it is amazing that the original Vedas have almost nothing to say about it.
When we talk about the Sikhism, it first salutes to Shakti, and surely the form the Sikhs salute and worships is the Ethereal, the Space Level Tattava, the Space Element as we have discussed as the Ethereal or Eternal Space Element the Sanchkhanda of Japuji Sahib as recited and written by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and other Sikh Gurus as the Center of the Universe, the Dynamic Systems of universe as we live in the one, where everything glows, the Sachkhanda. In the grammatical context the Sach is from Ach, the Divine Vowels, and thus what is beyond but subtle, minute, and more omnipresent is Sach, Sah+Ach=Soul+Vowels=Beyond Soul means more subtle or of higher dimension than the soul, which Indians use call the Parmatama, which is when one dies and first emerges to the super-soul, the parmatama, and thus Sach word of Sachkhanda is state of death similar to samadhi, the shunaya, but is always Perceivable by the divine vowels, and thus sacred vowels, and thus the 5th Dimension of the Sound as the Sachkhanda and the honor of these sacred vowels that we say the Divine, the Devian’s Vowels is Goddess Sarasvati, the Holy Spirit and thus the Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, and even the Jewish and Hindus worship it as do all the world religions and faiths.
Atama, Paramtama, Consonants and Divine Vowels: Soul, the Atama and super-soul, the Parmatama are one as sea and its drop in the sea, and He as if the sea gives one, the soul as a infinite set of divine vowels a human body, the set of consonants to its own drop, and plays with the drop, the soul, and when one has played enough, the waves of divine vowels, the soul emerges back to the soul, the infinite set of divine vowels, the Parmatama! No wonder all living ones have a set of vowels and the consonants and that is why all living ones think and feel! Let us learn to enjoy the joy and bliss inside and outside our human bodies and the other living ones as its the Anahada Naada, the Music of Divine Vowels!
The strongest word in the universe is: Sah, the S: content that wins the death, the dissociation of consonants from the divine vowels, which we all can feel in the human body while alive. When one dies, the sah words dissocite into sa and ha, and we say its the end of saha, the sanjoga of body, the consonants and the atama, the living, divine and sacred vowels, and thus “O Haroun Joun Sah” has helped all to live longer and thus is called the boon of death when wished rather than the 100 Akal or A-Sanjoga Deaths when one does not practice the Saha, the Sah as S: and knows not the Pranayama that supports the divine vowels.
These divine or scared vowels offer further insight that one gains through the sacred vowel cum consonants and thus the Sacred World of Grammars, Linguistics and Geometry, the Shapes, Figures and the Symbols.
These Ethereal Quality based names are well named by various possible names, say Bhagauti, Bhagouati, Bhagavti and many synonymous of Bhgavti same as Chanting “OM Namo Bhagvatey Vasudevaya Namah” and when we salute to Mantra when we Namah at the end. How I know a little about it, well, I have done my Philselfological Research based TV Serial Gagan Mah Thaal and the Katha Sagar based on this research works on the Indian Civilizations, and it talks about how Manu Ji b himself after writing and composing the 4 Vedas started Shakti Puja by chanting the Mantras and its what his grandson, Dhruva, the Bhagat has done chanting:
“Om Namo Bhagvatey Vasudevaye Namah”
It is what seem to have produced the Sruti’s of Vedas as astrologically the first set of word as in the Kritikka Nakashtra, the Pleiades the Constellations of Seven Vowels, the Seven Sisters as we say, and is the OM, OAM, the A, E, I, O, and its great wonder that the next vowel goes into the Rohni Naskashtra, the Orion Constellation, and thus OOO… Vaaa. Veee. Viii… Vuuu… Vooo sounds create OM and Waheguru together which Sikh Gurus in the Sukhmani Sahib and Gurbani say that “Hari Simran Lag Ved Upaye” means the first was OM, and Chanting of it as with help of vowels of Waheguru, the Rohani Nakashtra gave all knowledge and wisdom, which turned out to be the Vedic Civilizations of Science and Technology.
Thus as the Patanjali Yog Shashtra says that even the Brahma, Vishnu and the Mahesha chant Waheguru, the Divine Vowels of “A, E, I, O, U”, which has helped the Europeans and the westerns excel in it as Hitler did, and so did most the western thinkers and the philosophers. This is what has been recited by the Rishi’s, the R-Eish means those who are gods born and words R-Rays, and Isa-Light, the Children of Isa, Issiah, Ish or Esha are all as Light, and thus are Children of Light that we say the Sanat Kumara’s, and thus as we say Lord Jesus as the Son of Light, and the Avtara of Light and as all still humans, and thus the Avtara or Reincarnations of Gods is well expressed in the same way as the Guru-Shish Traditions of Jot Se Jot Milate Chalo Concepts that is to say Light Lights Light, and thus the Devata’s as the humans:
Well, you see we say in India from past few some centuries that Indians may not recognize it due to one major reasons that all Mantras, Names of Gods and other things have been in the Sanskrit languages, and most of the North Indians may not be studying the Sanskrit Languages. We are not talking about the exceptions that are everywhere in world. The Vedas may not recognize the Shakti or Sarasvati Concepts as these came when the Goddess Sarasvati as the son of Vashishtha gave Brahmi Languages and Maharishi Sandayala is well known contributor to the civilizations of the Universes.
The Sikh Gurus, the Bhakta’s realized the Future of Sanskrit as very vivid from the times of Gupta Empires, and moreover as Brahmi Languages and its Civilizations have been, and thus that as we say the Bhagat’s as Swami Tulsi Das Ji has been contributing Ram Charit Manas and all that saved the Civilizations based on the Sanskrit Languages as we have been discussing. These has the Indian Civilizations as transformed into Hindi and Punjabi that has kith and kin relations with all other regional languages of India and the neighbor countries that has helped Indian Civilizations with what we know as the Urdu Languages that is now an Integral Part of Indian Civilizations, and the people who will even outside India.
These additions are part of Sanskrit and Brahmi Grammars, which are nothing but two major functions of the Vedas:
1. Theory of Induction as say Faraday has used in the Electromagnetism and works well in all possible field and faculties of human knowledge and wisdom, and please research about law of induction as it is applied form of anything we know, and that we all have eyes so next person is going to have eyes, and thus similarity in all known objects of comparison that I proposed as EQ Level of Philselfological Thinking rather than IQ:
2. Theory of Deduction: It deals with a natural laws that helps us to recognize something from the similar things or objects, and thus one can teach and point out where our earth stands among other earth systems and thus the finding of contrast in the similes among the similar things that I proposed as the Level of Philselfological Thinking, which is IQ Levels of researches, that help developing the IQ’s as the following video shows, and thus the Philselfological Genius within as in context to IQ and EQ:
Based on which I have done even Logic Part 1 from the University of Adelaide in 1990, and that become part of my PhD (AM) in 2005 when I finished my degree with the same drafted thesis with some of my self-published books in my bag!
The Metaphysical World is very dear to the Brahmin’s World of Scholars and Researchers and thus we have world syllabus and books that every school, college and university in the world uses now, and that world needs co-curricular activities and the syllabus that is the Shiv-Shakti form of the same God, the Spirit, and thus 10 Prajapati and 10 Sikh Gurus are identical in this context, and that they are almost same as the 10 Vishnu Incarnations and that they are the teachers, who say world is well in the hands of the holy saints. Thus, Indians chant many names of God, the mantras, and all that we have discussed as the Shabari Mantras:
Philselfology of World of Shabari Mantras, Sidhha, Instrumental and Vocal Music, and Classical Dances, the Kathak: Divine Grammars and the Computer Programming Skills: Be Happy Philselfologically – 51
The next important and integral part of the series: How Be Happy Philselfologically Can Help in Sacred Paradigm in Modern World of Science, Math, Geometry, Grammar, Music, Creative Arts, Mantras, Painting, and Space Sciences and Holistic Management of Knowledge and Wisdom – 55
The Ayurveda and the Sacred Dimensions of the Universe: Matter, Sound, Energy, Light, Sacred Semiconductors and Role of Sacred Education Systems in the Health and Wellness Management – Be Happy Philselfologically – 76
Now, as usual, we will edit and add.
Please Be Happy Philselfologically, and pray for our works at Life Dynamix – Wings for All!
Thanks for your precious time, and hope its well invested!