✨❤️🔥🦋 When you ⭐️find yourself⭐️ express yourself openly, in your own unique, original, specific way.. 💫this is what makes you, YOU!💫🔥#selfexpression ❤️ be your truest authentic self no matter what.. 🦋 #authenticselfauthenticlife 🦋 you are always going to have haters and people that judge you.. 💥who gives a damn!💥 show these people the door if they don’t accept you for who you are.. at the end of the day the way you choose to be and how you choose to live your life is not about them, it’s about you.. what makes YOU HAPPY.. 🌺 #yourhappinessiskey 🌺 🕊The ULTIMATE FREEDOM is attained through true acceptance of all that you are.. 🕊 💥don’t sell yourself short just to impress and please others pretending to be something you’re not..💥 remove the mask that has kept you bound & stagnate.. that has stopped you from evolving into who you truly are, who you’re meant to be.. your true inner you is waiting to released, to be shown, to be known.. to be honored.. Freedom comes by becoming immune to the negativity of people’s so called opinions of you, and their lack of faith, encouragement and support for you.. what other people think holds no validation and does not matter, what matters is how you feel about yourself, your own validation and your own acceptance of self.. 💥 #selfacceptance 🕊 #innerstrength 🔥 #resilience 💜 honor YOURSELF💜 by being yourself.. by always choosing and pursuing 🦋what is best for you🦋 know your worth.. there is only one you.. be proud and express openly who you are.. ❤️You are amazing 💜 ⭐️💫be the person that believes in you💫⭐️ 🔥I am who I choose to be, not who and what you want me to be.. I hold that power.. 🔥 🔥❤️🦋
The ULTIMATE FREEDOM is attained through true acceptance of all that you are
by Michelle Leigh | Nov 13, 2019 | Goodness Messages | 0 comments

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