We believe in the Reiki, the natural power flowing, universally. It is present in the plants, as the energy to restore by herbal qualities, while supporting the evolution. On the other hand, the nature does not seem to support any single headed evolution, like the concept of a full evolution in humans while ignoring all other forms of life, namely the vegetarian world, the animal kingdom and life giving things on the earth or any other planet.

Even within the human body, there are solids, like bones, teeth, skull, etc., and other life giving things, the muscles are like vegetarian world, neuromuscular systems like animal kingdom.

Moreover, these all seem to be sprouting from the center of evolution, that is, our brain and its rich or highly conscious or intuitive center, that is more related to glands like pineal and pituitary. Moreover, of course the intellect, the finest tool in the human body, and working humbly no matter whether the user is using it with positive, neutral or negative energy, it works as a humble servant as our body does.

It seems that we are in need to pause to analyze if the evolutionary revolution is similar to nature. It may be our self-assumed quest to explore the best of the possible evolution for humans, however we seem to ignore that the complete environment of the globe that is life giver along with other forms of life, namely the vegetarian world, the animal kingdom and life giving things on the earth.

All of which constitutes the continuity of evolution as well as the food chain. The Indian Philosophy of Religion and other scriptures, the Ancient Sciences, particularly the Ayurveda and the similar ones other countries like China, Japan, Egypt, etc. and even the modern ones in the names of Herbals, Vegetarianism and Home remedies, specifically talk about the individual, family, social and global health care.

More natural we become more closer to nature we go to receive the natural restoring powers and energies present in nature and us, the bond of Reiki, and it is simple and the need of all as if a call from Mother Nature.

Thanks for reading it.

Dr. Harmander Singh
Author: Dr. Harmander Singh

Be Happy Philselfologically: The Research on Free and Renewable Energy as Quantum, Classical and Sacred Systems! 🙂

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