Perhaps one of the greatest enemy of man is fear. It is said that we can only use 3% of our brains because there is a veil of fear that hinders us from discovering our true potential. This veil of fear prevents us from being truly alive and truly human as we simply choose to live in our own safe haven; not discovering what’s around the bend; fear of the unknown; fear of insecurity; fear of death; fear of not belonging and not being accepted… and so on and so forth. When we should have used our voice to speak the truth, we only whisper for fear of being slandered or accused. When we should have given all our hearts for love, we give only a little for fear of being too vulnerable and hurt; when we could have dedicated all our lives for a worthy cause, we choose to live the safe and easy path for fear of risks and dangers; when we could have lived and loved to the fullest, we choose only to live mediocre lives for fear of what society might say. But love, truth, justice, and beauty are timeless treasures that even death cannot take away. It is beyond our beings and holding on to these in courage, we transcend our narrow limitations and live as angels live. No fear.
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