How the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems explain the Theory of Father, Son and Holy Spirit: Pulsar, Spiral, Chiral, the OORA, AARA and EERI Systems of Standard Physics Models: Be Happy Philselfologically – 93
We normally take interest in what is huge or the things too small, but in real life in the universe, everything is having the same size, shape and thus the Sacred DNA Systems assembled as the Spiral and the Chiral Systems creating the Pulsars that are like the “Systematic Packets of Spiral and Chiral Systems”, which whoever receives and opens gets the results as whoever seeks it gets it. The things that are too important in life occupy most of life systems and things that are too small may pay us nothing as both does not exist in the universe, the way humans see, perceive and conceive it as what Lord Jesus call the “Kingdom of God” is where everything is equal and same as all Sacred DNA Systems are from the same “Father, Mother (the Holy Spirit) and the Son, who is like a Duplicator Systems for all as God first created the “RNA”, the Son (DNA) and the Daughter (RNA Systems” from the Sound, the AARA, the Proton Systems while making it happen on His Own Systems of OORA, the Neutralized Cell Systems in the Universe, and with the help of EERI, the Holy Spirit Systems, He, the God created the “OORA, AARA and EERI” Systems”, which we also know as the “Alpha and Omega Systems” in the western civilizations. Thus, in everything that exists in the universe, we have the “OORA (The Father as the First, the Master DNA), AARA (The Son as the First Produced DNA) and the EERI (The Holy Spirit as the First RNA), and thus the Chiral Systems” as the “Father, Son and the Holy Spirit”. These all three live together as the Trinity of X (AARA), Y (OORA) and Z (EERI) everywhere in the universe, and always follow the “Sense of Equality, the Pulsar Systems as the Kingdom of God no matter as the Universes or the Super-universes” as Lord Jesus says that “All are alike in the Kingdom of God, the Pulsar Systems as the “Sound and Light” as he, the Lord Jesus also says: “I’m the light, and I’m the sound and the word” at various places in the Holy Bible. As the “Light, Sound and Word”, the God, Son and the Holy Spirit are everywhere in the Space, Time and Places. Thus, the “OORA, AARA and the EERI Systems are the Life of the Universes and the Superuniverses”. These in any category are neither big nor small but equal in all as the Indian Theory of Zero, the Math of the Soul, the Zero, and or the Shoonya.
When we use the “Comparative Religious Studies for the World Languages and the Grammars”, we notice that we have the “OORA AARA and the EERI” present as follows:
1. OORA Systems (East, the Ancient)=OMEGA Systems (West, the Modern)
2. AARA Systems (East, the Ancient)=ALPHA Systems (West, the Modern)
3. EERI Systems (East, the Ancient)=CHI Systems (West, the Modern)
The modern west systems with the OMEGA, ALPHA and CHI Systems describe the eastern OORA, AARA and the EERI Systems as shown in the images below:
Image: The Universal Sounds of “OMEGA (OORA), ALPHA (AARA) and the CHI (EERI)”
Image: OORA as OMEGA, AARA as ALPHA and the EERI as the CHI in the CHI-RHO
Image: Big Bang and Elementary Particle Theories as the Omega (OORA), Alpha (AARA) and Chi (EERI)
Image: The 9 Open Body Systems and the 10th as the Hidden Body Systems
Thus, we arrive at the following Modern systems in the Sciences and Maths:
Image: OMEGA (OORA) AARA (ALPHA) and EERI (CHI) CHI-RHO Elementary Particle Systems in the Modern World
Image: The Beginning and the End of OORA (OMEGA), AARA (ALPHA) and the EERI (CHI) Systems
We have discussed the “WAHEGURU Systems” as the “W’H’G’R”, “W,H,G,R” and the “A, E, U (O), U (OO)” Systems which are almost same as the “YHWH”, the “Hallelujah” Systems in the Hebrew Based World Religions and Faiths.
Image 11: YAHOWAHA Systems in simple way as the JEEVAHA Systems
We can see that we get the following Science and Maths from these similar and the same systems of ancient world religions and faiths:
1. The Photon Systems: “A, E, U (O), U (OO)” Systems, and these are popular as the “Children of Light, the God Particles” from ages, and are the ‘Light Based Particles”
2. The Standard Physics Particles: “W,H,G,R” Systems, and these are popular as the “Fathers, Mothers and Grandparents, the Ancestors of Children of Light, the God Particles”
3. The Susy Physics Particles: “W’H’G’R'” Systems, and these are popular as the “Children of Darkness, the Sound Based Products that produce the Matter, the Shri, the Shree, the Shai, and thus popular as the “Satan Particles”, and we should never be confused with terms say the “Satan, Maya, Shree” and so on as it simply says that “Fusion Particles or the Sound Based Products” are not very good in the “Bio, the JEEVAHA Systems”
4. The Proton Systems: “A-AA, the AARA Systems”, the “Son Systems of Light Particles” as the YANG, the DNA Systems as the Male Product of the OJASA, the Purusha of the OORA, the Father Seed, the Parent DNA Systems
5. The Electron Systems: “E-EE, the EERI Systems”, the Electrons and the Fermi Systems constitute the “Endless one, the Crown of Light” as the “Electron-Fermi, the EERI-E-EE Systems” as shown in the image 15, and its also popular as the “Female or Mother Egg, and thus the YIN Systems”
6. The Neutron Systems: “O-OO, the OORA Systems”, and in the image 20, its the what also notice as the “Photon Belt”, and these are also popular as the “YONG” or “Father Seed, the Sperm, the Parental DNA” Systems
These 6 Systems starting from the 7th Dimension of the Pulsar Systems of the Light Spiral Outside into the 6 Dimensions and create the 3-Dimensional Chiral Systems of the “OORA, AARA and the EERI Systems” as shown below wonderfully and beautifully:
Image 15: How the 7 Dimensions of Lights of 7 Universes and the Superuniverses, the Pulsar Springs into 6 Other Spiral, and the Chiral Dimensions of WAHEGURU, the “YHWH”, the “Hallelujah” Systems with the EERI Systems as the Crown of Light for the Endless One, the God Systems

Image: OORA, the Omega Systems as the “Photon Belt” Systems as we notice in our modern Brahmi Systems of Observations

In our modern world, we use the “Protons and the Positrons, the “A-AA, the AARA Systems” as for the Future Rockets
Now, as we study the “Physical Systems”, we use the name of this system as the “WAHEGURU Systems”, which is same as the “YAH+O+WAH” Systems in the Hebrew Language and the Grammar Systems. The thing that we need to consider is what the Indian Languages call the “Living God”, the “JEEVAH”, which we have described as the “JEEWAHA or the JEEVAHA” Systems and its same as the “JEEVAH as the “YAH+O+WA” or the “JEEHOVA” in the Hebrew Languages and thus the Jewish, Christian and the Muslim World Religions and Faiths. This is one of the major reasons that the Hebrew Language Based World Religions say: “We believe in the Living God, the JEEVOHA”, and then say: “Hallelujah”, and thus Praise the Lord. Now, the world “GURU” is put in India to say that the “WAHA”+”GURU” to praise the “Living God”, and thus we have the following that is what it seems the very appropriate systems:
“WAEGURU”=”JEEVAH”+”HLLYH”+JAHA (J: or JAH)=JEEVA (Sacred Vowels)+ (HLLYH) Consonants+SAHA Systems (J: or JAHA) (The JAHA=Living SAHA)
We notice that the “SAHA” is for anything, but the “JAHA or the “JEEVAHA” Systems signify the Living Things, the JEEVAHA on priority, and thus the “SAHA as the “JEEVAHA”.
We have in the “JEEVOWAHA+HLLYH Systems” as the “V is the “OO”, Y as the “I or E”, and “H” at the end of word is the “A”, and thus it has the “A, E, O, OO”, the WAHEGURU as its also the “WAHEGU(U)RU(OO) Systems as the same as the “JEEVOHA+HLLYH” Systems in the Indian Languages that has more word, vowel and consonant variations.
“Findings at Qumran in Israel show us that in the first century the letter Y was often used as the vowel sound I (ee as in seek); V was equivalent to O (o as in hole) or U (oo as in mood); and H at the end of a word was pronounced A (a as in father). When these letters were used as vowels, their consonantal sound was usually not pronounced — unless this results in two vowels standing next to each other, something that is not allowed in Hebrew grammar. …
Professor Gerard Gertoux refers in his book to what Maimonides (a Jewish scholar and famous talmudist of the 12th century A.D.) has written, and says: “This name YHWH is read without difficulty because it is pronounced AS IT IS WRITTEN, or according to its LETTERS as the Talmud says.” He then displays a long study in the pronunciation of names, and draws the conclusion that the Divine Name is pronounced “I-Eh-oU-Ah”. He even writes: “The name Yahweh (which is BARBARISM) has only been created to BATTLE with the true name Jehovah” (The Name of God…its Story).” (With thanks from the source: )
Thus, the “JEEHWAHA Systems” are what we have discussed as the “WAHA and HAWA Systems” in the previous parts of this series on “Be Happy Philselfologically”, and for the “WAHA and HAWA Systems”, the “JEEVAHA” Systems are the “Living Pulsars”, the Lights who Talks and thus the Great Living Light Who Talks and who has talked to Lords like the Lord Abraham, Moses and Lord Jesus. The Indians never call anyone without the name of “JEEHOVAHA, the JEEVA”, and thus use the “JI or JEE” at the end of all names and in all requests and the replies and the word “Namaste” is the “Salute to the “JEE”, the “JEEVAHA, the JEEVOHA” the Living Light in the Humans”.
Thus, in simple way when we follow the “A, I, E, O, U” Systems, we have something like the following:
1. A
2. A+E=AEY
4. AOU+AU=AAOOUU Systems in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi and all other world langauges
5. Rest of the grammar systems
And it is same in the “WAHEGURU and the YHWH as shown in the image 11 and 25.
I lack enough research work on it due to lack of funds and instead investing from our family pocket from last at least more than 30 years, but in any case, it seems that “JEEVAHA+GURU”, the “WAHEGURU” and “SHREE RAMA” are exactly the same names as based on research works in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems as when we stop the blood based researches on the Genes and the Genetic Sciences in the modern world, we can have lot better civilizations than we expect through the DNA Modification by any possible means say from the hair, nails, bones, DNA and thus the fossil samples and so on as we seem to create the global depression to understand human nature which we can very easily understand from the Indian Grammars without disturbing life by any means whatsoever as all of these are the “Satanic Practices that Indians call the Susy Particle Practices as the Black Magics, and thus need the White Particle Systems of Pulsars as the DNA Sound Therapies “, and thus the following remains an exemption category:
The one of the most confusing word in the Human History and the Civilizations has been the “MAYA” and its related versions say in the English and Other Western Languages as the “I’M” or the “I AM”. The word of “MAYA” has many similar names say as the “MAIYA, MAYEE, MAYAYA”, and so on, and how we can understand it is very simple:
“I’M”=”AAYI AM”=”AAEE AM”=”AA EE OO” when blocked in the mouth”, and its the sound of creation and the creator as it says that the “Other Voices” say:
“AA EE MA”, and when blocked from breathing it goes as the “AA EE AM”, and its the “Secret Voice, the Whisper of the Universe”. The “Indian Genesis, the Story of Creations of the Universes” say the “MAYA” created 3 Forms of Life, and it was the “AARA, the Vishnu, OORA, the Brahma and the EERI, the Shiva”, but the “Vishnu and the Brahma” both ended as the “AA EE MA” as the “AA MA” and the “EE MA”, and the “EE, the 3-Dimensional Systems of the Electrons and the Fermi Systems” were strong enough, which when the “MAYA, the Force of the Universe” tried to control uttered: “AA EE OO” as the “AA EE AM”, which means the “JEEVAHA” introduced himself as the “First DNA, the GENE, the JEEVAHA Systems” in the universe, and in the Indian Sacred Systems, it is popular as the “AA EE BUM BUM” Systems, and thus the “AA EE BUM”, and the “BUM” has the “Lip Movement in it” when we speak it as only as the “BUM BUM”, but with the “Open Mouth with the “AA”, “OO” and or the both say the “AA OO” or the “OO AA”, and finally the “set of the 3 as the “OO, AA, EE”, and the 6 Variations in it, and thus we say it as the “AA (BU)M”, “OO (BU)M”, “AA EE (BU)M”=”AA EE M”=”AAEE M”=”I M”=”I’
Thus, these names, nouns, and the pronunciations with at least 6 variations when its as the “AA EE OO”, we have the words as what we know as: “I’M”=”I AM”, and its the sound of the “Creator, the Living God, who Speaks”.
“I Am What I Am”=”AAEE M (BU) AAEE M” is uttering the “AA EE OO” in the reverse order as we say: “AA EE OO “OO” AA EE OO”, and thus the “OO” while joining the “Two Systems of Spirals of AA EE OO” has a joint in it that sounds like “OO” of the “BUM, AUM” Systems, and that makes the “OO”=”BA”+”AUM”. Now we can check it as follows as when we add the “A” Systems to the Susy Systems, the “W'” Systems:
E=A+O gets the A
It may seem a very simple equation, but it says that
Susy Particles+Proton+Proton=Standard Particles+Proton+Neutron=Standard Particles+Electrons
Susy Particles+2 Protons=Standard Particles+Electrons (Proton+Neurons)
W’+A+A=W+A+E+O=W+W’=DNA (Parental DNA)+RNA (New Susy Particle), and rest is the Story of Duplication, the RNA and the DNA Systems, and the “AA EE M”, the “I’M Systems” are the Owners of it.
When we consider the Matter and the Antimatter Systems, we have the following:
Father “AA EE M”=Mother “M EE AA”
Father “I’M”, the RAMA Systems=Mother “MAYEEAA, MAIYA, MAYA”, the MARA Systems
or Simply:
“I’M”=”I’M”+”M EE AA”=”M EE AA”+”I’M”=”RNA+DNA”=”DNA”+”RNA” !

“The Indian Languages and the Grammars put the “MAAEEYA, the AAEEM, AAEEOO, and other abbreviations with the SAHA and the HASA Systems as the “PULSAR Systems as when we have the SAHA and HASA in these words say “AAEEMA+SAHA or HASA=AAEEMHASA and the AAEEMSAHA,” but these are well studied in the “Hindi, Punjabi and the Sanskrit Versions as for example, we have the AAEEMSAHA=AHINSA means when the Elementary Particles Unite like the Covelent Bonds. The “MAYA can be SAMAYA with SA Systems, and the MAYAHASA, the MAHESA Systems and so on, but it is intended here that all the words, letters, sentences and the Complete Grammar Systems of the Indian Languages is Science of the Universe, Math, Philosophy, Music, and whatever we can ever know and understand in the universe, and the Elementary Particles as the OORA, AARA and EERI Systems and the AAEEOO and the OOEEAA Forces and the Bonds make life so simple that I can understand it as if a school going student, but as I write it in English, the few things need a little more efforts and will be one day online in almost all world languages and the grammars. Thanks!
“AAEE M” in the RAMA Systems is also “M AAEE=MY” as the MARA Systems

The Modern DNA and the RNA Systems of “Mother and Daughter DNA” are the same as we have the simple systems of the DNA and the RNA:
For the Concepts and the Philosophy of “Light, the Standard Particles, the RAMA Systems” are used, and for the “Darkness, the Susy Particles, the Shree Systems” are used in the Indian Sacred Systems. In it the we need to know that the first thing that works against the “Gravity” is the “Sound of Gong”, the “Ga” Sounds that oppose the gravity, and the Indian Systems use the “O, OO, the OORA Systems” to represent that any letter, vowel and sound with the “O, OO, the OORA Systems” oppose the gravity. In this context the “GU” word is very popular, and in it, the “Gravitation Has an Opposition from O (U) in say “GU” and the “OO” Systems offer the maximum oppositions”, and thus the Indian and other World Languages and the Grammars offer the “O, OO, the OORA Systems” in various formats. The “RAMA” Systems have the abbreviations say “R”, and when we notice the “GU”+”RU”=”GURU” has the “G Opposite to R in the Medium” and the “O and the OO are opposite in the Direction as UP and DOWN”. Thus, according to the “GURU Systems”, we have the Susy and the Standard Systems as follows:
“I’M” (Light, the RU System)=”I’M” (RU Systems)+”M EE AA” (GU Systems)=”M EE AA” (GU)+”I’M” (RU)=”RNA (GU)+DNA (RU)”=”DNA” (RU)+”RNA” (GU)!
In all of the systems of Light and Sound Theories, the “RU” and the “GU” create the “RANGA”, the Color Systems, and the “GU” and the “RU” that we know as the “GURU” create the “Gravitation Systems of RANGA, the RUGU Systems”, and thus the Para, the Parabrahma, the Prism Systems have the “GURU as the Spectrum as Splitting of White Light into the Spectrum” and the “RANGA” Systems are the “Individual Colors of the Spectrum of White Light, the GU (Spectrum) and the RU (White Light), and thus the GURU as the Spectrum of White Light, and the Individual Colors as the RA (White Color Ratio) and the GA (Spectrum Sizes that the RA Covers). Thus,
Light+Sound (GURU)=Sound+Light+Sound+Guru
In it the “GURU RNA” is the Master Duplicator and the Multiplier. In the “Master” RNA, we have the “Chiral Systems” having a new lineage from the “Pulsar Systems, the Parental DNA”, and its the 4 Dimensional Pulsar, the OJASA, the Purusha of the Ayurveda JEEVAHA Systems. Now, the “Chiral Systems of DNA and the RNA” goes as follows:
1. The OORA Systems as in the Y-Axis remain the “Linear Systems of the Chiral, but in the Y-Direction”, and we have it as the “GURU RNA that Duplicates itself Systems as the Clones do”, the Lord is the Highest in the Heavens.
2. The AARA Systems as in the X-Axis remain the “Linear Systems of the Chiral, but in the X-Direction”, and we have it as the “DNA, the Parental Systems”
3. The EERI Systems as in the Z-Axis remain the “Linear Systems of Chiral, but in the Z-Direction”, and we have it as the “RNA that Multiples”, and as the “RNA that Multiplies itself acts as the Light Waves do” it goes in what the Indians call the “Direction of the Parbrahma, the Direction of Prism that goes towards light, which is invisible, and thus have all of the “Higher Prism Qualities, the PARA Qualities and thus the “PARABRAHMA” that may break the laws and the principles of the ordinary light
Thus, we have the following system:
EERI (RNA, the Brahma as Parbrahma Systems)=OORA (RNA, the Father as the GURU Systems)+AARA (DNA Systems and the Son as the Father Systems)
These equations are called the “Mahavishnu Systems”, the “Parbrahma Systems”.
In it, we notice that the “GURU Systems” having the “GU” and “RU” has the following systems:
“GURU+H:”=GURUH Systems
The Indian Systems put it as follows:
1. The Capricorn is the “G” System and when we consider the CUSP Systems, the Indian Systems use the “Capricorn-Aquarius Systems” for the JEEVAHA and the GURU, the “J-G” Systems
2. The Libra is the “R” Systems and when we consider the CUSP Systems, the Indian Systems use the “Libra-Scorpio Systems” for the R, the RAMA and the N, the NAMA Systems, the “R-N” Systems
3. The Aries is the “A” Systems and when we consider the CUSP Systems, the Indian Systems use the “Pisces-Aries Systems” for the Ch, the Chara and the A, Achara to say or simply the “A, the AA, the AARA Systems”, and thus the “CH-A”, the CHI Systems
4. The Caner is the “H” Systems The Aries is the “A” Systems and when we consider the CUSP Systems, the Indian Systems use the “Cancer-Leo Systems” for the H, the HARI to say and the M, MANA and thus the “H-M”, the HOMA Systems to say to make it easy to understand
The 4 Systems of the Capricorn-Aquarius (J-G), Libra-Scorpio (R-N), Pisces-Aries (CH-A) and the Caner-Leo (H-M) constitute all Tetra Systems within the 28 Constellations in which we live around our sun systems on our earth. The Indian Astrological, the Gravity Systems call it the “4 Kendras, the Prime Centers and the name “GRAHA” is given to anything that fulfills the Indian Tetra-gram, the Tetra-graha Systems as the “Space filled with the Pulsars, the Ethereal Systems and the Light, Sound, and the 3 Dimensions as the Chiral”, and the Indian Systems put it as the 4 Pada Systems as follows:
1. AA, the AARA Systems of Protons
2. EE, the EERI Systems of Electrons
3. OO, the OORA Systems of Neutrons
4. A+E and the AA+EE, the AE and the AAEE Systems of Photons, the Light Systems of the Pulsars
We can simply put any systems of 4 Signs of the Signs and the Constellations to understand the Indian Systems of Sounds, Colors, Shapes, Life Categories, 4 Elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Space, and so on, and it gives all the desired results of any level from Micro to Macro Particles in the Universe. In this system, we always have the following sub-systems:
1. The W’, A, W and AA Systems: It is the “W’ as the Matter”, the “A” as the Ionization of Matter, W as the “W’A”, the Product Particles or Compounds as say
W’ (NaOH)+A (HCL)—> W (NaCl)+Water (HOH as the W’)
2. The H’, A, H, AE Systems: It is the “H’ as the Liquid, the Susy Liquid”, the “A” as the Ionization of Liquid, the Final “H” as the “H’A” Product Particle or Compound as to say from the “E-EE and the EA and the EEAA Systems of Electric-Fermi Systems”:
HOH+A (Ionization with the AE Systems) —> H+OH- Systems+HOH*AE Systems
Say as the Fusion and the Fission Categories as the “A” and the “AE” Systems for say the Deutrium or the Heavy Compounds to say that can be liquefied
3. The G’, A and U, and the AU or the AO, the AOO Systems: It deals with the “G’ as the Susy Matter” that the A, AE, AAEE Systems have created say at the different times, and we get the “G’+A” as the Product” that deals with the Gravitation Forces of the “U-UU, the Neutron and the Neutrino Systems”:
G’+A (Condensations of materialization with the “U, the Gravity Systems)—> GU+G’A
4. The “R’, A, AO and AAOO Systems”: In it, we have the nucleus of matter rather than the matter, the G’ and the G by itself that we deal as the “R’ and the R’A” as the product that goes through the nuclear as the center of attraction-repulsion and thus the nuclear gravity that we may always change:
R’+A (Nuclear Fusion and the Fission with the AAOO Systems) —> R+RA’+RAO (the RAAOO, the AAOO Product) Systems
The wonder in these 4 equations of the WAHEGURU Systems have the “Spindling and the Twisting” occurring at the 2nd and the 3rd Steps the “HE and the GU Systems” when we have the “A of W and the E of H goes into the EA Systems well boosted by the EA+EAO or the EEAA+EAO (or the EEAAOO), which is the “TRIPLING rather than the Spindling or Twisting as we also know as the Torque or the Modern Dipole Systems as it differs while TRIPLING:
1. Torque of “AE and AAEE” on the Light as the Particle, and gives matter as the “Spiral Systems”
2. Torque of “AEO and AAEEOO” on the Light as the Wave, and gives “Sound, Matter and Light Products” as when the resonance occurs and we have the “Chiral Systems”, and also include when the resonance does not occur and we have the “Sound as the Pairty of Unequal Systems or the Systems not adding Directly” as shown in the image below that goes “Two Apart System Addition, Two Asymmetric and the Adjacent System in Opposite Directions, and and two systems at the Center of the Spring” as the “AAEEOO Systems as the AAE, AEE, EEO and the EOO Systems” in a single given spring, which gives at least 3 Spiral and the Chiral Systems and 1 Pulsar Systems that if we attach this “Spring to Another similar Spring” gives the “Transferring of Gravity based Magnetic, the Longitudinal Spin due to Pressure, the Gravity”, and we have this spring systems as shown below as the derivatives of “Spring Systems that follow the AAEEOO, the 3-Dimensional Systems of Pulsar, Spiral and the Chiral” as it creates the “Force that Works as a Gravitational Thing, which if managed can run the space technologies”:

In the “TRIPLING Systems, we have the Time as the 4th Dimension as the “SAHA and the HASA Systems” as we see in the following systems:
The asymmetry has been put as the “Symmetry” by a simple division at the center makes a major difference as we notice in the image below:
Image: The AAEEOO Systems with the Symmetry in the Asymmetry as at the AAE-EOO Mirror at the Center
Thus, the WAHEGURU Systems=Pulsars (WA)+Spiral (HE)+Chiral (GU)+New Pulsar (RU)
From it springs and sprouts the “3 Systems of OORA, AARA and EERI” as having the Binomial Systems of 3, the Pyramid as the Standard Physics Model”, the “AAEEOO, the I’M Model when its having the Support of JEEVAHA Systems”:
The “OORA, AARA and EERI as the AAEEOO” gives the “Complete Knowledge and Wisdom of the Universes” as the “Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Spiral Systems”:
1. E
2. EE
3. EE A
4. EE AA
5. EE AA O
… The SAHA Systems with the 16 Vowels Expanding Within the EEAAOO System Expansions till we have the 16 PAIRS of A, E, O that both add say as the “A+E=O” as the Spiral Systems and multiply say as the “A+E=AE”, Pulsar Systems, and when we have the following system requirements met well, we have the “JEEVAHA Systems”, while recognizing that we cannot create the “New Original JEEVAHA, but get new “JEEAVAHA” as the “Reproduction of what Already exists as the JEEVAHA, the WAHA or the WAHEGURU Systems”:
A+E=O (A+E)+AE means
(F=qV (Electric)+qVB (Magnetic) Systems when it gives two products from it as the A+E and the AE!)
The above also have the “AO, EO and thus the EA System” and it constitute what we know as the “Preferred Physics Model” which is considered better than the Standard Physics Model, and thus the “AE, EO and OA” Constitute the Multi-systems of the Preferred Physics Model.
The “A+E” Systems may find any medium, the MARA Systems, and thus create and combine its existence to multiply say even the “Cell Systems, the DNA Systems”, and thus we have to understand that when we have the diseases like “Cancer with A+E Systems operating in the human body as the “A+E=O” Systems, we may notice the degeneration and the decay and the living cells and thus the living body, and for it the technology of “Chemo Therapies” may not be appropriate that uses the “A+E” as the “Destruction of Caner, the A+E=O Systems”, and thus we need the “AE Systems to cure cancer permanently. The use of “A+E=AE Systems” helps in providing the “Human Body, the Naturally Enhanced Immune Systems” as its action is as follows:
Cancer (A+E)+AE (Treatment System)—> (A+E=O)+AE—>A+E+AE+(O Products based on the quality of A+E Systems operated and diseased cell expelled from the living body). Thus, the “AE, the AARA NO WONDER the 528 Hz of “AE Music Systems Curing All DNA Diseases” is the Magic, and the EERI Systems united as the Fermi Systems can always cure the Caner and Other Diseases as shown below:

It creates the “Spiral Systems in the DNA” as that one rotates and revolves in the forward direction following the equations of “A+E=AE (O)+AE (the Neutrino Spins) Systems” as shown below:
Thus, the Proton and Electron Systems combine in such a way that we have the new “Nucleus or Neutrons, the OORA Systems of Universe” is formed and also creates the “AE Systems, which we know as the Torque or the Modern Dipole Systems”, and thus:
A (Protons and the Positrons)=O (Neutrons and the Neutrinos=A+E)+AE (Electrons and the Fermi Systems)
And thus these make the Binomial of the 16! Systems of Vowels, and within the 3 of EE AA and OO, we have the following:
5. EE AA O
4. EE AA
3. EE A
2. EE
1. E
The above from the 6 to 1 as as the Descending Order is the “HASA Systems” that emerges back to the universes. The various Indian Systems from the Vedas and the Other Scriptures focus on the 16 Sacred Vowels as shown below:
At the same time as the Set of 8 Sacred Vowels say A-AA, E-EE, O-OO, AE-AAEE and all that it can create as say the Sets of 16, 15 (Without SAHA Systems) and when we omit any systems say sound systems of “N and M”, and make it the 13 Sacred Vowels of Light Systems as shown below:
Image: Sacred Vowel Systems of 13 Sacred Vowels
3. Torque of the “EO and EEOO” on the light as simply the dimension, the “Pulsar Systems” that go into the “Y-Axis, Directions and the Dimensions”
We notice the “AE, AAEE, AEO, AAEEOO, EEOO and the EO” Systems in the Space and the Universe as shown below:
Image: The “AE, AAEE, AEO, AAEEOO, EEOO and the EO” Sub-particle and Force Systems of OORA, AARA and the EERI Systems of the Neutrons, Protons and the Electrons
The Systems from the “AE and EA to EO and OE as through the AEO and EAO and the AAEEOO and the OOEEAA” follow the “SAHA and the HASA Systems” for what lives as the “Pulsar, Spiral, Chiral Systems” and also creates another “TRIPLING Systems of Pulsar, Spiral and Chrial” that leaves into the space and the universe as shown below:
Thus, the Indian Systems call it the “OAM and the ARROW, the Parbrahama Systems”:
This is the Equation of Indian Astrological Equations as follows:
A, E, O, AE, which fulfills the “Spindle Theory and Twisting of Pulsars as the Sound and the light”
“A, E, AE, O” is the Conventional System of Sound Energy, but the Indian Light Systems called the Jyotish, the Light Systems called the Astrology gives it as follows:
“A, E, O, AE”, which fulfills the requirements of sound and light energies:
A+E=AE (Sound Energy)
A+E=O (Light Energy)
This thing is called the “Pada Systems” of All 28 Constellations. This “Sacred Order of “A, E, O, AE” is never violated for any possible thing in the universe. The “Indian World Religions and Faiths” talk and discuss about these “4 Pada’s as the 4 Padaratha”, and we all come to earth systems to get these “Pada, the Position Systems of the Universe, and thus the 4 Padaratha, the Universal Matters”, and these have different “Gati’s, the Velocities”, and the “Human Aim is attain the Velocity of 4th Pada, the Position of “AE”, the Light that leaves the Spiral Systems of 3-D Chiral Systems and gets the Velocity Perpendicular to it, and thus the “Becoming of Children of Light, the Gods and the Devata’s”. The Gurbani says:
“Nanak Chaouthe Pad Mah So Jan Gati Paye…” (Gurbani)
“Says Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji that one thus attains the Velocity of Light, the 4th Pada by Understanding the Sacred Teachings of Universe called the “Gurmukhi Systems in All World Religion and Faiths” as written in Holy Scriptures.”
The “A, E, O, AE” Systems are called the “Sun Systems”, and the “Moon Systems” follow the following:
“A, E, AE, O”, and thus the “Indian Astrological Genesis of the Universe says that the following Two Sacred Tetragrams of the Sun and the Moon Systems are in two opposite pairs but still are one:
“Sun (“A, E, O, AE”) as the RAMA Systems=Moon (A, E, AE, O) as the MARA (Medium, the Indirect Light Systems not refracted but reflected lights )+Earth Systems (SHREE Systems, the Light Users of the Sun and the Moon)”
—> Sun (AARA Systems)=Moon (OORA Systems)+Earth (EERI Systems)
Pulsar (Sun, the RAMA)=Chiral (Moon, the MARA Systems)+Spiral (Earth, the SHREE Systems)
Thus, the “Moon” (OORA) neutralizes the “Sun (AARA) and the Earth (EERI) Systems”
In the “Parbrahma Systems”, we have the “Nucleus as the Focus”, and the “Brahma Systems” are the “Sciences of All that is Outside the Nucleus”. The very reason that the “Brahma having name is also for the “Outside”, the Prism Systems, and the “Parabrahma Systems deal with the “Prism, the Inside Worlds where Light Particles are studied”, and thus the Study of Nucleus as Light Systems. The “Sound Energy as the Creation of Atoms and the Visible World” is the “Nucleus as Light creating Everything from Light Creating Sound Energies”.
We have already discussed that “EERI Systems” have the “Sound as the E-EE, the Electric Systems as the Sound Systems and the EA-EEAA Systems as the Light Systems that we nowadays know as the “Fermi Worlds of Physics, the Modern Physics Models”. The “Thing that Matter” is that the “EERI as the E-EE Systems” are associated with the Nucleus, the Light Systems due to the “Sound Systems” and not due to the “Light, the Magnetic Systems of Electrons having the Magnetic Systems as the EA-EEAA Systems, the FERMI Systems”. Thus, what joins the Electrons with the Neutrons and the Protons is the “E-EE” Systems”, and that electrons having double spin keeps the “Electron and Proton Paring” as it does the “Electron and Neutron Paring”, and its the “Brahma Systems of Atoms”.
When two atoms meet or any two systems come together we have the following:
1. The E-EE, the EERI Systems as the Gravitation Based Systems, and thus the Sound Systems in the Universe
2. The EA-EEAA Systems as the Nucleus Based Light Systems, and the Parbrahma Systems that we know as the FERMI Systems
We have been studying the “Matter and the Gravitation” during last centuries, but now we have arrived at the stage where we are able to study the “Nucleus and the Light” as the “Para-matter and the Para-gravity” Systems, where the “Role of Gravity” differs from the “Ordinary Gravity Systems”, and the “Force of Friction can be overcome by the “Spindle Activity” or the “Para-Prism Theories” that help using the “Nucleus as the Earth and Universe Systems”, and the “Light acts as a particle” rather than “Light as Particle”, and in other words, the “The Light by itself travels” as offering the parallel running medium as if simultaneous creation of matter and the medium that is the “DNA and the RNA”, which can be a disease in the ordinary sense but if well understood, it is the “JEEVAHA, the Parent DNA as the Carrier of Health and Wellness”.
We have discussed the “Light, the RAMA Systems as the Medium”, and know it as the “MARA Systems”. The MARA travels in the Universe and Space as the Wave of the RAMA Systems as the LASER Systems has been, but we are far better in this context now.”
Now, when say two atoms and thus the nucleus come close enough, we have each atom having the “EA-EEAA” Systems operating in the “Z-X” Axis or say the “X-Z” Axis, and the “EA-EEAA” of two atom nucleus make “Sacred Paring of the Nucleus Dimensions” as follows with the help of say the 3rd and the 4th atoms:
1. First Atom: EEAA and the Second Atom: EA in the “X-Z” “Directions”
2. Second Atom: EEAA and the Third Atom: EA in the “X-Z” “Directions”
3. First Atom: EA and the Second Atom: EEAA in the “X’Z'” “Directions”
4. Second Atom: EA and the Third Atom: EEAA in the “X’-Z'” “Direction”
This is the Modern Model of Bipole and Dipole, the Magnetosphere Systems that we have already discussed as the “WAHEGURU Systems”:
In the 3-D Systems of the “EA-EEAA”, the “EERI Model of Electric and the FERMI Systems” as the Dipole Waheguru Systems work as shown below, and please note that its the “FREE and RENEWABLE Energy Systems” in the Universe:
Image: The EA-EEAA, the Electric-Fermi Systems as the WAHEGURU Systems in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems
It is the Series of Nucleus Bonds as the EEAA-EA and the EA-EEAA in the “X-Z” Dimensions and in the “X’-Z'” Dimensions, we have it as the “EA-EEAA” and the “EEAA-EA”, and thus we have the “Two Torque Systems in the “X-Z” directions working parallel, and that these have its action in what we can say perpendicular to the “X-Z” Directions and the Dimensions, and it can have the “E-EE” Systems in the “Y-Axis”, and the “Y’-Axis” say the “EE-E” Systems, the “Electric and the Sound Systems. It makes the “Universe A Living Torque and the Spindle” in the X-Y-Z Planes, the Spiral Systems of the Universe as the Chiral Systems that goes in the Z-Direction as if the Pulsars go!

We use this “EEAA Systems as the Best Energy Generating Magnetic Spinning Systems” in the Modern World as the “Pulsars and the Chiral Systems of EEAA” in the 3-D Spiral Systems as the Pulsars as the Parent to the nano Technology Systems and the Free and Renewable Energy Systems in the Modern World:
Image: Nano-pillars and the Macroscopic Magnetic Systems as the “EA-EEAA” as the Magneto-Spin Systems, the Electric-Fermi Systems as the WAHEGURU Systems in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems
The other “Pulsar, Spiral and the Chiral Systems as the RAMA Systems and the MARA Systems that carries it in the 3-Dimensional Systems as the EA, OA and EO Systems have the “OA and OE Systems” acting in the same way as the “EA Systems”, and thus make our solar systems working as the 3-Dimensional Pulsar (Sun, the RAMA)=Chiral (Moon, the MARA Systems)+Spiral (Earth, the SHREE Systems)
As we have the EA Systems of the Electro-Fermi Systems in which we have the following systems:
E+A=E+A+EA=EA=E+A+EA (It has the E+A=O, which we can call the anti-neutron systems)
We also have the “Proton-Positron Systems” and the “Neutron-Neutrino Systems”:
A+O=A+O+AO=AO=A+O+AO (It has the A+O=E’ which we can call the anti-electron systems)
E+O=E+O+EO=EO=E+O+EO (It has the E+O=A’ which we can call the anti-proton systems)
It fulfills all of the requirements of distance, displacement, speed and velocity and thus the 1-2 Dimensional Scalars acting as the 3-4 Dimensional MARA Systems (MARA Means Light, the MA System Conversion into Light Carrier Systems, the Light as the Medium as the RA Systems and thus the MARA Systems). Thus, the Indian Languages and the Grammars give us all that can help us use the “Nano Technology as the MARA Systems” in which we can send anything like a email or faxing of matter from one place to another but the “Making of Matter (RAMA) a Medium (MARA) needs that all scientists and the technologists in the world understand the concept first then do the theoretical practical, the hypothesis before putting it into real effect called the “WAHEGURU, the JEEVAHA Pulsar and Chiral Systems with the Spiral as the MARA Systems that opens the Zip Files its systems into the many Rama files!”
Some wonders remains topic of the day as what we discuss as the “MARA Systems” are well popular as the “MRAM Systems” as shown in the following image that says that “RAM and the MRAM” have a difference and there is no wonder that ours “RAMA Systems can also go as the MARA Systems”, but we notice the “WAHEGURU, the EEAA as the New Dipole Model” as shown below:
There does not seem any wonder that the “EEAA Systems” create the “AAEE, the I, the Conscience Systems in the 3-D Systems of AAEE”, and when it goes as the “EEAA as the Medium, the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems say that its the “EEAA’n, the EAN, the ION Systems, the RASA Systems as we say the “NARAYANA”, the AYANA, the ION in it is the same as the “AAEE’N”, and that when the “AAEE is Plural and thus Diverging its the AAEEN, and when Converging and thus Singluar its the AAEEM, the I’M, the Conscience”, and thus is the “Story for Today!” That the “Story of EAN and EAM with EEAAN and the EEAAM” is as good as great!

We notice that a little things make a big difference as when “A Little Shift in the Pulsar Timings” as shown below in the image 10 may result in the image 11 due to the “SAHA and HASA Systems”:

Image 10: Two Pulsars getting closer to the SAHA and the HASA Systems
These may end up in the following after some light years:

Image 11: The “SAHA and HASA” Systems can create the “Giant Gas Clouds”
However, on our earth systems, we can use the above simple techniques for using machines and say the turbines:

Image 12: The “SAHA and HASA” Systems can make turbines work smoothly
The “Spiral Street Lights” make the “SAHA and HASA” make life easier:

Image: The SAHA and HASA Systems for Street Light, the Cheap and the Best!
When we look at the “Future of Meta-materials and the Nanotechnology”, we need to focus on the “EERI Systems in the Universe” as these fabricates every possible thing in the universe and outside it. We have the 4 Variations of “EERI Systems as the Electric or Any Given Flow, the Current Systems”:
1. Electric Up, the Weak Gravitation System based EERI Systems, which we see as the “U”, the Up Rotation in the Alternative Standard Physics Model as shown in the image 15.0
2. Electric Down, the Strong Gravitational System based EERI Systems, which we see as the “O”, the “O Unchanged Circle” in the Alternative Standard Physics Model as shown in the image 15.0
3. Electromagnetic Up (Away from the Nucleus), Strong Nuclear System based EERI Systems, which we see as the “L”, the “Left Rotation” in the Alternative Physics Model as shown in the image 15.0

Image: Electromagnetic UP (LEFT or RIGHT) and DOWN (LEFT or RIGHT) of EERI Systems as the “Birth, the Origin of Chiral Systems”
4. Electromagnetic Down (Towards the Nucleus), Weak Nuclear System based EERI Systems, which we see as the “R”, the “Right Rotation” in the Alternative Physics Model as shown in the image 15.0

Image 15.0: The 3-Dimensional EERI Systems of Electric, Magnetic, Electromagnetic and the Fermi Systems in the Alternative Standard Physics Model
The “EERI Systems follow the “SAHA Systems” as the “SH+REE” Systems” in which we have the “S-H” Systems that acts and reacts with the “R, the Electromagnetic Medium taken up by the “I” as the “E or the EE”, the “Electric Charges, the Flows, the Sound Energies and the Light as the Particles”. It thus either goes against the “Gravitation, the EERI Systems” or towards it. In this case, we say that when the “EERI System is against the gravity”, it follows the “Gravity as the Medium that we say the “EE” Systems”, and when it supports the “Gravity”, it follows it as if the “Gravity is an Object”. For example, when we say an apple falls on the earth system, we are talking about the “Gravity as an Object” and thus Sir Issac Newton is right, and when we change the “Frame or Medium of Reference”, we say the “Ant sitting on the apple does not see apple falling, but earth falling on the “Apple-Ant Systems”. The “Ant-Apple System” is the “Nucleus with electrons” and the “Apple System” is only the “Nucleus System”. Thus, when we treat the “Nucleus with Electrons”, we need to know in what direction the “Electrons Spin and Support the Gravity as UP or Down”. The “Electrons are also the Parent to Fermi Systems” and in the “EERI Systems”, the “Fermi Systems” are the “E+A=AEY or EAI Systems” and also as the “EE+AA=AAIY Systems”, which one can read from the “Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems”. The “Fermi Spin Systems” work perpendicular to the “Electron Spin System. It gives us the “Nuclear Systems as in the Nuclear Plants as the FERMI Systems” with the “Gravitational, the EERI Systems of “E and EE” Use of the Nuclear Plants” as shown below, and as these need the “Medium (RAMA Systems) and the Media (SHREE Systems)”, we notice the “Electric, up and down systems getting all the results from the electromagnetic, the nuclear systems “up, down, in, out, near, away” projections and the direction as shown below:

Image: SAHA as the SHREE Systems in the Nuclear Plants
We now have advanced to the “Fermi Spin Systems”, and it is called the “SHREE” Systems in which the “SAHA” does not have the “A” Systems in it, and the “A is the Proton Systems”, but we have the “EERI Systems” with the “Direction of Fermions” as “Gravitation Opposing or Supporting Systems”. In it, we use the “SHREE Systems” as follows:
1. S-H and the RAMA Systems as the REE, the RAY, LIGHT and the Mediums as “Ant, the Susy and the Standard Particles and the Fermi Forces” as the “Frame of Reference”
2. H-S and the MARA Systems as the “M”, the Source Systems or simply the “R Source Systems without charge considered as ant on the apple”, and thus the “Matter say atoms” doing work against the gravity, and we say the “SHREE Systems” are hidden in it as apple may ignore an ant on it. Thus “SHREE RAMA=RAMA”
We notice that “S-H” and the “H-S” Systems are “Recyclable and Renewable Energy Sources” work better when we have the well established “Fermi, the SHREE Systems”, and in it, the “SHREE” is the “Spiral Systems with the Chiral Dimensions” as shown below:

Image: The SAHA Systems without “A Systems”, but with the “E”, the SHREE, the Chiral Systems
The “SH-R-EE” Systems of “SAHA, the RAMA and MARA Systems” give not only the “Fermions, Bosons and other Elementary Particles”, but as we analyse the “Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and the Grammar Systems”, we get the following systems at the same time:
1. When we have the S<H, we have the Static Energy, Force and Power Systems due to the “Electric Systems”2. When we have the S=H, we have the “Kinetic Energy System” which we notice as the “Changes in the Electric and Magnetic Systems”3. When we have the S>H, we have the “Dynamic Energy Systems”, which we notice and deal as the Newtonian Systems of “S and H”, the Mater and Sound and Light as the MANA Systems
4. When the “SH” ends in the “REE” Systems, we notice the “Super-dynamic, materials, conductors, insulators and thus the superconductors” working in the universe, and its the “OJASA, KUNDALINI, Semiconducting Systems, the Plasma and thus the Pulsar Systems creating the Spiral as the Chiral, the Tamo (Static), Rajo (Kinetic) and the Sato (Dynamic) Systems as the “S and H” Managements in the universe as the SAHA in the SHREE Systems.
5. When we consider the “RAMA, the Medium and the Media”, we have “Frame of Reference as Static and universes moving around it!
The “SAHA Systems” in various forms accepts the “OORA as the Neutron and Neutrino Based Systems, the AARA as the Proton and the Positive Charge, the Positron Based Systems, and the “EERI”, the Electron and Fermion Systems” in the same way as what our “Modern Standard and the Alternative Standard Models” describe, and thus the “OORA, AARA and EERI Particle and Sub-particle and Force Systems”. In it, the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems describe everything, yes almost everything from the Null to Nano Systems for our better human civilizations and the future we have for the greater good.
According to the “Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and the Grammar Systems”, the “EERI Systems” are the “Atoms in the Universe”. The “EERI” is the 3-Dimensional Set of 3 Charges which follows the following universal equations of atoms in the universe:
EERI (3-D)=OORA (1-D)+AARA (2-D)
Negative Charges=Neutral Charges+Positive Charges
Chiral Systems=1-Dimensional Nano Systems+2-Dimensional Nano Systems
The “EERI as the Atom Systems” have the 4 Unique Structures that we have discussed as the “SAHA SHREE Systems” in which we have the “EERI Up and Down Systems” as the “Electron as the Gravitation Systems”, and the “EERI as the Left and Right Side that is Perpendicular to the EERI, the Electron Systems that are the E-EE (YIN-YANG) Systems, which we now know as the Fermi Systems, the YONG Systems with Left and Right Sides as in the Human Brain Systems that we have discussed as the “WHGR, the AEUU(OO), the WAHEGURU Systems as the Neuro-muscular Systems”. Thus, the EERI as the 4-Dimensional Atom Systems are well shown and described in the “PUMA Paradise self, the Tai-Chi Systems”:
Image: EERI as the “E and EE Systems”, the YIN-YANG System
Image: EERI as the “EE UP and DOWN Systems”, the YONG System
Image: EERI as the “E and EE Systems”, the YIN-YANG System
Image: EERI as the “EE UP and DOWN Systems”, the YONG System
The EERI 4 Dimensional Atomic Structures can be easily put as the “SINGLE EERI Systems of YIN and YANG with YONG UP and DOWN” as shown below:
Image: The EERI Systems of Atoms as the Yin-Yang and Yong Systems as the Electron-Fermi Systems
The “EERI Systems” in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi and Other Indian and World Languages and the Grammars have the EERI Systems given as below:
EERI as the Electric Systems=E Systems+Origin (the E-base)+EE Systems (All Electric Currents and the Flows follow this)
EERI as the Electromagnetic Systems=(E+A)+(the Origin)+(EE+AA) Systems (All Electromagnetic Systems as the Fermi Systems follow it)
The “E+A” is always perpendicular to the “E” Systems, and thus constitute what we know as the “Fermi Up Particle Systems”, and the “EE+AA” Systems are perpendicular to the “EE” Systems, and has the quality of gravitation acting on it making it the “Fermi Down Systems” where two charges have enough gravitation attraction, but in the graphical presentations we can put it as the “E and EE as the Z-Axis and the “A, the Direction of Fermi Particles” as the “X-Axis” giving the “Direction of Fermi Particles (X-Axis) Perpendicular to the “Electrons in the Z-Axis and the Direction”. It is Alternative Physics Model and in it, we have the “Y-Axis, and the Direction” having the “Neutrons and the Neutrino Systems”, and at the blog link given below:…
The Sacred Diagrams for the “EERI as the E-EE, the Electron and the “E+A” as the UP and DOWN Systems”, the “OORA, AARA and EERI Systems of Neutron, Proton and Electron Systems have the 6 Up and 6 Down=12 EERI Systems (as the E, Orgin and the EE on the Z-Axis and the Dimensions) with the 12 OORA and the 12 AARA Systems as shown below, as the 36 Micro, the Sub-particles in the Universe as also the Set of Sacred Vowel Systems of “OORA, AARA and EERI Systems” in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi and Other World Languages:
When the Sacred Dimensions are described from the Z-Axis, the Indians call it the “Yantra, the Dimensions” as we have discussed it in the “SHREE Yantra Systems” in the previous part of the series:
How Sacred Indian Geometry Makes All World of Sciences Sacred Ease of Learning with Atomic Orbitals: The Sacred 8 and 10-Dimensions of the Universe, Holy Spirit and God, its Sacred Visualization, 14-D and 16-D’s: Be Happy Philselfologically – 61
There is one of the “Major Point about the RAMA Light, the Medium Systems” is that its the “The 7 Universes in a Rainbow, which create the Spiral, Pulsar, Chiral and other Static, Kinetic and the Dynamic Systems” as the “The 7 Universe are also the “Chiral Systems”, and we are the “Product, Parcel and thus Part of the Mega Universes” with “OJASA, the Pulsar and Chiral Systems in the Center”:
The above Super-universes have 5 Sacred Divisions, which we have discussed as the “5 Khanda and the Sachkhanda Systems: described by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, and we notice it as the “Outer Space Circuits as the Earth, Moon, Sun Systems with OJASA, the Bio-Systems” as a “One Outer Khanda in the Universes and the Super-universes alike” and as shown below:
We have to notice that “Ratio in Sizes” is the “Concentric Circles” in the Universe”, and in our ordinary life, it does not make any difference how space, time and sizes work as it may lurid the minds and brains, but we need to focus that these are the “Sukhama, the Micro and Sthoola, the Macro Systems of the Universes and the Super-universes”, and we have it as the “Susy and Standard Particle Worlds no matter how big or small”.
Whenever we discuss the “OORA AARA EERI Systems” as the “SAHA Systems”, we have it in the 4 Dimensions as according to the Indian Sacred Systems of Sciences, Maths and the Grammars:
1. Jeeva, the “WA” Cell, Atom and other systems, which in the “JEEVA, the Metamaterial Systems so that it remains as the JEEVAHA, the Cell, the Egg that Breathes as we say “H:” is simply already existing life and living cell that we can modify a little for the “Healthy DNA System Management”:

2. Maya, the “HE” as the “Photoelectric Systems” with “Light, Sound and Matter, and the Twisting, the Spindling Systems as the MAYA”, and it with “JEEVA Systems” and the “Atama, the I, the Observer” works as shown below as the “Trinity Systems”:

Image: 4 Systems of WAHEGURU Systems as the “JEEVA, MAYA, ATAMA and the BRAHMA”
3. Atama, the “GU”, the “Matter and Antimatter Systems that Coexist as the “GURU” Systems, the Atama-Brahma or the Atama-Parmatama Systems, and in it the “Atama” is the “Product of Light Theories”, and follows the “Zero Theory with the Personal or Self-Frame of Reference that we know as the Observer as “I, the Conscience”
4. Brahma, the “RU”, the 4th Dimensions of Light and Conscience Systems in the Universes as the “Single Observer of the Universe” as the “Supercomputers” are and the “Atama” is the Internet Connection to the Supercomputers, and is better understood as the “We, the Conscience”.
In the “Metamaterial Systems of “I, Conscience, the Master, the SATO Guna System” and the “We, the Conscience, the TURIYA, the OJASA Systems of God Systems” gives us the “Modern WAHEGURU System Based Production Systems” with patterns of “OORA AARA and EERI” as shown below:
The above systems of “MAYA, JEEVA and BRAHMA” can be put as the “Insulators as the Super-insulators” as in the “JEEVA, the DNA Systems” we have it as the “1-D”, in the Maya Systems, its the Trinity of Susy Energies, the MAYA Trinity as the 3-D, and in the Brahma Systems, its the 2-D as “Brahma-Sarasvati Balanced Systems of the EERI as the Neutralized Sound not Light, and thus the Sound that can create or absorb light, and thus the EERI in the 2-D” as we can notice it as below as the “EERI Systems”:

The above “EERI, the EVE Based DNA Systems of Life” when follow the “WAHEGURU Systems” of the “WAHA and the HAWA” make life look like the following DNA Systems:
The “RASHBA Effects” are the “Z-Dimension of Matter as the Fusion Theory of Matter”, and we have been working on the “Theory of Fusion of Matter” as its the “Expansions of Matter and Antimatter”. In this context, we have the 3-Dimensional Systems as the Matter and the 2-Dimensional Systems operate as the “Antimatter” and as one expands, the other absorbs it. Thus, in the “RASHBA Effects”, we notice that when we introduce the “Z-Dimension, the EERI Systems of “Electromagnetism in 3-D Systems”, we can convert matter (3-D) into antimatter (2-D). It is the “Sacred Theory of Super-molecular Systems in the same way as the Photoelectric Effects, the Force of Friction in our daily life”. We see, notice and observe the “Matter (2-D) and the Antimatter (3-D)” as shown below:
Image: The RASHBA Effects as the EERI UP and DOWN Systems (Z-Axis)=OORA Systems (Y Axis)+AARA Systems (X-Axis)
Its thus the general modern and easy to do thing that super-molecular systems follow that from the “OORA Systems”, we can create the “AARA” Systems, the Sound or Particle Wave based products, the matter and the “EERI” Systems, the Light or Wave based 3-D particles and the products and thus the matter and the antimatter as shown below:
It is the same systems of the “OORA, AARA and the EERI Systems” giving us the “Conceptual Understanding” of the Modern Supermolecular Nano Control, Supermolecular Chemical and the Chemistry Systems that constitute the “Universes with Chiral Systems” as shown below:

Thus, the 4th Dimension of “I, the Conscience as the Atama and the Jeev-atama Systems” uses the “SAHA and the HASA Systems” of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Systems from the “Neutralized System of OORA to AARA, the Process of Associations to EERI, the Charge Gathering, and then to the SASA, the Fusion Process and then the SAHA, the Nuclear Targeting Systems and what we can release from the “SAHA” Processes as the “HASA” as it always two products: 1. The Sound Based Particles (X-Axis, the Electric Part) and the 2. Light Based Particles (Y-Axis, the Magnetic Part)” as it may assumed and presenated hypothetically that the the “Given Gas” is 1-D, “Liquid” 2-D and the “Solid” as the 3-D products while “Bio-products” as the “4-D” Products as in the medicines and the products that deal with the “Living Cell Systems”:
Thus, while following the “SAHA Systems”, we have the “Healthy DNA Systems”, which with the “4 Dimensional, the Cell Systems of the WAHEGURU Systems”, we have the “Healthy DNA and the Antivirus Systems” while avoiding the what lacks the “Neutralized Systems of WA” and is thus simply the “HEGURU, the Virus and the Virus Systems” as shown below, and we can then end up having “Healthy 4-D WAHEGURU DNA Systems”:

I am using the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi and Indian Grammar Systems as in some cases, the 2-D can be matter while 3-D as the antimatter based on the “Direction of Z-Axis”, the UP and DOWN RASHBA Effects as shown below that functions as the “Universes as the Diti (Downward Rashba effect does) and the Aditi (Upward Rashba effect does), the “Electromagnetic Systems of GODS” as shown below:

These theories very compatible with the vowel theories:

Meanwhile, we will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!