To me, this parable is the understanding of the beauty of impermanence and the importance of surrendering to the present moment. All we ever have in life is this moment, this breath. I find I’m most at ease when thoughts of the past and future leave my mind and I’m fully engaged where I’m at with what I’m doing. I think it’s important to not fall into the shallows of depression when times are tough or gloat with glory when life is in your favor. Each of these moments will pass. So just honor and appreciate each of them for how they are serving you in this present moment. I think there’s an opportunity here to remember to not shy away from a challenge. To do what is hard, not what is comfortable. I find that in the most extreme opposition we find our greatest strength. And in those moments of deep pain and hardship, breathe in, and know this too shall pass. Life is short, death will come, so strive every day to do better, be better, and love more.
Sarah Eder
#thistoshallpass #dobetter #bebetter #lovemore #surrender