Dedicated to Storytime Tapestry: Respected Carol, when I think of Storytime Tapestry I think of your greatness in the context of cultural awareness. It is true and that is why it is almost rare that I have never faced problem while discussing what seems most conflicting problems culturally with you.

I mean I have never faced any problem with you.The people in the East have gone through the Imperialism and also the education introduced has been based on that.

In our schools and colleges and even universities, the students are taught against British Imperialism and most of the students tend or pretend to be like heroes who fought for freedom against Imperialism. This seem to breed Imperialism in new and higher version that we now know as New World Order (NWO).

On the contrary, in the modern education, we could have dropped this idea of racism.

At the same time, people in the west were taught wrongly against the easterners.

Our wise people have never followed the modern education system as it is biased.

We love, like and admire west, but it is projected that we are after money. It is not true exactly because it is because of craze that has been taught and learned for generations. Like in India more than 600 companies run their business and most of the products used are from west.

Our people feel proud to be westerner many wrongly and many rightly, and what I always wished to say that one needs to be noble or good person no matter where one lives.

Thus, it has also have caused to keep the differences alive taking away the beauty hidden in cultural diversification.

This is one of the thing about which I write a lot and thanks for including me Storytime. Amen!

With warmest regards for the people like Carol Roach, who consider humans as the source of world cultures and civilizations irrespective of their background in any context. Thanks!

Dr. Harmander Singh
Author: Dr. Harmander Singh

Be Happy Philselfologically: The Research on Free and Renewable Energy as Quantum, Classical and Sacred Systems! 🙂

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