Understanding Inner and Outer Kundalini: How Sacred DNA and the Resistance Bands Represent the Kundalini Inside and Outside as One, and Source of Amrit: Be Happy Philselfologically and Qubit, the Quantum Systems – 64
Just continuing from the previous blog post, the 63rd part of the series, we always notice in the human civilizations on earth that the Indian Sacred Theory of Dimensions has wonderfully given the Cosmic World Civilization based on the North Polaris and the Concepts of Centers of the Universes as the Sachkhanda, where all sounds that can convert light into matter and the matter back to its source light with sounds say of the 16 Sacred Vowels emerge in the each ocean of these sounds of the vowels at the center of each and every universe.
This theory of the universes as the Sutra and the Thread named as we receive its knowledge as if waves and vibrations broadcasted from the Radio and TV shows, and all have it in the form of inner symmetry, and outer is just an expansion. This is from all universes as having maximum symmetry as more symmetry we have more to the centers-ends-centers it, the kundalini-universe-pair (the Kundalini and the Universe as Coiled Together to make the universe as if the Living String, Sagal Samagari Tumrai Sutardhari means with our human kundalini and that of the universe, God enjoys the Creation in every universe as we say Kar Aasan Ditho Chao, meaning While Sitting in Yoga Posture God Enjoys with Oneness of Kundalini and the Universe) in each universe as one goes, and thus is at the centers as we have inside our Kundalini and thus as shown in the following video to All of the World Civilizations as One Civilization of Humans, which thus helps all researchers to specialize in the Pure Religions as the Hinduism and the Jewish, and or the Applied forms based on these two, and other action theories proposed by the revolutionaries, including the atheists and the atheism in any form that too derives everything from pure and applied forms of the world religions and the faiths, and Indians have studied it as the Sacred Dimensions of the Sacred Universe:
How Be Happy Philselfologically Can Help in Sacred Paradigm in Modern World of Science, Math, Geometry, Grammar, Music, Creative Arts, Mantras, Painting, and Space Sciences and Holistic Management of Knowledge and Wisdom – 55
While Metaphysically, we try to boost whatever is contemporary and thus modern to get better insight into mysticism of everything we know on the planet. It helps to discuss all of it that has maximum hypothetical potential for any research works to take place. Thus is the Z-Axis Theory, the 3-D Sacred Visualization as I have done more than 3 Decades, the Research on Metaphysical and thus Mysticism, the Potential World that Exists. It is also based on knowledge about more than one world religions and faiths in the world as I happen to have knowledge of religions of Hinduism, Jewish, Buddhism, Christianity, Muslim, Sikhism, and other sects that we have in the world.
Being a Sikh has given me as to most of the people who research on the sacred education and research systems a broader knowledge as of Comparative Religious Studies. The Sikhism and many of the Sikhs consider all of the world religions as one spiritual lineage from Veda and Genesis Times, yes the Time Immortal, and thus we need to learn and understand the basic and sacred scientific and mathematical knowledge of various world religions and faiths and need to give up the one religion or faith based rigidity and stubbornness as world has never received anything from it, but some need of revolutions that end up in wars and violence and political upheavals. The basic thing is what we know as the Nameless, the Anami.
On all my remarks, I oppose the one religion based fundamentalism as all religions have all faculties of knowledge and wisdom opened up and well reserached for human civilizations giving the best and the ideal soulutions to the contemporary solutions as Copernicus gave during his time and transformed the modern world civilizations!
The numbers, direction, dimensions, graphs, scales and everything we use is based on the 7 Colors which represent the resistance that the Kundalini gives at the various levels, and while above the head, we have white light and the ultra white light, and at the bottom of the Kundalini, we have the Red, and the Infra Red colors, which create the Dimensions, which we know in India as the Bhavana, and or the Bhuvana. It is based on the following Colors of Bio-Resistance, Bio-Currents and Bio-Voltages in the Human Body to say:

We notice that this structure is similar and same in many cases to the DNA Structures. In near future, we will be able to save millions of precious lives by using this knowledge of the Inner Kundalini and the Kundalini outside as Technology and the Engineering as most of the genetic sciences and the engineering sprouts from it.
Now, we notice all colors of DNA are ordered as Resistance Bands, and the Kundalini, and in other words, the Sacred DNA is the Kundalini Outside as is the Resistance Bands, and we listen to FM Radios, the Music we like the most:

It is most synonymous to the following, and if Indigo range of colors is added, its the same as shown below say for the RNA structures that help the Sacred RNA and DNA to make life live in plants, trees, animals and the birds alike as in the humans:

And who can forget the Indigo Color that was hiding behind the Grey Color, may be in the Brain, but the Outer Kundalini’s are like this while it shows it well how 8th, 9th and the 10 Dimensions can be viewed as set of Ten Resitance bands starting with 0, the Great Zero of the Origins: Philselfology of Indian Sacred Mantra Systems: Drisha, Darshaka, Drishta, Darshana and the Theory of Dimensions: Studies of Nature and the Universe say Shri Yantra: Be Happy Philselfologically – 59
The world outside in the Age of Technology, the Kaliyuga is the Kundalini Outside as All Products of this Age, and we go inside for making sure we are one in and out, and thus the Kundalini of an atom and the universe is same inside and outside as Indian Religions, the Theme Works of Inner and Outer Word Say – Jo Brahmande Soi Pinde, We all have universe inside, which is same outside.
In other words, what the modern sciences in the medical call Sacred DNA is well explained Sacred Kundalini, and it sprouts in the same way as Evolution of DNA. Thus, what the Indians Call the Kundalini, the Processor of Life Energies is same as the Sacred DNA that we have discussed in this part of the series:
It means a lot as what is inside us structures the universe, the world outside us, and as its resultant we are structured and shaped within the universe as if from within the universe to us who live on the earth system. How we see the universe from inside, the inner world is same as how universe see us from outside, the external or the outer world as Plato says in the Theory of Forms, and when we respect it, we are the sacred people and its making of the inner Kundalini one with its Broader of the Viraat Saroop, the Kundalini of the Universe, and we beat with this rhythm
This very Rhythm of DNA in all world and thus Indian Religions and Faiths is called the Amrit, the Essence that never dies and is believed that it pours not from the head, but feet of a person, so people have been drinking this water. The Soma Rasa is also when the DNA Extracts are taken out of the Herbs, and its one of the finest description is given in the Basanta Raga, and the Basant Ki Var, and whatever we sing, recite and chant influences that matter say water giving it the shape of Sacred DNA, and thus the Amrit.
When we talk about the Spiritual Lineage, we take care of few issues about it say: How Spiritual Lineage of Sant Ishar Singh, Baba Kishan Singh and Baba Teja Singh Ji seems at Risk: Be happy Philselfologically – 24
On these same points and the patterns of spiritual issues, we discuss like this:
“What is God’s DNA?
DNA, in layman’s terms, is the “blueprint” of inherited genetic molecular material for our unique identities. Our DNA comes from the combination of genes contributed by each of our biological parents. When there is a question regarding a child’s parentage a paternity test, using blood samples from one or both parents, is taken. The results of this test undeniably reveals a child’s biological parents through their similar DNA structure.
John 3:6, “Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives new life from heaven.” When we received the gift of eternal life through our acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, God breathed new life into us bringing a spiritual birth. At that moment we received heavenly DNA into our souls in the form of the Holy Spirit. Now, we possess two sets of DNA. One physical set from our earthly parents and one spiritual from our heavenly parent.
With God’s DNA inside of us, the divine life of God grows. Now, we are radically different than the rest of the world. We are part of a distinct race. We resemble our heavenly Father as evidenced by our new Christ like attitudes, motivations, perspectives, desires, goals, and new godly value system. We have a deep desire to be a blessing to others as God has been a blessing to us.
After our spiritual births we are connected eternally to God in such a way that no matter what happens in our futures, our heavenly genetic link to him will not be broken. How can this be? Think about this:
Is it scientifically possible to remove the DNA connection we have with our earthly parents? No, because new scientific breakthroughs in molecular research have proven DNA can’t be completely removed or dramatically altered due to its complex structure.
Is it spiritually possible to remove God’s DNA from our souls once we are born again? No. We are linked eternally to him in such a way that no matter what happens in our futures, our heavenly genetic link to God can’t be broken.” (With thanks from the source: http://spiritualsurvival.org/index.php?p=1_185_Hol… )
The Indian Sadhus and the Saints self-educate about the Sacred DNA as Amrit for producing and reproducing of the Gyana Putra, the Children of Divine Wisdom. Thus, the Indians believe that anyone can be biological parent, but spiritual parenthood as in the Guru-Shisha Prampara’s, the Master, the Teacher and Disciple, the Spiritual Traditions and thus the Spiritual Lineage differs a lot from the biological parents and at times, we as the biological parents may not self-educate our own kids as a doctor may not perform an operation on one’s own body.
The Indian Philosophy and Concept of Kundalini, the Sacred DNA Type Coiled Energies of Mother or the Parent and Daughter Type Strings, the Strands are the best solutions to the most of the world and the global problems. I proposed this Model as the Shiv, Shakti as the Parents and the Ganesha as the Daughter-Son or Offspring to the Parental Strands and instead of Lord Shiva, the Shakti as the Mother Strand or the Ardhnarishwara, the Parents together is the Parents to Lord Ganesha, the Daughter or Son Strand. As usual, I proposed it in my thesis works of Physics, Human, and Society at the University of Adelaide, South Australia in 1990, and received distinction and credits for it. The relevant image of sacred geometry, music, arts and the glands as is in sacred DNA is same with the Kundalini, which is far advance than simple discussions of the DNA:

The Kundalini as the Sacred Living Dimensions inside the Human Body keep the Omniscience as its core and has linguistics in its original form that we depict outside the body to which we are connected through sacred vibrations, which we know as the Flower of Lotus or Life inside everybody, and this Flower of Lotus bears the maximum possible sacred symmetry as the lotus flower symmetry shown below as the secret to the sacred and divine knowledge and wisdom:
“All linguistic languages can be mapped from sacred geometry in the Flower of Life form that visually shows that language is vibration. The Flower of Life is believed by many metaphysical traditions to be the 1st completed energetic life form God created and then complex sound waves of sacred geometric shape such as Archangel Metatron’s icosahedron cube. Metatron’s cube has shown up unbiased in many ancient traditions and religions. It consists of all sacred geometry such as the Flower of Life, Seed of Life, tree of life, the golden ratio, the golden spiral, the golden mean, Phi, Fibonacci, tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron and the dodecahedron. Archangel Metatron is believed by many ancient civilizations to be the right hand being of God/universal consciousness in the creation process.The message mapped out in the form of conclusive math as depicted in sacred geometry is a infinite unbreakable truth in nature, which is that everything exists in unity, harmony, and oneness. If any living thing doesn’t realize this, then nature dismantles it and recreates new life forms that will work with the laws of nature.The words one chooses to say and hear sends a frequency that changes human DNA. There are 64 condones in dna. The waves of emotions cause condones to activate. We only activate two emotions. Fear and love have different sin waves. Fear is a shorter frequency, but unconditional love has a longer frequency that activates more genetic patterns in your body through activating more condones. That’s because the universe functions in simple math as seen in the number line we all learned in grade school and still trying to figure out in life . (+) + (-) = stability, nothing forward & nothing backwards.” (With thanks from the source: http://yoga108bali.blogspot.in/2012/10/chakras-kun… )
The sacred use of the Kundalini or the Sacred DNA systems is for self-liberation, and after attaining one helps one’s family tree, the biological and the spiritual lineage, the foes and friends alike and the Hatha Yoga and almost all forms of Yoga may not help in the 13th Dimensions as it may end in the 8-D’s and the State of Gyana which may not be Karma Yoga as the great Yogi Lord Krishna has lived, and thus living at the Bhagati and the Gyana levels which one attains after 12th Dimensions. It is here that Yoga is part of world religions and faiths as all therapies are of the Ayurveda, but Yoga is silent about the Bhagati, the 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th Dimensions as it says be like God, but the world religions and faiths say that Live not Like God, but work as God would do as a human as Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, Lord Jesus and other have lived, served and gave their lives as if the Enlightened Yogi at the 12th Dimension gives.
Thus, we can use modern age of information to serve our ancestors, biological and the spiritual lineages and thus the Guru-Shisha Traditions.
Next part of the series is here: How Sacred Philosophy, the Metaphysics is the Bridge Between Science and Religion: Be Happy Philselfologically – 65
Please read how the Kundalini, the Semiconducting Systems work in the Human Body as the Qubit and the Quantum way as the “AA EE OO AEAE”:
“Everything Quantum is the OORA, AARA and EERI as the “OO AA EE” Qubit with the AEAE Quantum Body of Everything that We can Think: Secrets of Quantum Computing and Computers: Be Happy Philselfologically – 106“
We will edit and add more to it.
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!

When life is considered the universe is nothing more than the egg inside which we live, and we all share it together. Thus, the universe just an envelope in other word in which we live as hen and egg are, and this concept needs better earth environment for not the survive but our earth and the solar systems to survive! Please take care!
Some people think it’s good to say something as follows:
N.B. and P.S.: Please note that all results and conclusions discussed here are based on my personal endeavor for more than 40 years, and is not and never by accident that we reach to such conclusions. This is part of my research based Subject of Philselfology, the Practical Philosophy. I have done it without imitating and copying from the resources and have published many research papers and books on and about it that discuss it as Philselfology and names similar to it say Self-study and Learning, the Swaadhaya, which again means personally carried research works. Thanks!