How Sacred Indian Geometry and Graphs Explain Brain, Spinal Cord, Solar Systems, Universe and Life Everywhere are Connected: Indian Civilizations and Be Happy Philselfologically – 63
When we say that aligns came to earth, we may be discussing about life from other plants would have started on our earth as we want it on say the Moon and or the Mars. As I said that its very possible from the DNA and the brain structures how life started on earth. When we say something like this in Indian Civilization, it has a deep meaning:
“From human excreted things, the products in which each has a sacred symmetry hidden in it as humans have having highest level of sacred symmetry in the life formats, and thus the human excreted products like the sweat, dung, placenta and milk sprouts all kinds of life of small species and it does not first produce the plant cell otherwise all productions may take millions of years and its same as we send humans to the moon and mars, and life starts there by going of humans, and it appears to be same at most parts of the universe! P.S.: This is the most practiced scientific and spiritual truth in the world civilizations as in the scientific doctrines of all world religions and faiths. (From thesis work in 1990 and my published books: “Possibility of Life in the Universe”, and I achieved overall one distinction and 2 credits in it at the University of Adelaide, South Australia while Prof. (Dr.) Paul Davies delivered lectures on the “Universe” as the Head of the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences in 1990.”
Now, this format is what human brain is and how spinal chord works among the humans. The Sacred Indian Mantra and Yantra’s give its very easy to understand description for everyone based on the 8-Dimensions and the 9th is called the Producer, Director and Main Actors own dimension, and our Atama, the Soul sits here and this is called the Throne of the Lion, the King, who rules the human body as the self, and by oneself as the King, and makes and takes what we know as the Sankalpa and the Vikalpa’s. For it the Shri Yantra or the Gaytri Mantra is studied as follows from ages in India, while its the graphical representation:
1. The 8-D is the Creative Intelligence, which is also the Frame of Reference that we use for any system, and its usually the X-Axis in any graphical representation. Its mostly represented as the Sun in the Graphical Sawstika or the Vastu Charts, the Sacred Graphs.
2. The Intelligence of the Universe runs it as the 1st or 9th Dimension, and that too from within the 8-D’s. As we say metaphysically, it is mostly the Z-Axis and inside the brain we see and view it as the Sacred Visualization, the Modern Technology of 3-D, and it plays major role almost everything we do in our life.
This is usually the Mars, which is in the South Direction, but it always various as its what is in charge, which can be any dimension and thus when we consider 0, it can be 9, and when we consider 1, it can be 8th Dimension, and its so when we use the scale of the graph as the 8-D’s only, and 9th and 10th Dimension can be used from anywhere as people who work in India use such sacred techniques in creating and making of anything say the buildings, machines and tools, cloths, garments, designs and so on that whatever one can create has always at least 8-D’s, and rest is what we know as the individual’s contribution that we patent as the creator is the parental source of all that is beyond 8-D’s, and that is why we in India notice in India that all it is attributed to the ancestors, angles, gods and God, but above all the Guru, and world calls it the Sutra’s, the natural laws and the principles in every possible faulty of life.
This part of the series deals with it: Philselfology of Indian Sacred Mantra Systems: Drisha, Darshaka, Drishta, Darshana and the Theory of Dimensions: Studies of Nature and the Universe say Shri Yantra: Be Happy Philselfologically – 59
Now, the Indian Sacred Theory of Dimensions give the Following to the World Civilizations, which helps all researchers to specialize in the Pure Religions as the Hinduism and the Jewish, and or the Applied forms based on these two, and other action theories proposed by the revolutionaries, including the atheists and the atheism in any form that too derives everything from pure and applied forms of the world religions and the faiths, and Indians have studied it as the Sacred Dimensions of the Sacred Universe:
While Metaphysically, we try to boost whatever is contemporary and thus modern to get better insight into mysticism of everything we know on the planet. It helps to discuss all of it that has maximum hypothetical potential for any research works to take place. Thus is the Z-Axis Theory, the 3-D Sacred Visualization as I have done more than 3 Decades, the Research on Metaphysical and thus Mysticism, the Potential World that Exists. It is also based on knowledge about more than one world religions and faiths in the world as I happen to have knowledge of religions of Hinduism, Jewish, Buddhism, Christianity, Muslim, Sikhism, and other sects that we have in the world.
Being a Sikh has given me broader knowledge as of Comparative Religious Studies as the Sikhs consider all of the world religions as one spiritual lineage from Veda and Genesis Times, yes the Time Immortal, and thus we need to learn and understand the basic and sacred scientific and mathematical knowledge of various world religions and faiths and need to give up the one religion or faith based rigidity and stubbornness as world has never received anything from it, but some need of revolutions that end up in wars and violence and political upheavals. The basic thing is what we know as the Nameless, the Anami. On all my remarks, I oppose the one religion based fundamentalism!
3. The Sixthe Dimensions as the X and Y axis of the graph say in the Pythagorean way or represented as the Swastika have what is written in the Indian Schools of the Philosophy, and on the Gaytri or the Shri Yantra its the surface below the Bindu, which is the Grey matter of the Brain that is attached to the 9th but the Hidden Dimensions, and its something that in the Japju Ji Sahib Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism says that the Creative Intelligence guides all dimensions as in the Male and Female Forms, and the Male Form of the Creative Intelligence is Invisible to even the Female Form, and thus the 9th and the 10th Dimensions are playing its mysterious and mystical role in every human. Well, again, the Creator as the 9th Dimension always have the 10th Dimension that we know as the Master, well known as the Swami, the Owner or the .person having patent or parent of anything that one does.
4. The 5th Dimension is considered later as it is the Right Side of the Spinal Chord or the Brain, and its again it follows inversion and is thus what we may call as invertible at the Command Chakra, in general it simply means when it reaches to the White Matter in the Brain or the Spinal Chord. It is as if the angle more than 180 and less than 270 and to be specific 225 degree in any graphical representation. This is the Storehouse of Creativity and we may call it the Moon, which knows more than what one can do and is thus the Dreamland or the Moon-land for many.
5. The next dimension that comes is the 7th one that comes in the region of say 325 degree while starting from it and ending at the line of origin at the Axis as the First Dimension. This is the dimension, which is neither science nor technology but what we know together as the Hub of Engineering. It has all that we have before we get unconscious and is preserved if one ever goes to comma. After it all is only repetition as we say History repeats and nothing new seems possible. This is Abode of Rahu, the Vedic Wisdom, and without communication, one may never get, give or even grasp it.
6. The 4th Dimension comes as when one inversion in the nervous system say from sensory nerves to motor nerves takes place. This also decides the brain age which is biologically and the spiritual life and that of evolutionary process from the say brain stems and roots as in the Indian Systems. These concepts are the Male and Female Energies of the Two Sides of the Swastika, which are the Yin-Yang or the Shiv-Shakti. When we cross the positive value system of X, and 90 Degrees of Y, we get to the negative or minus value systems and that is the 4th Dimension.
7. The Frontal and Back Lobes of the brain as perpendicular to the graphical representation is the Z-Axis, which are considered the 9th Dimension that we notice in a diamonds and or crystals. This is in harmony with the earth systems, and give idea of how the spheres of earths say the continents influence the human brains. It is the Toughest Possible Region, the Sphere and the Bhavana of All as it maintains the History of Repetitions and thus the Cycle and the Recycle, and we may never change it as this is what it means Lord Vishnu Perseveres or the Universe Sustains. Our Modern Age may call it the Life from Mars coming to earth as DNA shows in some experiments!
8. The 2-D as with graphical representation central nervous system as the union of the left and the right brains have the major link with the Sun and the Moon. This one is as if the Venus as the Dimension Star, the Diamond Structures in the Brain and the Body, and all have it as the strongest carbon core. This pictorial presentation is same as following brain structure:
and for the Spinal Chord its as shown below metaphorically:

These dimensions as discussed in the earlier parts is as follows:
The sacred mathematical representation of sacred geometry of Shri Yantra is the Swastika, and see both:
3-D Shri Yantra, the Jantra, which is the 3-D representation of the Shri Yantra as shown below:
2-D representation of the Swastika, which is also the Shri Yantra:

The same Shri Yantra as 1-D Swastika gives the following outlooks:

1-D representation of Swakti with another view
Please note its same as the Sacred Pyramids:

These 8-Dimensions represent the sacred knowledge and wisdom of Sacred Indian Civilizations
However, it has special dimensional alignment and arrangement systems that work well with numerical or number systems as follows:
Now, the point of focus in it is that these numbers assigned to 8-Dimensions are based on my personal research works of Philselfology (Be Happy Philselfologically) that can reproduce any kind of knowledge from these sacred graphs based on the sacred structure of the Swastika. This derivative is personal quest:
1. The Sun is in the east, and on the Swastika it on the top and has an assigned number of 1.
2. Similarly, the Venus at ES, the East South has number of 6.
3. And the Mars at South has number 9.
4. The Rahu at the SW has the number 4.
5. The Saturn at the West has the number 8.
6. The Moon at the West towards North as WN has number 2.
7. The Mercury at the North has number assigned as 5.
8. Finally the Jupiter at the NE has number assigned 3.
9. The Number, which is of Brahma or the Brahma Asthana, the Place for Brahm, the Void as we have vacuum say in the Anode and Cathode Systems is the Center of the Swastika as the 0 or 10 means the concept of 10th Dimension as the Z-Axis of the Swastika at Origin with the Zero or Shoonya Value Concepts.
Now, these numbers for any purpose can be changed and we have to consider the 11th, 12th, and other higher dimensions, so we alter all values from the origin of the Swastika and each time a Bindu in it counts. Mostly, we have up to 4 Bindus always shown on these graphs. The One Bindu means complete transformation in the graphical representation of graph say on the scale of 10 or one dot, the others as 100 for 2 dots, and 1000 for 3 dots, and up to 10,000 is normal or common for say 4 dots.
The Very 0 or O-Origin dot is not counted and is always the Zero-Origin of any graph and that is how Indians write graphical mantras with numbers written in boxes, triangles, and other shapes, charts, graphs, pictorials, 3-D things and products that people in India use the Jantra-Mantra, and the Tantra, the Balancing of Positive, Negative and the Neutral, the Earthing of Energy.
All of it in any graph is source of astronomical charts that many Indians study as astrology uses the perfect and thus the sacred trigonometry:
These Mantras and the Yantras are all mathematical equations with geometrical representations as if musical scales with lots of study materials of Karma Kanda associated with it that the experts say in Hinduism, and all religious metaphysically, the mysticism and metaphorically to say people practice. It may say write it million times or chant it 21000 times, write this way or other way, and all of it is geometrical equations and its practice by writing, focusing on it, and lot more similar. For example, the following is set of many dimensional representations and when it says Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and the similar, it describes that if we were living there the following equations would have been the same as we have on our earth systems. There are many planets having more than one moon and thus different rows and columns as in in the Matrix Systems, but sides are great if add up to the balance means additions from all side if come equal, the equations are right or something is shown as helping it making it balanced and thus the Sacred Architect or Astro Architect that we know as the Vastu or the Feng Shui. Thus these apply to astronomical systems at any place at any moon, planet, sun and the constellation concerned:
Some people may confuse about the scales used in Indian Mantras, which may be random say 0, 10, 20, and may be 100, 200, 500, 1000 and so on. The word Mantra means the Dimensions of Creative Intelligence that one must learn it by practice to swim it means be fluent in these sacred arts of the universe in which we live.
The Mantra need Yantra, which is its sacred environment, and without these Karma Kanda, the Mantra as the software as if a sacred chip inside the mobile, which one may not run without the Yantra, the sacred mobile of sacred geometrical structures. The Password is the number to run the sacred chip of the mobile that makes it perform and work as shown below:
Most of these creative arts and works are part of Indians and the same things are exhibited together with how life dwells on earth, human and solar system, which we know as the Vastu Shashtra or the Doctrines of Scientific Existence of life Energies as the following graphical representations shows:
All of it is mostly present on all pictures of the Vaishnu Mata, the Goddess of Botanical and Vegetarian World, whom many people follow as vegetarianism worship in India and many other parts of the world to attain better personal, social, professional and spiritualism and the divine life through it.
Now, when we talk about how education and research systems can be put in the schools, colleges, universities, offices, and for workers, and the engineers, we need to come to levels of need and our role in it. The complete color patterns of the Kundalili keep the vast knowledge and wisdom of a particular Chakra. It is the major work for all researchers to make sure that people get the applied form of pure researches for the practitioners, the works which are the Kundalini oriented and the action research works for quick solutions to any problem. The major world problems in the education and research faces it seriously that the students may not be taught how to solve any problem, and thus the Art of Problem Solving!
We see it Indian Civilizations as follows:
There is one major objection that many people raise against the sacred sciences, maths and the geometry is the male-female kind of representations. When we talk of the mantra, yantra and tantra, and that is why it is associated with the reproduction systems and show male and female forms of life everywhere.
One of the most thing that people may not have worked on the Shiva-Lingam is the dimensions it uses. Its the Shiva-Shatti representation of the higher brain as we all have inside a system that we think, feel and experience both the object and the subject. The worth of it is only in the 9th and the 10th Dimensions as 8-D’s are the Sacred Structures of the Womb of the Universe that sustains it as if an Egg, the Brahmanda, and its not the Female Reproduction and its organs as people assume about the Shiva-Linga, but its the expression of the 10th Dimension about how the universe sustains its own existence. The Egg of Universe is same as a woman has eggs in her womb, and she preserves it and recycles it. The Universe does the same, and Shiva-Linga at that level is Woman’s Egg in Her Womb at the 10th Dimension, and its the 9th Dimension that is the Serpent and the Shiva-Lingam that is how Man Perseveres the Sperm in the Human Body.
Man perseveres one dimension less than the woman in the creation in that direction. That is why when men see the Shiva-Lingam its the Sperm not the Shiva-Lingam and the Serpents and the Snakes identity it with the Shiva Philosophies. When the Women see it, all of it is the Egg Placed in the Fallopian Tubes in the Womb, and its dimensions are that of the universe, and that is why woman as the Mahila deserves more respect, honor and reverence. Her Womb is the 0 or the O-Dimension, and is always considered as the Origin of Graph, the 8-D Life in the Universe as shown in the Shri, the Sharira Yantra. It stands for the Sharira, the Physical Form of Life, the Body as the Shri.
The Eggs and the Sperms never cross the Urine and that is called keeping the Shiva-Lingam not crossed as outlets of Urine that these complete its sacred cycles, and its what is shown in the Shiva-Lingam at the Temples, and that is how and why its about how to see yourself in the Body of Ardhnarishwara as the Half Male and the Half Female forms. When anyone sees Female Form its the Egg in Womb, and on the Male Form its the Sperm in the Testicles and at Half Man can have half body as well shown below:
For example, how a woman and a man should see the following:
Almost all of Indian Gods have fruits in their hands, which indicates the seeds, which they also should eat, and all Indian Goddesses have flowers in their hands and we offer the same to them, and its the egg, and this is what heals and helps the females most and people take care that they offer fruits to gods and flowers to the goddess and that is the due respect of the Ardhnarishwara! Not only this, the women in India are usually advised to take fruits without or less seeds in it, and men are asked to eat the fruits with lots of seeds in it.
The Triangle of 3-D’s seems present in most of the modern civilizations and symbols in it, but the Bindu Theory does not support it like that as 4-D’s is what world always needs, and thus is the story of the Male, Female and Child shown as the Shiva, Paravati (Shakti) and the Ganesha as Part of Swastika and people worship it in India as the Shivalingam.
The word Tantra have the meaning of Tatva, the Seed, the nucleus and this goes mainly to form of seed centers of anything exhibiting it. The Jantra is the derivative of the Joni, Yoni, and thus the Jantra and or the Yantra, the Womb Environment as the nucleus from the Atomic, Botanical, Biological, and thus Humanly to Angelic, Gods and thus the Divine Levels.
It has been condemned so much as vulgar that say in India most of the parents and the elders may never ever talk about the Sex and Reproduction Systems, and thus we lack the natural birth control planning and systems in many other countries too where people may never see naked person due to lack of self-education and thus severe gender consciousness, and it has developed a fake morals and ethics which need sex education in most of the developing countries. We however read all of it in say atoms, plants, the botanical world, the animals and birds to say the biological world, and as humans, we seem to have nothing but utter ignorance!
We will edit and add.
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!
When life is considered the universe is nothing more than the globe, and we all share it together. The universe just an envelope in other word in which we live as hen and egg are, and this concept needs better earth environment for not the survive but our earth and the solar systems to survive! Please take care!
Some people think its good to say something as follows:
N.B. and P.S.: Please note that all results and conclusions discussed here are based on my personal endeavor for more than 40 years, and is not and never by accident that we reach to such conclusions. This is part of my research based Subject of Philselfology, the Practical Philosophy. I have done it without imitating and copying from the the resources and have published many research papers and books on and about it that discuss it as Philselfology and names similar to it say Self-study and Learning, the Swaadhaya, which again means personally carried research works. Thanks!