A lot of people who watched The Secret feel let down. They tried it, they got some results and then it stopped working. The Secret was about manifesting our wants and desires, anything, all we had to do was think about it or see the Universe as one big catalog and then put our order in. That’s what they said.

A lot of people became very enthusiastic about this method and put it into effect. Their overwhelming enthusiasm raised their vibrational frequency and they were able to attract their desires. Then it kind of fizzled out. Their enthusiasm was temporary. They weren’t able to sustain the enthusiasm or keep their energy at a higher level. Most people have been able to maintain this type of enthusiasm at various times in their lives without even realizing that they were doing this, without being told, or without knowing about The Secret.

There is no secret. None of this information is new. It has been around since the beginning of time. But no one taught our ancestors or us how to use it productively from the date of our conception forward. It was actually withheld from the masses intentionally.

The Law of Attraction does work. As a matter of fact, it works every day, every single moment and second of our lives. There is not a time when it does not work. But there is one key element that The Secret didn’t focus on very much. And that is the program or the conditioning that has been implanted in our subconscious minds which occurred between the ages of 0 to approximately eight years. This is when the infant/child is in their most vulnerable state. We are not operating at full consciousness at this time.

The brain is in the delta wavelength at this time and records everything that it is being subjected to. Some people refer to the child at this time as being a sponge, taking everything in. The information taken in during this period then gets reinforced as we go through life by parents, teachers, religious leaders and other authority figures, TV, movies, computers, video games and so on.

It is the conditioning that prevents people from getting the results they want because the conditioning is going to override the conscious wants. If you received a positive program, that is great. You will probably manifest most or all of your desires. But this is not the case for most people. The problem is that people are making positive claims about their desires but are later negating it, most often without even realizing it, with their programmed belief systems and self-talk that operates on autopilot from the subconscious mind.

This is how the Law of Attraction works all of the time. It is bringing you what you think about predominantly whether you want it or not.

These are some of the statements that people make, both internally and externally, without even realizing the power of their words. I would like to have a new red car, but I can’t afford it. I’ll never get the promotion. It’ll work for others but not for me. I’m not good enough. I don’t deserve it. I’m not worthy. Why is it taking so long? When am I going to get what I want? I don’t have what it takes. I’m not strong enough, I’m weak. If I get what I want, then I’ll be taking it away from someone else. That’s being selfish. There’s not enough to go around. Who do you think you are? And the list goes on and on and on.

Making statements of criticism, jealousy, or envy of what others have that you don’t also blocks the energy from flowing to your wants and desires. Fear, doubt, and low self-esteem also contribute to this.

The key is to change the subconscious program. This can be done through a number of energy modalities such as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), The Emotion Code, The Healing Code, hypnotherapy, PSYCHE-K or any other energy technique that will reprogram the subconscious mind for lasting change for your benefit. It involves doing an honest inventory of yourself, going within. It involves developing and maintaining a connection with your higher source, higher power, higher self, God, the Universe or whatever you choose to call it. This involves spending time with yourself not by yourself, going into the silence, meditating, and loving yourself.

One of my suggested readings is The Master Key System by Charles Haanel. This is a great little book. It explains all about the workings of the subconscious mind and how you got to where you are with your beliefs and your thinking processes. There are exercises to do at the end of each part. And this book was written in 1912.


Elizabeth Ocean
Author: Elizabeth Ocean

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