Visualization, the Darshan: The gift that is you by Karen Titanich Founder of SPIRIT Connections

About the Article: Its a wonderful article about what we know in India as the Darshan, the Divine Art of Visualization. Its one of the most remarkable thing in Philosophy that one, who writes is not a philosopher, but one can speak it out. The great Aristotle is not considered a philosopher by many as he wrote books. The philosopher is also called the seer as one does the Darshan, the process of understanding knowledge as wisdom.

The philosophy in India as the self-knowledge otherwise Indians do not study anything that cannot lead to self-realization, which is nothing but the wisdom as experienced by the individuals in the form of Darshan, and that is Indians called it the Darshana, the name for Philosophy in Hindi, Sanskrit and Punjabi. In other words, its Know Thyself that Indians call Darshana, the Philosophy, and I named this process of gaining knowledge and insight as Philselfology, the scientific way for self-analysis just to simplify the term. It is wonderful article about it as goes follows:

You are a gift. In this guided visualization, I encourage you to notice when you are likely to discount your gifts and what you can do to acknowledge your gifts in a way that is respectful to you and to others.

I encourage you to read the visualization then close your eyes to work your way through it. If you need to open your eyes to remind yourself of the next step, please do so. Then close your eyes and continue with the visualization.

1. Get comfortable in a quiet location. I like to sit with my feet flat on the floor and my hands resting in my lap with the palms up and open. Having your feet on the floor helps you to root in the earth. Having your palms open indicates your willingness to receive. If you have physical challenges and my preferred position is uncomfortable, please choose the location and position that works best for you.

2. Now, notice your breathing. Follow your breath as you breathe in and as you breathe out. Breathe in and breathe out easily and gently. Take several easy, gentle breaths. Now, gradually deepen your breathing. Follow your breath as you breathe in and as you breathe out deeply and completely. Now, give yourself permission to relax. Feel yourself relax.

3. Now, open your consciousness and remember an occasion when you were praised and discounted your talents. Let the situation come into your consciousness in great detail. Where were you? Who praised you? Why did they praise you? Experience this memory to the fullest extent possible.

4. Now, open your consciousness and remember another occasion when you were praised and discounted your talents. Let this second situation come into your consciousness in great detail. Where were you? Who praised you? Why did they praise you? Experience this memory to the fullest extent possible.

5. Now, open your consciousness and ask yourself: What steps can I take to honour my assets and abilities rather than discounting them? Let this information come into your consciousness easily and gently.

6. Next, take a moment and set a high intention: I acknowledge and respect my assets and talents. I feel gratitude for the gift that is me.

7. Now, begin the journey back to regular consciousness. Notice the place where you are sitting or lying. Begin to notice any sounds that you can hear. Once again, notice your breathing. Notice as you breathe in and as you breathe out. Become more and more aware of your surroundings. Then when you are ready, take a deep breath, stretch and open your eyes, ready for whatever comes next in your day. You are refreshed, relaxed and rejuvenated.

To honouring the gift that is you,

© 2012 SPIRIT Connections

With thanks from the Spirit Connections

For us in India, the concept of sacred visualization has been the most significant as we call it the essence of religion, we Indians always seem to live philosophy as all Indians know as the Shastras, the verbal religion and the science as the Shankha Yoga, the Art of Science. I have done research works and written thesis works at University of Adelaide from 1990 on how and why Philosophy, the Shastra as seen by seers the Darshana way are the bridge between Religion, the Dharma, the Art of Leaning Nature (without disturbing it though) and the Science, the Art of Observing and Analyzing (without harming though) is as if artistic way of understanding the Wisdom Tree in India, the giver of art. This verbal art of India, which is philosophical in nature has name Swaadhaya and my works are very similar and named as Philselfology referring to Art of Researching – Swadhyaya: Study or Self Observation – A Unique Approach for All Alike Philselfologically

The article related to it focusing my works on understanding the process how and why Philosophy is a Bride between Science and Religion named as the Philselfology is here: Art of Sacred Visualization, the Darshan – Carol Roach as a Visualizer and Contributor: Part 2

Dr. Harmander Singh
Author: Dr. Harmander Singh

Be Happy Philselfologically: The Research on Free and Renewable Energy as Quantum, Classical and Sacred Systems! 🙂

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