As the saying goes, “We only imagine that we are separate. In fact, we are all one.” Today we are paying the price of our false imagination. In imagining that we are separate from nature when in fact we all suckle from Mother Nature’s breast, we are destroying the very source of our sustenance. In imagining that we are separate from all men, when all of society is composed of the contributions of all men, we make our neighbors poor and hungry so that the world economy is affected in the end. In imagining ourselves as separate from our technology, now technology is making machines out of our humanity. By imagining ourselves separate from the goods we produce, the market is making us all suffer in financial crisis and contradictions. By imagining our ego as separate we separate even from our very own selves. thus we are living in the hell of our isolatedness and separation yet these are all the products of our imagination. Life is naturally interconnected. Once we become consistent in our imagination of what is true, interconnected and beautiful in life, all our problems will banish in the face of real and true and natural in this world. We are all one!
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