Little Things That Make A Big Difference


Share Smiles

Smiles are a powerful force. They have the ability to enhance the mood of others in a mere instant. Sharing your smile with others creates a positive chain reaction illuminating the lives of others while enriching your own wellness.


When choosing a new pet please consider animal shelters. Many animals are euthanized because of overpopulation issues. The less popular breeders and stores that sell pets become, the better it will be for the animals because less will be killed in shelters.

Chocker Chain WARNING

Don’t leave dogs on a choke chain unattended, the dog could get strangled if the chain gets tangled up. Get Your Pet At A Shelter

Steam Rather Than Nuke
Microwave ovens can alter the nutrition in food creating harmful chemicals. Steaming is a healthier

Cutting Down On Garbage

Avoid unnecessary garbage whenever possible by kindly asking for only what you need. For example many food establishments give extra straws, napkins, utensils, that are not necessary.

Refill Bottles To Cut Down On Bottle Waste
Most grocery stores have units that disperse water into your containers. Refilling old containers reduces the need for more plastic containers. For optimal health utilize glass bottles because plastic bottles can leach unhealthy chemicals into the water.

Periodically Check Your Tires
It is estimated that 200,000 barrels of oil a day could be saved if everyone had their tires filled to the recommended air pressure.

Choose Canvas Bags
“Paper or plastic?”…neither. When grocery shopping bring your own cloth shopping bags to help eliminate the destruction of trees and the fact that plastic takes over 1,000 years to decompose.

Author: Bliss

Dedicated to making a positive difference for people, animals, and this beautiful planet!

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