Page 12 - Demo
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                                    and show kindness by accepting others as they are. This attitude should extend beyond conversations and manifest itself through our actions too %u2013 being mindful when interacting with each other so that peace prevails in every situation. Peaceful interactions create opportunities for learning from each other, which is essential for us to grow as a species.In order to coexist in peace, we need to understand that we%u2019re all different and that it%u2019s okay. We need to be tolerant of others%u2019 beliefs and accept that they are not hurting us by expressing them. We mustn%u2019t judge people based on their race, gender or creed. We must learn that every human being is just as important as ourselves %u2013 it%u2019s not about who you are but what you can do for others. I believe that if we all worked together instead of Peace
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