Page 26 - Demo
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little girl, I followed suit. I always rescue the little critters who accidentally get stuck inside my space and set them free.When do you feel most like yourself?Relaxing in a hot bubble bath!What is the meaning of %u2018LIFE%u2019 to you?A miracle. Life is an energy force that has feeling, selfawareness, intelligence, and is a word that is part of the cycle of death. Life is an opportunity to do great things; to live in service of a higher calling that is eternal.When your time here on this planet is over%u2026 what would you like people to remember about you?I hope they will feel inspired and remember me as being %u201creal.%u201d I believe it is the essence of what we give and do, not necessarily the acts, but the essence that was received from the act, and the spirit within which the act was carried out, that matters most. I want people to remember how I dedicate my life to practicing and penning the Laws that Matter, which contributes to causes much greater and more profound than myself.If you only had a few minutes to share the wisdom you%u2019ve learned on this journey called life%u2026 What would you say?Breathe. Find meaning. Allow your passion and purpose to become your profession. All things are possible. Why not you? You can do and manifest anything. Alignment, plus action equals attraction. This is law.BeVeg WebsiteHope