Page 46 - Wellness Magazine April 2018
P. 46
THE LAST PIG is a lyrical meditation that offers an entirely new view of
on what it means to be a sentient small-scale livestock farming, and
creature with the power to kill. raises crucial questions about the
Deeply immersive, the film is a ethics of eating.
contemplation on life, death and
personal ethics as it follows a pig The Filmmakers
farmer grappling with his conscience. Allison Argo is a
Through sparse, intimate musings, six-time Emmy-
the farmer reveals the growing winning filmmaker
conflict of a life spent “peddling in and noted animal
death” - one he can no longer live advocate. Her
with. The pace of the film is films, all broadcast
unhurried, allowing the viewer to by PBS and
experience and absorb life on the National
farm, the herds of pigs – so clearly Geographic, have
intelligent and trusting, the steel and won over 80 awards internationally
concrete slaughterhouse, and the and have reached audiences
ghosts. worldwide, inspiring change. For over
20 years, Argo has worked on the
With bittersweet detail, against the
stunning backdrop of upstate New frontline, fighting for the just
York, THE LAST PIG is a documentary treatment of non- human beings. She
is known for her emotionally-charged
Bliss Planet 46