Page 32 - August Bliss Planet Health & Wellness Lifestyle Magazine
P. 32
Three Phases of Life
The one thing that I really want to GIVE to you is the Three Phases
of Life.
1. You Are Made
You don't have any say in where your born, how tall you are and
who your parents are.
2. You Are Taught
Through your environment, the people your around, and
circumstances that you really don't have control of. But the Most
Impoartant Phase is number
3. Your Choice
Your Choices are going to SHAPE your FUTURE, SHAPE your
CHARACTER, and it's going to BUILD your LEGACY! So we want
to make sure we are making WISE CHOICES and doing
METACOGNITION...thinking about what you are thinking about.
Most people don't do that, most people are on autopilot. So if you
are thinking about what you are thinking about you will be more
INTENTIONAL about some of the CHOICES you make that can
MAKE or Break YOUR LIFE. Goodness Message...Demitrious
here...take care!
Bliss Planet 32