Page 15 - Bliss Planet Magazine January 2018
P. 15

National leaders, big businesses and single individuals each need to look around
        and see what we have already lost and what we might yet lose if we do not
        bond together to save the planet.

        Going green is more than a slogan, or even an ideal. It is an urgent mandate
        and a vital mission which we have already undertaken, and one at which we
        must no tail. the price of that failure would be life, as we know it, upon this
        earth and everything we know.

        There has never been a time in recorded history where humanity has
        experience a greater need to work together in unity for a common purpose.
        Whatever part o the globe you reside upon, whatever place you call your home,
        be it a wealthy, economically privileged nation or the poorest of the so-called
        third world countries, you are first and foremost a citizen of the Earth, and her
        natural resources, continue to provide a home to us and all of the wonders of
        nature for many centuries to come.

        Each of us may not be able to shut down big-time corporate polluters or engage
        actively in preventing the destruction of wildlife habitats. But every one of us
        can each do our
        part, however
        small it may seem              “We have forgotten how to be
        to us, to keep the             good guests, how to walk
        earth green.
                                       lightly on the earth as its other
        We can start
        green-movement                 creatures do.”
        by with simple                                             Barbara Ward
        recycling and work
        to being clean

        Ron Wagner is from
        Scottsdale, Arizona.

        Help To Save The Planet
        "Go Green"


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