Page 7 - Bliss Planet Magazine January 2018
P. 7
Success: Dream + Resolution + Daily requires much more than a wish, a
Goals = Success, Reward and hope, and a notation on the back of a
Achievement! cocktail napkin on New Year's Eve.
Making and keeping a New Year
With that in mind, as you mull all the Resolution takes planning, patience,
many large and small things that you persistence, courage, commitment, and
would love to do, achieve, learn, above all - days, months, and years of
create, see, be, have, feel, experience hard work. When you enjoy the journey
in this lifetime - your 'Lifetime as much as the destination the hard
Resolutions' - it is also important to work is worth it!
Bottom Line: If you truly want to make
and keep a New Year Resolution, have
no fear - it doesn't have to die a
sudden, certain death midway through
January. The right resolution - one
about which you have enormous
desire, passion, and interest - and the
right approach, system, and attitude,
can bring great joy, achievement, and
reward. It's time to strap on your
thinking cap, do some daydreaming,
brainstorming, plotting, and planning.
In addition to noodling about the
'perfect resolution for you' - consider
these I Resolve To . . . Do's and Don'ts,
which can help to keep you motivated
and moving in the right direction day
after day:
I Resolve To . . . Do's:
1. Dare To Dream about all the
wonderful possibilities.
2. Decide To 'Go For It'.
3. Define your dream in one specific
sentence that answers 'what and why'.
think about the 'who, what, when,
where, why, and how' involved in 4. Develop A Plan that includes short
making and keeping that one special and long range goals, timelines,
resolution - that dream on which you milestones, and answers the question
are going to focus all of your attention. 'who, when, and how'.
Making and keeping resolutions
Bliss Planet 7