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without bullying           change, and it took me a long time to
                                     or shootings, and          figure out my role in it.
                                     freedom from               Once I started engaging in solutions that
                                     racism and                 seemed most likely to do what scientists
                                     oppression in our          said we had to do—specifically, slash
                                     communities. We            emissions drastically and sequester
                                     also have a right          carbon—I got to know a lot of other
                                     to healthy air,
                                                                parents willing to do whatever it will
                                     soil, and water.           take to keep our kids safe. So yes, I do
                                     And all present            actually sleep better. I don’t feel alone
                                     and future                 anymore, and that’s been huge.
                                     those least                What do you most hope readers will
                                     responsible for            take away from your book?I hope
                                     climate                    they’re entertained. I hope they feel
                                     destruction—have           more alive, empowered, and connected.
                                     a right to a               If they walk away with even a handful of
                                     livable planet.            practical ideas for taking action, that’s a
                                                                fantastic start.
                                     All of these
                                     climates are               Special Thanks to New World Library
       deeply interconnected. They’re also
       badly threatened, so much so that, in                    About Mary DeMocker:
       2015, Pope Francis wrote a letter calling                Mary DeMocker
       on every person on Earth to help end                     is cofounder and
       income inequality, war, and the                          creative director
       degradation of the Earth. Families are on                of’s
       the front lines of every one of those                    Eugene, Oregon,
       climate crises, which means that parents                 chapter. She has
       find ourselves at an unprecedented                       written about
       crossroads: Do we let the planet go                      conscious
       down on our watch? Or do we set                          parenting and
       boundaries with ruthless industries, just                climate activism
       as we do with bullies on the playground?                 for the Sun,
       Are you getting more sleep yourself?                     EcoWatch,
       I used to lie awake often at night a
                                                                Spirituality &
       decade ago, fretting over my kids’
       future. Even though my husband and I                     Health, Oregon
       were valiantly leading our little foursome               Quarterly, and
       in biking and eating organic and                         the Oregonian.
       vegetarian food and buying every                         She lives with her family in Eugene,
       “green” product we could afford, the                     Oregon. Her website is
       global temperatures kept rising year           
       after year. I knew something big had to

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