What Depression Looks Like
This is what depression can look like. Can’t tell? The photo was taken in July 2016. I have had challenges in the past overcoming depression, addiction, and suicidal thoughts. I always tried to make the best of it and few people really knew what I was going through. I am taking the opportunity to share this with you because depression and suicide have no face or identity. So many of us suffer in silence due to feeling misunderstood or for fear of judgment. If this sounds like you, I urge you to find someone to talk to and let out your feelings. Even if it’s a stranger. Always know that you are NEVER alone and you CAN find your way past the darkness. It’s there to help you grow. And if you can’t relate to these feelings, open your heart to all humans and extend compassion. People are not born bad or evil, it comes from a place of being deeply wounded and disappointed. Addiction is a symptom from a lack of heart connections. Labeling someone as an “addict who can’t be trusted” just makes the situation worse and further isolates them. We are all hard-wired to connect with one another through our hearts.
I love my life now and I’m proud that I didn’t give up. It was a journey of understanding what my body was trying to tell me. Depression is a sign that your soul is being stifled in some way. Did you know depression can also be linked to magnesium deficiency and gluten allergy? It’s much less complicated than you might think. Do your research and help yourself get unstuck.
I’m also grateful for the amazing people in my life that remind me that I have a purpose and I’m here to tell you that you have one too. If you are reading this I thank you and I invite you to hug someone today. 💓
#feelgood #bewell #bepositive #beyou #depressioncures #magnesiumsupplements #glutenfree #vegan #exercise #suicideawareness #unstuck #sensitive #hsp #sensitivityisastrengthnotaweakness #openyourheart #feedyoursoul #igniteyourpassions #followyoursoulitknowstheway #onelove ❤