This guided visualization takes you through a process of self-examination. What do you notice about yourself? Remember each of us is a unique human being. Please use this as an opportunity to understand yourself more fully. I want you to celebrate you!

I encourage you to read the visualization then close your eyes to work your way through it. If you need to open your eyes to remind yourself of the next step, please do so. Then close your eyes and continue with the visualization.

1. Get comfortable in a quiet location. I like to sit with my feet flat on the floor and my hands resting in my lap with the palms up and open. Having your feet on the floor helps you to root in the earth. Having your palms open indicates your willingness to receive. If you have physical challenges and my preferred position is uncomfortable, please choose the location and position that works best for you.

2. Now, notice your breathing. Follow your breath as you breathe in and as you breathe out. Breathe in easily and gently. Breathe out easily and gently. Take several easy, gentle breaths. Now, gradually deepen your breathing. Follow your breath as you breathe in and as you breathe out deeply and completely. Now, give yourself permission to relax. Feel yourself relax.

3. Now, open your consciousness and consider your physical energy field. What are you like physically? Are you athletic? Are you a skilled artisan that makes beautiful objects with your hands? Do you play an instrument? What do you like to do physically? Is your physical energy field one of your strongest energy field or are you like me and use one or two of the others to help you out? What do you notice about yourself physically?

4. Now, open your consciousness even more and consider your emotional energy field. What ar you like emotionally? Are you more often sad, mad, glad or fearful? Do you allow yourself to feel your emotions or do you push them down? Do you allow yourself to cry when you are sad? Are you able to control how you act and react when you are emotional? Is your emotional energy field one of your strongest?

5. Now, open your consciousness and consider your mental energy field. What are you like mnetally? Do you live in your head? Are you quick mentally? Do you take time to make a considered response? Are you a detail person? Are you a big picture person? Are you a combination? Is your mental energy field one of your strongest?

6. Now, open your consciousness and consider your spiritual energy field. What are you like spiritually? Do you listen to your guidance? Do you act on it? What do you do to lift your spirit? When was the last time you did something that lifted your spirit? What was it? Can you do more of it? is your spiritual energy field one of your strongest?

7. Now, open you consciousness and consider you entire energy field. What do you notice about the whole? is one part stronger than another? Does one help to compensate for another? What is the magnificent combination that makes you you? Take a moment and savour your uniqueness. There is only one you on the planet. You are a gift to the planet.

8. Now, begin your journey back to regular consciousness. Begin to notice your surroundings. Notice any noises in your surroundings. Notice where you are sitting. Notice your breathing. When you are ready, return to regular consiousness. Stretch and open your eyes, ready for whatever comes next in your day. Know that you will remember what you noticed about yourself during this guided visualization.

To deeper self understanding,

© 2010 SPIRIT Connections

Dr. Harmander Singh
Author: Dr. Harmander Singh

Be Happy Philselfologically: The Research on Free and Renewable Energy as Quantum, Classical and Sacred Systems! 🙂

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