The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds.
Since I prefer positive approaches, I have rewritten the quote to read:
The range of what we think and do is enhanced when we notice. And because we notice that we notice, there is much that we can do to change, we notice how noticing shapes our thoughts and deeds.
So, what do you notice? First, what do you notice about yourself? Consider yourself from an energetic perspective. You have an energy field with physical, emotional, mental and spiritual components. What do you notice about yourself physically? For me, this is my weakest energetic component. I am physically capable although it takes me time to learn athletic skills. I persevered to learn to scuba dive. My body was a bit unwilling but my mental strength won out. I was determined to learn how to scuba dive and I did! I am so glad that I did! So, are you strong physically or a bit challenged like me?
What do you notice about yourself emotionally? What is the most common emotion in your life? Are you mad, sad, glad or fearful? Do you allow yourself to feel your emotions? I encourage you to feel your emotions. As human beings, it is important for us to be in touch with our emotions. It is also important for us to control how we act and react when we are emotional.
What do you notice about yourself mentally? Are you mentally quick? Do you take some time than make a considered response? Do you like mentally challenging activities? What are you like mentally?
What do you notice about yourself spiritually? Do you listen to your intuition, your guidance? Do you listen to your own inner voice or the voices of others? What lifts your spirit? When was the last time you did something to lift your spirit? When was the last time you did something to lift someone else’s spirit?
Each of us is a unique human being. You are the only one like you on the planet. Although we come from universal source energy, as human beings we are each different from each other. What a gift! How boring it would be if we were all the same. So, what did you notice about yourself? Have you considered yourself from this perspective before? If you have, did you notice anything different about yourself?
The purpose of this exercise is to get you to take a look at yourself. Each of us is a fascinating combination of traits, skills and abilities. Now, I encourage you to celebrate yourself. Each of us us has much to celebrate. Please celebrate being you!
To a deeper understanding of ourselves,
© 2010 SPIRIT Connections