WHY DO WE “WAIT?” What are you waiting for exactly? For the money, the perfect timing, the perfect opportunity, the motivation, why do so many people just continue to wait?
Wait for what?? We’re only here for a short period of time. Waiting for the money, waiting for the right age, waiting until the kids get older to get divorced, waiting for the person to change before you leave, waiting to finally honor yourself and stop allowing people to treat you like shit, waiting for someone to come along and fix you, waiting for things to get better, waiting until you make more money, blah. blah. blah… Whatever bullshit story you keep telling yourself…Stop waiting!
I waited…I waited most of my life for things to get better. Guess what? They never did. You know when they got better? When I stopped waiting and made the decision that I wasn’t waiting for anything or anyone anymore, that I was going to make shit happen. Start making shit happen for you. If you need help, get it. Stop making excuses as to why you can’t and start looking for how you can. Just fucking do it! Before you know it, you will be old (if you live that long, only God knows) and you will die (reality check here
) and you will wonder why you ever waited. Don’t wake up one day and have regrets because you waited. Make the decision now that you will stop waiting and you will go after what you really want! Everything begins and ends with you.
Melanie Verstraete