Earth is called a dynamic planet because of its composition and the way it reacts to many things. One amazing factor about the earth is that it has tectonic plates, which are pieces that move continually. They come together or apart continuously causing earthquakes, volcanoes, chasms, etc. The tectonic plates also determine what type of environment will exist on an area on the Earth’s surface largely because they affect erosion and geographical uplift (also known as orogenesis).
Another reason why Earth is known as a dynamic planet is because of its atmosphere; this has changed vastly since its creation more than 4 billion years ago. The planet started out with no oxygen in the atmosphere at all, but now there is 21% oxygen present. This is mainly due to the Earth’s ability to have photosynthesis, which is a chemical process that uses water and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Other gases that are abundant on Earth are nitrogen and argon. These elements in the atmosphere help create a greenhouse effect, which warms the planet up so it doesn’t freeze over.
In addition, Earth has an interesting orbit around the sun. It is not exactly circular but rather elliptical. This means there are some periods when it is further away from or closer to the sun than usual. Because of this unique orbit, scientists believe Earth is what causes both winter and summer seasons; winter happens when it’s slightly further away from the sun (it becomes colder) while summer occurs when it’s closer (the heat increases).
When you put all these factors together, it is easy to understand why the earth is often called a dynamic planet. It’s the composition of Earth that makes it react in certain ways to create many chances. Without tectonic plates or an atmosphere, Earth would most likely not exist as we know it today.