How Gurmukhi, World Languages and Grammars Explain Qubit and Quantum Computing: Future of Quantum World with Sacred Zero, Zero Point Energy Philosophy as -0,0, +0, the Simarna of Rosary and Ojasa, the Brahmgyana Theory: Be Happy Philselfologically – 107
When we consider the Qubit Structure according to the Vowel Theory in India, its the Parmeshwara Thery in which the Main Sacred System is the there are 4 Ishwara and the One Parmeshwara. The Major Quality of the Parmeshwara is that its present in all 4 Quadrants of the Ishwara. Before we understand the Philosophy of the Ishwara and the Parmeshwara, we have to understand it in the BIT and the QUBIT Systems as the Ancient Wisdom explains.
The Basic Points in the Indian Alphabet Chart as the Chart of Sacred Elements include the Consonants as the Elements that are 25, and 5 Vowels that are the Perfect Vowels that include the OORA, AARA, EERI, SAH-SA, HA-HA, and the Vowels that has some use of force of friction is the YAH-YA, RAH-RA, LAH-LA, WAH-WA (VAH-VA), and the RAH-RAHA. The 25 Consonants are the Fixed and Constant Sounds of the Matter Waves from the Space Elements to Solid Elements in the 5 Rows in the Indian Philosophy of the Elements.
The Vowels are a Systems of a “Pair” as Yin-Yang, Male and Female Systems as say O-OO, A-AA, E-EE, and so on. These vowels are the “Charges in the Universe”, and as these are perfect or fully balanced and the self-identified charges, these are called as we know the Soma, the Ionized Systems, the Rasayana, the Sacred Chemicals, and so many Indian words, the Ionized Systems as also the Amrit Systems in the Indian Sacred Systems. The Indian Systems that we call say Soma, Amrit, Charges, DNA, and so many other names are the Physical, Chemical and the Biological Systems that are represented as the A, E, O when these combine with in and as say AE, EO and the OA, and thus create life in three major formats, namely, the Physical (OORA), the Chemical (AARA) and the Biological (EERI) Systems, and when these are in the pairs with one another these create the multiple levels of life say the “OA” as the Physical and the Chemical Life that constitutes the “Botanical Life”, and then Biological with the “A and E” Systems and that is the “AE”. In it is hidden the “Ojasa”, the General Equation of Life, and that is what we know as the Pairs of Life as the “-0,0,+0” that we discuss at the end the series.
For a layman like me, the “-0,0,+0” is the Equation of Life, and that is when there is no visible life, but the life is there as “-0,0,+0” in the universe. This is called the “Ever Meditating State of God and Life, the Simarana of God as the Life in the Universe”.
This very life as the “-0,0,+0” lives as the Quantum Entanglement of Life that deals and the charge, vacuum and the directions, and thus changes the dimensions of the charge without disturbing its state of charge, and we notice it in the Quantum Systems of God as the Simarana that God does not change us and our personality as the in the Physical God Quantum Systems, and we get some ease to understand the nature, and we see it as the Quantum Sciences. This is also what the Ayurveda calls the Vata, Pita and Kapha in the Universe as the Ojasa. The Pita is the “AARA” (“+0”), the Vata is OORA (“0”) and the Kapha is the EERI (“-0”), and as the “-0,0,+0”, it creates the Ojasa Brahmanda of the Universe, which is like the Vacuum,but is not the Brahmanada. This very empty space, the vacuum of “-0,0,+0” is present in human body as the Ojasa that is Most Primitive Life that sustains the Vata, Pita and the Kapha, that is the Static, Kinetic and the Dynamic State of Body Flows, the Energies, the Prana, and the Ojasa as the “-0,0,+0”, the Shiva and or the Life Setup is the Prana Bala, the Power of All Flows, the Shakti, the Life Systems in the Human Body.
The very empty space as the Vacuum has the “Potential inside it” as “-0,0,+0” that we show in the picture below with the statement about how and why its not easy to justify it in our routine due to less philosophy works done on it, the “Life as “-0,0,+0″, the Qubit” as “Qubit Quantum” is the New Version of Life as it say in the “Hawking Radiation Fundamental Forces”:
“Birth of the Universe : Physics of the early Universe is at the boundary of astronomy and philosophy since we do not currently have a complete theory that unifies all the fundamental forces of Nature at the moment of Creation. In addition, there is no possibility of linking observation or experimentation of early Universe physics to our theories (i.e. it’s not possible to `build’ another Universe). Our theories are rejected or accepted based on simplicity and aesthetic grounds, plus their power of prediction to later times, rather than an appeal to empirical results. This is a very difference way of doing science from previous centuries of research.” (With thanks from the source:… )
Thus, the Ojasa as the “-0,0,+0” and the Life Qubit, the Quantum Qubit is our proposal to the World of Science, Art, Music and Philosophy from Indian and Asian Civilizations to the Modern and the Western Civilizations, and we propose that Ojasa as the “-0,0,+0″ is the Qubit of Life for All Life Equations of Physical, Chemical and the Biological Nature”, and we see it as shown below to some significant extent:
Image: The Power Tri-Systems of Power (Philosophy of 0, the Shiva the Charge Free Vacuum that gives rise to Charges, the Shakti), the Vacuum and the Potential Tri-Charges (Philosophy of Charge, the Shakti)
When we discuss the “-0,0,+0” as the Ojasa Life Qubit, its 4th Dimension lies in the Boundary of the Universe, the Envelope, the Circle of Life that keeps the “-0,0,+0” inside it as shown in the image above, and in the image below, we notice the discussion on the 4 Dimensions as the “-0,0,+0” and the “Circle, the Bramhanda, the Life Circle, the Brahma means the setup of Zero, the “-0,0,+0” Life Setup, and that Egg that Sustains it is the 0-Envelope, and we can put it as (-0,0,+0) and the “Bracket is the Universe”, and this bracket is as if (-0, 0 and “-0+0” Dipole,+0):
Image: The A, E, O, AE as the Universe Systems with Life Ojasa Dynamics (-0,0,+0)
The above systems as NASA lands to discover is also the “Philosophy of Zero Point Energy” where everything is nothing, but zero, and still as the (-0, 0 and “-0+0” Dipole,+0) that the NASA Official Website says as:

Image: The (-0, 0 and “-0+0” Dipole,+0) as the Two Qubits with Dipole System at the center
Thus, the Life Dipole in the Life Qubit Systems of (-0, 0 and “-0+0” Dipole,+0) look as shown below with the Indian Bindu, the Shiva Theory that has the Shines of Decimal Places as the Source of Free Energy, the Shakti Philosophy of the Indian Civilizations, and the Free Energy Levels, this Shiva-Shakti of the Bindu and the Bindi is having ONENESS as the Mahashiva Systems that is called the “Karta Purukh Systems” of Sikh Moolmantra:
“Shiva Shakti Upayekai Karta Aape Hukam Vartaye…” (Gurbani, the Sacred Sikh Teachings in Shri Granth Sahib Ji)
That is the One Creator of the Universe creates the Life Dipole, the Shakti (Decimal Systems, the Bindi, the Female Systems) and the Shiva, the Power Systems (Zero, the 0, the Bindu Systems), and this is also the Sacred System of Singularity and Polarity of the Same Systems, the One Sacred System of the Infinity:

“Energy from the Vacuum Concepts & Principles: Tom Bearden’s findings, culminating 30 years of re-examining the foundations of science, are good news that point the way to an inexhaustible, clean energy source for mankind—energy from the “vacuum,” as the space all around us is termed in science. The energy contained in a cup of this space could boil all the oceans of the world it is so densely energetic.
Developing and ubiquitously deploying free energy systems could eradicate the strategic vulnerabilities of centralized power systems, while reversing the runaway degradation of our precious biosphere and providing a viable antidote for the perpetual poverty of underdeveloped nations.
This book also contains the true stories of inventors who, over the past 150 years, have pioneered some of these processes—and their secrets. Dr. Bearden rigorously analyzes more than 40 embodiments that can produce this free energy, including some capable of investigation at the high-school level.” (From the book, “Energy from the Vacuum Concepts & Principles by Tom Bearden from the book website: )
“Zero Point Energy (ZPE), or vacuum fluctuation energy are terms used to describe the random electromagnetic oscillations that are left in a vacuum after all other energy has been removed. If you remove all the energy from a space, take out all the matter, all the heat, all the light… everything – you will find that there is still some energy left. One way to explain this is from the uncertainty principle from quantum physics that implies that it is impossible to have an absolutely zero energy condition.” (With thanks from the source:… )
The Philosophy of “Bindi A, E, O, AE and the Bindu, the AO” gives the “Free Energy Systems”:
Now, we notice that the Giver Dipoles that Generate and Give Free Energy to us are the Quantum Vacuum as the (-0, 0 and “-0+0” Dipole,+0), the Brahmanda as the Sacred Dipole of “-0, 0 and “-0+0″ Dipole,+0” Systems, the Brahmanda, the Philosophy of Zero, the “0” as the Energy Giver, and that is the “Secret of the Zero Point Energy from the Quantum Vacuum” that we discuss as the “-0, 0 and “-0+0″ Dipole,+0” (I hope goes well with the Patent and Copyright offices):
The following video is dedicated to Sir of Sirs, the Great Tesla, who devoted his life for the humanity:
In the Gurbani, the Sacred Poetic Teachings of Sikhism, the “-0+0″ Dipole,+0” Theory is called the “Theory of Brahmgyana, the Sacred Knowledge and Wisdom of Life, the Primal Life”, and this is also registered in All World Religions and Faiths as the “Sacred Secret of Genesis, the Life and thus as “-0+0″ Dipole,+0”, and here the Brahma is again the “OORA”, the Zero Charge, and the Anda is the Egg, the Life Envelope Preserving the Total Energy Balanced and thus Total Energy Equal to Zero.
These charges exist in Pairs, as say O-OO, A-AA, E-EE, and these have set up of further in the combinations say as AO-AAOO, AE-AAEE, and these are total 5 in count, and these as the O-OO, A-AA, and E-EE are the Charges of the Neutral (Neutron Charge, the OO), the Positive Charge (Protonic Charge, the AA) and the Negative Charge (Electronic Charge, the EE), and the Compound Charge is as the AE-AAEE, and its the Paired Charges of two different charges. This setup of 4 Primal Charges constitutes the First Primal Dipole System of the Universe.
This very Dipole of A, E, O, AE is the Beginning of the Indian Vowel Theory, Astrology, Astronomy, and as it has the “Colors, Sounds, Shapes, Numerals, and lot many other Distinctive Attributes associated to these Basic and the Primal Vowels”, it constitutes all subjects that Indian Civilizations have studied from great many ventures. All the Vedic, Upnishadic, Puranic, and Ayurvedic and Other Indian Works as in any form is based on this Parmeshwara Systems of Dipoles. When we say Parmeshara by itself its the Primal Dipole of the Universe, and its vowels join as creating the WAHEGURU Dipole in which we have the “Hidden Philosophy of the Indian Civilizations”, and that is in “WA+HE”, we get the WA(A+E)=WA(AE) that is the Structure of the Paremeshwara as the AE Structure that ultimately goes the Parmeshwara and the Parmeshwari Structure as “A+E” that is how the Durga, the Aadi Shakti got married.
“Eaka Mayi Jugati Viayi…” (Gurbani, Sikhism Sacred Teachings)
The Mother, the Female Energy of the Universe has it aligned structure of A-E that is studied as the Eankari Sacred Systems say as in the Durga Saptashati. This Eankari Systems are the Primal Female Powers of the Universe that give the Dipole of the Universe move in a “Sacred Pair of the Universe” with “A”, the Vibrations and the Waves, the “E” working and coexisting together. Its thus the Primal Mover of the Dipole of the Universe, and this is what creates the “Sacred Music” and the Movement and the Evolution of Life that is present inside it as the “AO”, the Neutral Charge of the Brahm, the Brahma Systems. The Brahma Charge is made up of the A, the Vibration and the O, the Photon (No charge or the Neutral Charge Systems), and these by itself do not move.
Its the “AE” Systems (the AARA and EERI Philosophy) that moves the AO Systems of Brahma and the Saraswati Systems, and the final charge goes as the OE, the Shiva and the Paravti, and these create the Sub Systems in the Charge Management in the Indian Sacred Systems. These 3 Charge Pairs of AE, EO, OA, and the 3 Charges of A, E, O are called the Tricolor Theories of Shiva and the Shakti, and when these join, it creates Two Major Qubit Systems that run as the “Two Tricolors, the Primary and the Secondary” Systems that has different systems of the Power and Force inside it, and these thus constitute the Cosmic Biorhythm and the Bio-clock of the Universe in which the “One” runs the Physical Systems and the “Other” one is Biological (Living Systems).
In these sacred systems, we have the Philosophy of the Paremshwara that deals the 4 Primal Systems of the Sound Energy, and the 5th one runs it, and for ease, we can put it as that Tricolors have two major actions that are carried with the “Black and White” Holes, and that is what Indian Sacred Systems call the “Guru Dipole Systems”, the Black Hole is the “GU” and the White is the “RU” Hole Systems of the universe.
Thus, we end up with Tricolors and the Guru Systems that finally exist in the universe as the Ishwara, and when we add the “Black and the White Hole Theory Elements”, these become the 5 Elements of the Universe, the Tricolors, Black Hole, and the White Hole, and that is the Parmeshara Setup, the Parmeshwara Dipole of the Universal Systems.
When we study the Qubit, we have the BIT of (0,1), but the Indian Theory of Trinity, the Qubit is same as all other ones in the world, and that is that the (-1,0,1), and this is what “A,E,O” Systems are with colors, sounds, shapes, charges, and lot more attributed to it all in “One Scientific Model of Everything as the AA EE OO, the Vowel Theories”.
Now, we say if we have the (-1,0,1), and its A, E, and O, and its also the Qubit, then what is AE in it, the “AE” is the “Photons, the Charges” that we put to use in the Quantum Systems including the Quantum Computers.
So, we have to consider the Source and the Drain Systems, the Head and Tail of the Chinese Systems, and that is we simply do not have the (-1,0, 1), but (-1, -0,+0,1), and that is the Dipole System in the Qubit Structures that runs it. As we use the (-1, -0,+0,1), we have in it, the Indian Philosophy of Zero, the Shoonaya. If we imagine the “0,1”, the TWO BITS, the Indian Systems say that these are the Pairs, that is (-1, -0,+0,1), and these are called the 4 Ishawara Systems, and denoted as the Primal Systems as the “A, E, O, AE”.
When major problem is that we usually ignore the addition of zeros:
It is everything about everything!

How and why!
We need to discuss graphically, the Qubit Way, the “AA EE OO” Way, and that is:
And its thus not the 0+0=0 Philosophy that we mostly do, and if we understand it, we understand what is the “Quantum and the Qubit Philosophy is all about”.
The -0 and +0 get as what we know as the “Entanglement of the Photons” and that is “-0” and the “+0” and one results as the “Memory of 0” is what remains and that is not the 0, the Zeros, but the Memory of the Zero, and it may need no bit space in the human brains and the computers.
This “-0+0=0” is the Theory of Parmeshwara, and its “God is Everywhere”, and that is the “Philosophy of Zero in Abundance”, and most of the Ancient Scritures call it what, the “Sacred Vacuum”, and how we get it is again “-Photon+Photon=Trace of Photon”, the Photon Memory, the Simarana (Remembering God) in the Indian Sacred Systems.
Thus, the “-1, -0, +0, 1” are the 4 Ishwara and the -0+0=0 is the Parmshwara, and that is not written just that way, but as the “A, E, O, AE” and the “AO”, and the “AO” that creates the AOM in the Indian Mantras is the Photon or the Quantum Memory as that remains hidden as the “Sacred Vacuum”.
Thus, we come to the point that is what the Indian Qubit Systems, the Simarana Systems are:
“-1, -0, 0, +0, 1”
Now, the “0” alone can annoy many of us, and we do not want to imagine it with the “-0” and the “+0”, and that is how “Photonic, the Simarana Memory Banks work” in the Sacred Indian and the World Systems.
Thus, we deal with what!
We always deal with the “-0, 0,+0” or simply the “Photons and the Vacuum”.
This is what is the Parmeshwara Simaran Qubits are, and all have pairs, and make the 4 Ishwara and the One Prime Ishwara as the 0 after “-0” and “+0” interactions. These interactions are not imaginary, and we while sitting and doing our daily works use it, and its the creation of the universe theories from “nothing”, and this very “nothing” is not “nothing”, but the “-0+0=0”, and thus we need to imagine the Zero in the 3-D.
If we want the Indian Qubit, the Simarana Systems, its the “-0+0=0”. It does not use the “BIT Theory” the way we study, but the “0 BIT” as the “Quantum BITS”. So, if we can keep the Classical Computing of (0,1) Bits as different from the Qubit, the Simarana’s (-0,0,+0), and its the “Secret of Rosary” and the Universal Theories of the Cycle, Recycle, Biorhythms, and all that universe remembers. Its also the JEEVA and the ISWARA Theories of the Biological Life in the universe, while the (-1,0,1) deals the Physical Life in the same, and we can put it as (-1,1,+1), the anti-pair, the physical pair to the biological pair of (-0,0,+0), and this is also the Tricolor and the Anti-tricolor Theory frame work in our modern world.
Now, what is “-0,0,+0” for a layman like me, and its the Quantum Entanglement that deals and the charge, vacuum and the directions, and thus changes the dimensions of the charge without disturbing its state of charge, and we notice it in the Quantum Systems of God as the Simarana that God does not change us and our personality as the in the Physical God Quantum Systems, and we get some ease to understand the nature, and we see it as the Quantum Sciences as shown in the video below that explains the “-0,0,+0” as the Photons and thus the Essentials of Quantum Computing:
The sacred Indian and the Other World Systems describe the Qubit and the Quantum Philosophy in this context called the Simarana, the Quantum Memorization and Recalling Systems in the universe.
For example, in the following image, the Simarana is not of the “+”,”-” or the “0” charges but the “+”,”-” or the “0” of the Zero by itself as the vacuum that has a “potential” inside it, and thus the “Si” here is the “Vacuum”, the “M” is its circular boundary, “Ra” is its potential, the “Charge and Ionization Management, and the “Na” is as always its “Friction Free Center” as according to the Indian Theory and Philosophy of Elements in the Indian Alphabet Tables, particularity in the Gurmukhi Script Table of Elements:
Image: The Power Tri-Systems of Power (Philosophy of 0, the Shiva the Charge Free Vacuum that gives rise to Charges, the Shakti), the Vacuum and the Potential Tri-Charges (Philosophy of Charge, the Shakti)
These two pairs of Tricolors that we use in the Quantum Sciences are what we the Indians call the Dev-Deva Systems has great dimensions in the “-0, 0, +0” and thus the Trinity Philosophy in the Jewish, Christian and Muslim World Religions and Faiths, and in it the “0” is same in the Trinity, and thus the Spirit as its the Photon in the Quantum Philosophy, and the Shoonaya, the Zero in the Indian Philosophy:
This Dev-Deva Systems is the Trinity Gospel of the World Religions and Faiths, and that is what we also know as the Trinity of God as the Son, Father and the Creation. The Father is “0”, and the “-0” is the Nature, the Mother, and the “0” is the Son (“Secrets of -0+0=0”).
Now, we also need to consider what we have called the Parmeshwara Theories of the Indian Civilizations, and why there is word “Para with Brahma, Atama, Ishwara, and so many other Indian Words and Terms”, and the reason is that the “Para” is the Synonymous for what we call “Quantum” in our modern world, and thus the Parbrhama, Parmatama, Parmeshwara, and other words having the prefix Para in the Indian Sacred Systems is the Quantum Systems of the Universe”, and that is why it says:
“Parbrahm Paremshwara Satigur, Aape Karnehara…” (Gurbani, Sacred Teachings of Sikhism)
A little explanation of the above: “The Theory and Philosophy of Guru as the Essence in the Quantum is that this is the Philosophy of Visible Quantum World that is Physical World, and Invisible Quantum World, and that exists as the Sat, the Sachu in the Japji Sacred Teachings that describe it, and the Sach is the S+Ach, the Vacuum+Vowels, and that is the Complete Picture of 3 Vowels of O, A, E inside the Vacuum, the Perfect babalnace of the Vacuum and the Universe that is also denoted by letter “S”, the “SAH-SA” in the Hindi, Punjabi and the Sanskrit Languages as per the Theory of Elements in the Indian Philosophy and Civilization”.
Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism says that the “Satinama” is the “Most Ancient and Primitive Theory of the Vacuum (S), and Life as the Chirals (T) in the Nucleus of Vacuum (N, the Center of the Circle and the M as its boundary)”. That is why it seems that the Gurbani in Gurmukhi explains the Quantum Sciences as the “Satinama”, and the Holy Vedas explain it as the “SANATANA” that is “Life is Cyclic inside the Nucleus when considered the Physical Circle, the TANA while the Gurbani goes for NAMA, the Circle Boundary and the Center”, and this all called and said as the “SAHAJA”, and if we understand what is Sahaj according to Indian Theory of Elements, we can understand anything about the “Quantum, the Para Systems of the Universe”:
SA: Vacuum (Light Systems), HA: Sound Energy and JA: Consciousness=SA+HA+JA=SAHAJA
This Theory of SAHAJA is learned as the “SOHUN HANSA of Consciousness” and that is SA is for Sohun (Light), Hansa for Sound (Shabad, the 5 Different Elements of Matter) and JA is the “I, the Consciousness”, and to say “I’m Sohun Hansa” is same as “I’m Sahaj”, and this is how the Living God in the Old Testament and the Holy Bible says and introduces Himself as the Jehovaha (the Setup of JA, HA, and VA (its in the series of SA Systems, the VA is the Ionization Systems of the SA Systems), and thus the Jehovah and SAHAJ State of the Living God Jehovah does not differ.
This is the “SAHAJA” that deals with Life as Light, Sound and Consciousness, and it claims that everything is a balance, and humans know it without studying anything, and that it is the 4th State of Self-Assembly that is called the SAHAJA, and everything if put to rest restores to its “Original State of Rest, the SAHAJA as Light, Sound and Consciousness”.
All world religions and faiths are description of the Quantum Sciences, that is the Para-Systems as the Parmeshwara, Parbrahma, and the Parmatama.
When we consider the Indian Para Systems that is same as the “Prism Systems”, it has as we have discussed and described in this part of the series, the Para is One System, and the Ishwara are the 4 Systems as the Brahma (O), Vishnu (A), Mahesha (Shiva, the E) with the Durga (EA) that coexist as the “Circle of Life”, and these do not create the PARA Systems without the “AO” Systems in the Indian Sacred Systems. According to the Gurbani, we study it as:
“Eka Maayi Jugati Viayi…. O Vehai Ona Nadar N Aavai…” (Japji Sahib in the Gurbani, the Sacred Teachings of Sikhism)
It means that the “Mother Durga enters into the Vacuum as EA and creates the O, A and E Systems inside it, the Circle of Life”. She and her created 3 Elements of Life, the O, A and E cannot see the Para System. The “Para Systems are the Space Dot System that is as if One Dot equal to the Universe, and this is the Bindu, the Dot Theory of Civilizations, and this is defined as the Dot inside the 0, the Zero, the Life Dot and that is very Dot of Life that we know as AE is called the Mother Durga, the Bindi and the “OA” that is inside it is called the Bindu, the Life Dot that works in the same way as the Quantum Dots in the Quantum and the Nano Sciences and the Systems. In other words, the Vacuum has infinite energy inside it, and that is called the Para Systems that shines like millions of stars, and that remains at every part of the Vacuum, and this is popular as the Mahashiva, the Mahakala, and all that is inside it is addressed as the “MAHA” Systems, and these are the “Sources of Free Energy inside the Vacuum, the Bindi System of Indian Civilizations, the Extended Zero Philosophy of World Civilizations”. Thus, the Indian Zero, the Shoonaya is the Bindi, the Decimal System, and it has “Everything Model as the Decimal Model of Zero Philosophy”.
Thus, the Indian Bindi is the Zero Philosophy what we know as the Decimal Systems in Math and Computers, and the Bindu is the Zero, and thus the Bindu and the Bindi as the Zero and the Infinite Decimal Places that we can make and create with the Zero, and that is the “0” and the “.” that is what we have called the “Extended Philosophy of Zero” in this part. We have the One universe as Vacuum, the Zero, but inside it is the Infinite Bindi Systems, the Decimal Places!
In our daily life, the Bindu is the Light, and the Bindi is the Spectrum and the Spectra, and both together create the Parmeshwara, the Para Systems of the Universe. If we want to apply this “Sacred Indian Knowledge and Wisdom” to our modern education systems, we notice it say in the following lessons of modern sciences:
“In case of two protons, they are called ortho and para depending on whether the spins of the protons are parallel (total nuclear spin I=1) or anti-parallel (total nuclear spin I=0).” (With thanks from the source:… )
In the Computer and Computing World, we find the Bindu (the Zero) and the Bindi (the Decimal) as the Domain (Bindu) and the Sub-domains (Bindi), and in the Quantum Computing, the same Bindu (0) and the Bindi (1) acts the “Basics of the Quantum Bit” that with Para, the Prism Systems of (0,1) as the (Bindu, Bindi) is the Qubit Quantum Systems. It has the Qubit Dipole in it in the same way as is the Life Dipole as the Ojasa, the Purusha of the Universe that is inside every female and the male energy systems including the human, birds, animals and the plants.
Now, the “Free Energy Resources are the Basics of Sacred Educations Systems”, but we may the following:
Some reasons that most of the humans are conditioned:
We are never taught “religion, philosophy and scared systems”, but rather we are “taught by controlling and shaping our behaviors” and we become educated and degree holders who know almost no work!
We in world religions and faiths simply learn to “react without thinking” and thus labeled as “garam and naram religious people”!!!
Most of the religious funds are spend on the “garam (aggressive) and naram (mild) cricket matches” and millions of people suffer while the investors enjoy a lot many people who sell free energy systems play with us if we all are “crickets of various religious and the faith groups in the world” as it says something like it in the following innovations:
To avoid the above and many other loop holes in the humanity, we have to do our home work of self-study and research as what Dr. James Ferrel says in the following video:
“Intro Video to Neogenesis – The Great Health and Wellness for Our Innocent Human Brains”
Please note if you want to suggest anything in the “Be Happy Philselfologically” Series and Quantum Discussions in, feel free as it has been submitted as the 3 Patent Theory Applications for All Languages, Vowels, Theory of Everything, Computers and Programming Languages, and thus Model of Single Sources of Everything using Gurmukhi, Hindi, Punjabi, Sanskrit and English as the Basis. If one wants to help in the patent processes with USPTO, USA, please feel free.
Thanks for your time and we will edit and add.
Be Happy Philosophically! (-0,0,+0)!