Photo by Congerdesign


Acrylamides are a chemical found in some foods. They form when cooking certain types of carbohydrates at high temperatures when they’re baked or fried. Acrylamides are linked to cancer but also can be found in many foods that we eat regularly. In this article, we explain what acrylamides are and why you should limit them in your diet.

What are acrylamides?

Acrylamides are a toxin that form when cooking certain foods at high temperatures. They’re present in a lot of foods, but it’s not possible to identify them in food packaging.

For this reason, you should know the foods that contain acrylamides and limit your consumption of them as much as possible. This will help prevent any negative health effects from developing. When consumed regularly, acrylamides may cause cancer or other diseases like Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

Acrylamides have become a major concern in recent years because of their potential link to cancer. It is important to understand the health risks associated with acrylamides, and the benefits of limiting them in your diet. Acrylamides are chemicals that can form when certain foods are cooked at high temperatures. We find them in a variety of different processed and grilled foods, such as chips, french fries, toast, and coffee.

The formation of acrylamide is a natural process that occurs during high-temperature cooking, such as baking, frying, grilling or roasting. Foods with higher levels of carbohydrates generally have more acrylamides present after cooking. This includes potato products (like fries and chips), coffee beans, cereal products (such as crackers and breads) and nuts.

Moisture Lessens Acrylamide Formation

Cooking with water such as steaming or boiling can reduce cancer causing acrylamide formation when preparing food. Acrylamide is a chemical that forms when cooking certain starchy foods at high temperatures – particularly frying, roasting, and baking. Researchers have linked it to an increased risk of certain types of cancer in humans, but the evidence is inconclusive at this time.

In order to avoid the potential health risks associated with acrylamide formation, we recommend people use water-based cooking methods such as boiling and steaming instead of higher temperature cooking methods such as frying and baking. Boiling and steaming can also help retain more nutrients in the food for improved nutrition value. These cooking techniques are effective ways to avoid acrylamide formation while still enjoying delicious meals.

Where do acrylamides come from?

The formation of acrylamide results from the Maillard reaction, which occurs when cooking foods at high temperatures.

Cooking at high temperatures (above 260 degrees Fahrenheit) and for long periods of time can lead to the formation of acrylamides. Cooking with sugar or starch will also increase your exposure to acrylamides because these ingredients form more complex sugars that react with amino acids during the Maillard reaction. Here are some examples:

  • Toasting bread creates acrylamides in the process; however, if you don’t want this effect, then just cut back on your toast consumption!
  • Cooking potatoes creates a higher concentration of acrylamides than boiling them does; so if you like mashed potatoes but would rather avoid consuming this chemical compound then try boiling instead!

What foods contain acrylamides?

We find acrylamides in potatoes, coffee, bread and other foods that contain carbohydrates. They are also found in cigarettes and some drugs. Acrylamides are not found in fresh fruit and vegetables.

How can I avoid eating too many foods with acrylamides?

You can avoid acrylamide formation by avoiding frying or baking foods at high temperatures. The best way to do this is to use a thermometer (one for the oil and one for your food) and cook foods on low heat as much as possible.

If you’re using an electric grill, make sure you keep it clean and don’t let any grease accumulate in the bottom of the grilling area. If you’re using a propane or charcoal grill, clean it often with soap and water or vinegar so that no residue builds up on its surface.


The more we learn about acrylamides, the more important it is to avoid them. They are naturally occurring compounds that form when we cook certain foods, including potatoes and cereals. While they pose minimal health risks in small doses, we recommend to limit your intake of acrylamides as much as possible. This can be done by avoiding high-heat cooking methods, such as roasting or frying, and choosing lower-heat options like steaming or boiling.

Author: Bliss

Dedicated to making a positive difference for people, animals, and this beautiful planet!

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