The Abundance Mindset
by Claranita Gorman | Feb 27, 2018 | Featured, Goodness Messages, Words of Bliss
To be open and ready for abundance is to be willing to let go of the lack mindset…the poverty mindset. I think there is a secret payoff for being in a mindset of lack. It keeps us from taking responsibility, it keeps us from growing and getting out of our...
Heal Your Soul Through Exercise
by Angelica Carreon | Feb 22, 2018 | Goodness Messages
Hi my name is Angelica Carreon. And I would say if I only had two minutes left to live to HEAL your SOUL through exercise and be KIND to your body because you only get...
love your darkness as much as your light
by Jenna Marie Spicer | Feb 13, 2018 | Goodness Messages
“Your eyes are so beautiful”, “You are so pretty”, “You are so tiny and cute”, “You have a nice smile”, “I like your outfit”, “I love your energy” That’s what I hear from others about me most of the time… but I want to remind you that just because someone “looks...
Don’t Worry About What People Think Of You
by Darla Logan | Feb 10, 2018 | Goodness Messages
Hi…I’m Darla Logan and if I had two minutes to tell you something to help you for the rest of your life…I would tell you to stop giving a f*ck what people think about you. Peace out! Darla...
February 2018 Edition
by Bliss | Feb 7, 2018 | Adventure, Amplify Goodness, Animal Welfare, Animals, Camping, Causes, Earth, environment, Events, Featured, Fun, green, Health, Inspiration, Latest Magazine, Make A Difference, Mental Health, Nature, Peace, People, Relationships, Self Help, Sustainability, Thoughts For A Blissful Planet, Vegan & Vegetarian, Wellness, What I Learned, Words of Bliss, World
Health and happiness embracing the vegetarian and environmental lifestyle. Topics For This Edition Healing your Perspective to Heal the Planet, Environmental Impacts On Our Health, Can Our Planet Be saved By Eco Living? This edition includes a feature on the Arizona...Latest Magazine
Messages of goodness, wellness articles, plant based lifestyle, eco-friendly news and much more.
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