There are no losses!!

There are no losses!!

Nothing is ever lost. Nothing truly exists. I went for a sunset run yesterday and didn’t notice the zipper on my backpack was open…my car keys fell off as I was running. When I got to my car and realized the keys weren’t there, I headed back on the...
be a Light inside the World

be a Light inside the World

So basically my GOODNESS message I would have to say is to Learn to Love others no matter what they do or say to you. If they say hurtful things …if they make you feel uncomfortable. If You feel uncomfortable it is the best time that you need to come out and...
Prayer of Life

Prayer of Life

It is my belief that every breath, every thought, every motion, & emotion is a prayer. I believe that we are in constant connection with the energy of Creation. When we begin to realize that our very life is a prayer and that everything around us is connected to...

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