Communication In A Relationship

Communication In A Relationship

Communication is a vital part of our lives: a typical day involves many interactions between ourselves, our work colleagues and clients, our children, our friends, our ex’s, future relationships, etc. This interaction takes place where we live, work, relax,...
The Human Need for Meaning

The Human Need for Meaning

The Swiss psychologist Carl Jung once remarked that human beings could withstand almost any amount suffering so long as they felt the suffering possessed meaning. And this need for meaning is as fundamental as the need for shelter, food, and companionship. Self-Growth...
Arguments Steal Mind Power

Arguments Steal Mind Power

Have you ever noticed that arguments are rarely “won?” Even if you think you won an argument, what did you win? If there really is a loser, he at least learned something, right? What did you get? Ego satisfaction, debating practice, and diminished mind...

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