Photo by Daniel Reche

Our brain is the control center of our body, and it plays a significant role in determining how we function and feel. Brain chemistry is vital to our overall health and happiness as it influences everything from our mood to our physical movements. Our brain contains billions of cells that communicate with one another through chemical messengers known as neurotransmitters. When these neurotransmitters are in balance, they create an environment that is conducive to good health and happiness. However, when this balance is disrupted, it can lead to a range of negative effects such as anxiety, depression, and mood swings. It’s essential to understand the importance of brain chemistry as it affects every aspect of our lives.

Creating optimal brain chemistry is essential for our overall health and wellbeing. It is the key to feeling your best and living life to the fullest. Every day, we expose ourselves to chemicals and toxins that can disrupt our natural balance and cause our brains to become overwhelmed. Incorporating an understanding of optimal brain chemistry, nutrition, appreciation, positivity, and fitness can help improve our health and wellbeing.

In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of creating optimal brain chemistry, the benefits it can provide, and the steps we can take to create the best environment for our brains to thrive. We’ll explore how healthy plant-based nutrition, gratitude and positivity, avoiding toxic chemicals, bio-energetics, positive mindset, play, and physical fitness can play a role in creating optimal brain chemistry and improving our overall health and wellbeing.

By taking care of ourselves both mentally and physically, we can help promote better brain chemistry for greater health and happiness. And by understanding how to create optimal brain chemistry, we can take charge of our health and wellbeing and feel our best. Let’s get started!

Brain Chemistry

The brain is the most complex organ in the body and it determines how we think, feel, and behave. It comprises billions of neurons that communicate information to each other. When the brain is functioning optimally, it is like a well-oiled machine that efficiently carries out its various functions. However, when the brain is not functioning optimally, it can lead to physical and mental health issues.

Optimal brain chemistry is a delicate balance of neurotransmitters, hormones, and other chemical messengers that work together to regulate our emotions, thoughts, and behavior. We can experience a wide range of physical and mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, brain fog, and more when the balance is disrupted.

Creating optimal brain chemistry involves making lifestyle changes to support the brain and promote balance. This includes eating a healthy, plant based diet with plenty of nutrient-dense foods, incorporating gratitude and positivity into our daily lives, avoiding toxic chemicals, and engaging in activities that promote physical and mental fitness. By making these changes, we can create an environment that allows our brains to function optimally and feel our best.

Healthy Plant Based Nutrition

When it comes to creating optimal brain chemistry, healthy plant based nutrition is a key factor. Eating a balanced diet of nutrient-dense whole foods can ensure that your brain is getting all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients it needs to function optimally.

What foods we should include in a balanced diet for optimal brain chemistry? A vegetarian plant based diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables is ideal. Fruits and vegetables are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Additionally, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds can also provide important nutrients. For healthy fats, include cold-pressed oils, nuts, whole cage -free eggs, and avocados. If you are going to include animal proteins, fish is a better source and if you choose to eat meat, opt for grass-fed, humanely raised sources.

How can the right nutrition help you feel your best? Eating a balanced diet of whole, plant based foods is essential for maintaining optimal brain chemistry. Whole plant foods provide the building blocks for neurotransmitters, hormones, enzymes, and other molecules which are essential for our bodies to function properly. Eating a nutrient-dense diet can also help to reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and boost the immune system.

In addition to eating a balanced diet of whole, plant based foods, we should also limit our intake of processed and refined foods. These types of foods are often high in sugar, artificial chemicals, and unhealthy fats and can disrupt our neurotransmitters and hormones.

Finally, it is important to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water is essential for our bodies to function properly and stay healthy. Staying hydrated can help to reduce inflammation and improve digestion.

Implementing a healthy, plant based diet is a simple and effective way to create optimal brain chemistry. Eating a balanced diet of nutrient-dense whole foods can provide our brains with all the essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients needed to function optimally. Limiting intake of processed and refined foods can help to reduce inflammation and improve digestion. Staying hydrated is also important for our overall wellbeing and can help to boost the immune system.

Click here on a comprehensive guide of How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian

Gratitude and Positivity

We are all familiar with the saying “attitude is everything”, and for creating optimal brain chemistry, having a positive attitude and outlook on life are key ingredients. Gratitude and positivity have been shown to have a powerful effect on our levels of wellbeing, and are essential elements in creating the right environment for optimal brain chemistry.

So why are gratitude and positivity so important for our wellbeing? Studies have shown that having an attitude of gratitude can reduce stress, improve our immune system, and enhance our overall mood. Gratitude can also increase our emotional resilience, meaning we are better equipped to deal with difficult situations. Gratitude can even influence our physical health, with research showing that those who practice gratitude can have lower blood pressure and improved cardiovascular health.

We can cultivate more gratitude and positivity in our lives by taking time to appreciate the things we are grateful for, both big and small. Writing down our grateful sentiments and taking a few minutes to reflect on them can be beneficial. We can also focus on the positive aspects of our lives and take time to savor the moments that bring us joy.

For positivity, research has found that it can positively affect our mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as our physical health. Studies have shown that those with a more positive attitude have higher levels of life satisfaction, better relationships, and improved physical health.

We can cultivate more positivity in our lives by being more mindful and aware of our thoughts and feelings. We can challenge negative and unhelpful thoughts, and focus on the things that we can control. We can also actively seek out positive experiences and seek out positive relationships.

Overall, gratitude and positivity are powerful tools for creating optimal brain chemistry and improving our overall health and wellbeing, as they are conducive for healthy brain chemistry. By actively cultivating gratitude and positivity, we can create a supportive environment for our brains and bodies to thrive in.

Avoiding Toxic Chemicals

When it comes to creating optimal brain chemistry, one of the most important things we can do is avoid toxic chemicals. The human body can be greatly affected by the presence of these chemicals, which can have a detrimental effect on mental and physical health. In order to create optimal brain chemistry, it is essential to avoid any toxic chemicals that may exist in our environment.

The most common sources of toxic chemicals are our household products, air pollution, and pesticides. Household products such as cleaners, polishes, bleaches, and detergents often contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to our bodies. Air pollution is another major source of toxic chemicals, which can be especially damaging to our brains. Pesticides used in agriculture can also cause significant harm, as they are often laden with toxic chemicals that can affect our brains.

In order to reduce our exposure to these toxic chemicals, it is important to take proactive steps. For starters, we should be mindful of the products we use in our homes and try to eliminate any that may contain toxic ingredients. We should also be mindful of the air quality in our homes and try to reduce any indoor pollution by ensuring that we are properly ventilating our homes. Lastly, it is important to buy organic fruits and vegetables in order to reduce our exposure to pesticides.

We can also take additional steps to reduce our exposure to toxic chemicals. One way to do this is to reduce our consumption of processed and packaged foods, which often contain preservatives, emulsifiers, and other chemicals that can be detrimental to our health. We should also be mindful of any toxins that may be present in our drinking water and take steps to filter our water whenever possible.

Finally, it is important to be mindful of our personal care products and make sure that they are free from any toxic chemicals. Many cosmetics, lotions, and shampoos contain harsh ingredients that can be absorbed into our bodies and can have a negative effect on our overall health. For this reason, it is important to read labels and avoid products with any potentially toxic ingredients.

By taking these simple steps, we can reduce our exposure to toxic chemicals and create optimal brain chemistry. Doing so will ensure that we feel our best and maintain good mental and physical health.

Energy Fields

As human beings, we are not just physical entities made up of bones, organs, and tissues. We are also energy beings that are surrounded and influenced by an array of energy fields. From the moment we wake up, we are bombarded by the energy fields radiating from electronic devices such as smartphones, computers, televisions, and Wi-Fi networks. While these devices have made our lives easier and more connected, they also expose us to electromagnetic radiation that may interfere with our energy bodies and even affect our brain chemistry.

The human body has a complex electrical system that operates on a microcosmic level, regulating our thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. Every cell in our body is electrically charged, generating an energy field that interacts with other fields in our environment. When we come into contact with external energy fields, the electromagnetic radiation emitted by these sources can interfere with the smooth functioning of our internal energy systems. The energy from electronic devices, especially those we use close to our bodies, can alter our energy patterns if we are exposed to them for an extended period.

The effects of electromagnetic radiation on our energy bodies have been linked to a range of symptoms, including fatigue, headaches, dizziness, and irritability. These fields can also affect our mental and emotional states, leading to anxiety, depression, and cognitive impairment. Our brain chemistry is affected by the invisible energy fields around us, and it is essential to take steps to protect our energy bodies and minimize our exposure to these fields.

There are many different types of energy fields that can negatively influence brain chemistry and our health. Some of the most common include:

  • Electromagnetic fields (EMFs): EMFs are created by all electrical devices, including power lines, cell phones, and microwaves. EMFs have been linked to a number of health problems, including cancer, heart disease, and infertility.
  • Geomagnetic fields: Geomagnetic fields are created by the Earth’s magnetic field. Geomagnetic storms can cause disruptions to power grids and communication systems, and they have also been linked to an increase in heart attacks and strokes.
  • Radiation: Radiation can be emitted from a variety of sources, including nuclear power plants, X-ray machines, and radioactive materials. Radiation can cause a number of health problems, including cancer, birth defects, and damage to the central nervous system.
  • Emotional energy: Emotional energy can be negative or positive. Negative emotional energy, such as anger, fear, and sadness, can weaken our immune system and make us more susceptible to illness. Positive emotional energy, such as love, joy, and peace, can boost our immune system and help us to heal.

There are a number of things we can do to mitigate the negative effects of energy fields on our health. Some of the most effective methods include:

  • Avoiding exposure to EMFs: The best way to avoid exposure to EMFs is to reduce your use of electrical devices. If you must use electrical devices, try to keep them away from your body. You can also use EMF-blocking products, such as EMF shielding curtains or mattress pads.
  • Protecting yourself from geomagnetic storms: There is no sure way to protect yourself from geomagnetic storms, but you can take steps to reduce your risk. These steps include staying indoors during a storm, avoiding contact with metal, and using a surge protector for your electronics.
  • Limiting your exposure to radiation: The best way to limit your exposure to radiation is to avoid unnecessary medical tests and procedures. If you must be exposed to radiation, take steps to minimize your exposure, such as wearing lead shielding.
  • Managing your emotional energy: The best way to manage your emotional energy is to practice positive self-care. This includes getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and spending time with loved ones. You can also use relaxation techniques, such as meditation and yoga, to help you manage stress and negative emotions.

By taking these steps, you can help to protect your health from the negative effects of energy fields.

There are several things we can do to reduce our exposure to electromagnetic radiation. One of the most important steps is to limit our use of electronic devices, especially when we are in close proximity to them. For example, we can use speakerphone instead of holding our smartphones to our ears, or we can put our laptops on a table instead of our lap. We can also try to distance ourselves from electronic devices as much as possible, such as turning off Wi-Fi at night or avoiding using electronic devices in the bedroom.

As energy beings, we must acknowledge the impact of electromagnetic radiation on our energy bodies and well-being. Being aware of this can allow us to take proactive steps to protect ourselves from these invisible fields that affect our brain chemistry and overall health. By following simple steps to minimize our exposure to electronic devices, we can improve the functioning of our energy systems, and ultimately, lead healthier, happier lives.


Bio-energetics is an ancient healing modality that seeks to bring balance and harmony to the body’s energy systems. It is based on the understanding that the body is composed of both physical and energy bodies, and that when the energy body is in balance, the physical body can be brought into balance as well. Bio-energetics works to restore balance and harmony to the body’s energy systems, and ultimately promote greater health and wellbeing.

Bio-energetics is based on the idea that our bodies are comprised of energy fields. These fields interact with the physical body, influencing brain chemistry, our mental, emotional, and physical states. In bio-energetic therapy, practitioners use a variety of techniques to restore balance to the body’s energy fields. This can include massage, acupressure, energy healing, and sound therapy, among other techniques.

By restoring balance to the body’s energy fields, practitioners can help to create optimal brain chemistry. This can be accomplished by working directly on the physical body through massage and acupressure, as well as indirectly through energy healing and sound therapy. When the body’s energy fields are in balance, the body is able to more effectively process and utilize the nutrients it needs to maintain optimal brain chemistry.

When it comes to creating optimal brain chemistry, bio-energetic therapy can also help us to become more aware of our own energy and recognize how we are feeling on a physical, mental, and emotional level. By cultivating this awareness, we can better understand how our own energy affects our state of wellbeing. This can help us to recognize when our energy is out of balance and take steps to restore it back to a state of equilibrium.

Finally, bio-energetic therapy can also help us to become more aware of our environment and the influences it has on our wellbeing. By becoming more aware of the energy fields that surround us, we can be more mindful of how we interact with our environment and take steps to ensure that we are only absorbing energy that is beneficial to our wellbeing.

Bio-energetic therapy is an effective and holistic approach to creating optimal brain chemistry. Through the use of massage, acupressure, energy healing, and sound therapy, practitioners are able to restore balance and harmony to the body’s energy fields, enabling the body to more effectively process and utilize the nutrients it needs for optimal brain chemistry. In addition, bio-energetic therapy can help us become more aware of our own energy and our environment, enabling us to take steps to ensure that we are absorbing only energy that is beneficial to our wellbeing.

Positive Mindset

Creating optimal brain chemistry begins with cultivating a positive mindset. Our thoughts, feelings, and attitude have a tremendous impact on our physical and mental health, and we may even change our brain chemistry through our thoughts. It’s essential to be kind to ourselves and to practice self-compassion, as this can help us develop a healthier relationship with our thoughts and feelings.

A positive mindset is about focusing on the good, rather than dwelling on the negative. Focusing on the good can help to increase our positive emotions and create more of a sense of wellbeing. We can start by noting what we are grateful for, even if it is something small. This gratitude practice can help to ensure we always have something to be thankful for, no matter what may be going on in our lives.

When it comes to our thoughts, it is important to practice mindfulness and be aware of our thought patterns. We can start to notice when negative thoughts arise and learn to acknowledge them without judgment. This will help us to recognize when our thoughts are not serving us and allow us to reframe them in a more positive way.

We can also practice creative visualization, which is a powerful tool for manifesting what we want in life. Visualizing what we want to see in our life and focusing on our goals can help us to stay motivated and achieve greater success.

Finally, positive affirmations can be a useful tool for creating a more positive mindset. Affirmations are simple statements that can be repeated throughout the day that will help to create a more positive outlook and attitude.

Creating a positive mindset is essential for optimal brain chemistry, as it can help to reduce stress and anxiety and increase our sense of wellbeing. Focusing on the good, practicing gratitude and self-compassion, and using creative visualization and positive affirmations can all help us cultivate a more positive mindset. With this positive mindset, we can create the conditions for optimal brain chemistry and feel our best.

Playful Fitness Activity

Playful fitness activity is an essential part of creating optimal brain chemistry and feeling our best. It is not just reserved for children, but should be embraced by adults too. Play helps to reduce stress, increase happiness and joy, and foster deeper connections with ourselves and those around us. Playful fitness incorporates not only exercise, but fun, which are brains, love!

For optimal brain chemistry, it is essential to move our bodies in ways that support our overall health. And making that movement fun adds additional benefits for brain chemistry. Regular exercise promotes cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles and bones, and increase mental alertness and focus. But it turns out that movement is also vitally important for bringing nutrients into our cells and excreting toxins. When we move, our blood circulates more efficiently, carrying vital oxygen and nutrients to all corners of the body. This increased blood flow can also help remove waste products, including free radicals and other toxins that can damage our cells over time.

When these toxins build up in the body, they can cause inflammation, which is associated with a wide range of chronic diseases, including cancer, heart disease, and neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. By contrast, when we move our bodies regularly, we help keep our cells functioning optimally, allowing us to maintain optimal physical and mental health throughout our lives.

Research has demonstrated that certain types of exercise may be particularly beneficial for the brain. For example, playful aerobic exercises like running, cycling, and swimming have been shown to increase the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a compound that helps to support the growth and survival of neurons in the brain. By increasing BDNF levels, aerobic exercise may help to protect against the effects of aging and boost cognitive function, memory, and mood.

Other forms of exercise that have been shown to improve brain health include resistance training, yoga, and tai chi, all of which can help to reduce stress and improve mood, as well as improve overall physical health.

Besides providing nutrients and removing toxins, exercise also has immediate effects on the brain, triggering the release of endorphins and other neurotransmitters that help to regulate mood and improve mental function. These feel-good chemicals can help to reduce anxiety, depression, and stress, while boosting energy levels and mental clarity.

For people struggling with chronic stress or anxiety, incorporating even light playful exercise into their daily routine can have a transformative effect on their mental and physical health.

Playing helps to reduce cortisol levels, which are the hormones associated with stress. Research has shown that playing can lower cortisol levels and increase oxytocin, which is the hormone associated with trust, empathy, and love. When we are in a state of play, our brain is in a state of creative flow. All of our senses are more alive and we are able to interact with the world around us in a more meaningful way.

Playing also helps us to gain a better understanding of ourselves, it can help us to access our inner child and tap into our creative potential. It can help us to feel more in tune with our emotions, which can be beneficial in learning better ways to self-regulate. In addition, playing can also help to improve our cognitive functions, such as concentration, memory, and creativity.

There are many ways to play, and the possibilities are endless. We can engage in physical activities such as sports or dancing. Whatever activity we choose, the important thing is to enjoy it and have fun.

Playing also helps to foster relationships with those around us. Playing together can be an excellent way to build relationships and foster a sense of connectedness. This can be beneficial for our mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as our physical health.

Incorporating physical activity into our daily lives is essential for optimal brain chemistry. Moving our bodies in conducive ways, like engaging in regular aerobic exercise, can bring more nutrients into our cells, help to excrete toxins, and provide immediate benefits to our mood and mental function. This can help us to maintain better mental and physical health throughout our lives, and even help to protect against chronic illnesses as we age.

Whether it’s going for a brisk walk, attending a yoga class, or hitting the weight room, there are plenty of playful ways to get active and support your brain and body at the same time. So, if you’re looking for a way to bring more joy and wellbeing into your life, don’t forget to take some time to play. It can help to reduce stress, increase happiness, and boost your overall wellbeing. Whether you’re playing on your own or with others, the important thing is to make sure you’re having fun.

Embrace Your Inner Child

When thinking about creating optimal brain chemistry, it is essential to consider the importance of connecting with our inner child. Our inner child is the part of us that remains in childhood, and it is key to our emotional wellbeing and to creating a balanced brain chemistry. All of us have an inner child, and it is essential to nurture and develop this connection.

Our inner child is the part of us that contains our deepest longings and desires, and it is also the part of us that is most vulnerable to the stressors of life. Many of us have been conditioned to repress our inner child, but doing this can have negative consequences on our mental health and our ability to create optimal brain chemistry. In order to create the best possible brain chemistry, we must reconnect to our inner child and learn to integrate it into our daily lives.

The most important way to nurture our inner child is through self-love and self-care. When we can give ourselves love and care, we are creating an environment where our inner child can thrive. We can practice self-love by doing things that bring us joy and pleasure, such as taking a warm bath, going for a walk in nature, or listening to our favorite music. These simple acts of self-love can be powerful for our wellbeing and impact our ability to create optimal brain chemistry.

We can also nurture our inner child by engaging in creative activities. Creating art, writing, or playing music can be great ways to express our inner child and build a stronger connection to it. These activities can also be great tools for releasing pent-up emotions and feelings that are blocking our ability to create optimal brain chemistry.

Finally, we can nurture our inner child by spending time with people who make us feel safe and accepted. Surrounding ourselves with people who are supportive and understanding can help us reconnect to our inner child in a safe and nurturing environment. This can have a powerful effect on our ability to create optimal brain chemistry and feel our best.

By nurturing and developing our connection to our inner child, we can create an environment where our brain chemistry can flow freely and we can feel our best. By creating this connection, we can tap into our true self and find the balance and wellbeing we need to live a happy and healthy life.


Creating optimal brain chemistry is essential for feeling our best and ensuring our overall health and wellbeing. A balanced diet of plant-based nutrition, regular physical activity, and play are all key components to creating a healthy balance. Expressing gratitude and cultivating a more positive mindset are also important to helping us achieve a greater state of wellbeing. Limiting our exposure to toxic chemicals and learning about bio-energetics will help us take care of our physical and spiritual selves.

The importance of these components cannot be overstated. Taking the time to nourish our bodies and minds is what will ultimately lead to sustained health. Eating nutritious foods with high amounts of vitamins and minerals can help create optimal brain chemistry and give us the energy we need to live our best lives. Focusing on gratitude and positivity can help us shift our perspective and view challenges in a more positive light. Avoiding toxic chemicals can reduce our chances of developing serious health issues. Learning more about bio-energetics and how it works can help us better understand the complex workings of our bodies. Fostering a positive mindset will open us up to new possibilities, and creating more opportunities for play can bring joy and laughter into our lives. Finally, incorporating a physical activity into our daily routines can help us feel energized and balanced.

The journey to creating optimal brain chemistry can be a long one, but the rewards are worth it. We can all take steps to ensure our physical and mental health is well taken care of. Eating right, exercising, and engaging in activities that bring us joy are the foundations for feeling our best. Taking the time to connect with our inner child and express gratitude can help us further nurture our wellbeing. By taking the time to care for ourselves, we can create the optimal brain chemistry needed to lead healthier and happier lives.

Author: Bliss

Dedicated to making a positive difference for people, animals, and this beautiful planet!

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