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Any natural weight loss ideas?

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Any natural weight loss ideas?

1 Answer

Many people have challenges maintaining an ideal weight. Rapid weight loss causes a loss in muscle tissue which slows the metabolism so moderate fat loss is a healthier goal. The following are recommendations that will help you loose fat in a healthy manner.

1. The majority of your foods should come from a variety of organic vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, and sprouts.

2. Include a majority of RAW, enzyme rich, vegetables, sprouts, and fruits in your daily diet.

3. Avoid processed foods choosing whole foods that are rich in fiber.

4. Avoid all fad diets that promote a “Quick Fix” especially the low carbohydrate variety. Low carbohydrate diets are particularly harmful because they create sick cells and an acidic state within the body where cancer and sickness prevail. The low carbohydrate diet implemented for a long period eventually encourages fat cells to enlarge. The body creates more fat to buffer and protect itself against acidity.

5. Limit exposure to toxins. Exposure to toxins causes the body to manufacture more fat in order to get the toxins out of the bloodstream and jail them in fat where they are not as harmful. Click here for an article related to weight loss and toxins.

6. Eat smaller meals more frequently to ensure an effective metabolism. It is important to nourish the body. Your body is smart so if it is lacking important nutrients and fuel it will slow the fat burning process down and use your muscle as fuel. The more muscle you have the faster your metabolism will be.

7. Exercise regularly incorporating muscle building exercises and aerobic activity. Resistance exercises such as free weight and yoga can boost your muscle and therefore your metabolism. Aerobic exercise burn calories and prime the metabolism. Aerobic exercises also stimulate circulation helping the nutrients to get into the cells and facilitate toxin removal from the cells. The most efficient and detoxifying exercises incorporate all of or part of the reciprocating gate. This gate is the natural way we are designed to move, walk, run or swim.

8. Avoid diet drinks and pops that contain aspartame. Not only are these chemical sweeteners unhealthy they are shown to increase the likelihood of weight gain. Choose healthy water rather than soda pops. For a refreshing low calorie alternative to soda add a small amount of natural sweetener substitute such as Stevia into a glass of lightly effervescent mineral water.

9. Avoid all sugars, corn syrup and fruit juices. All of these can cause insulin levels to increase which challenge your body’s ability to burn fat.

10. Consider sauna therapy  regularly to stimulate circulation and detoxification.

11. Consider meditative therapies such as visualization to limit mental stress. There are hormones released with stress that can hinder fat burning

Your Friend in Goodness,


This post was modified 4 years ago by Goodness Steve
Marie-Eve 14/06/2021 2:32 am

I wanted to add something as this topic is really important to me. Steven, you let me know what you think, ok?

What really works for me is mostly a mental factor; to always appreciate and respect the body you were given. I think the body responds to negative self-image by transforming itself to match the image you have of it. The mind is really powerful and has impact on the physical world. I once had a book that would help you identify a person’s personality based on their body type. It was impressive how accurate it was. Always be happy with your body and it will eventually adapt to your state of mind.

Some negative thoughts also get blocked in the body in the shape of unwanted fat, like weight we don’t want to let go of (there is a reason why we call it “weight”). We have to remember that our mind and body work very closely together.

I agree with everything that Steven is saying, this has to be the best weight loss advices I’ve seen on the Net. Those are the lines I also follow, they are natural and they work. Stay away from processed foods, sweeteners and additives and learn how to READ LABELS. The food you put in your body is the most important thing you’ll ever buy in your life, so it is important to choose well.

If you are not already a vegetarian, I would recommend researching it. Vegans don’t eat satured fats or cholesterol as it only comes from animal products… it’s a good compassionate way of keeping a healthy weight.

A good day to all!

Catherine 14/06/2021 2:37 am

Hi Marie-Eve,

Was the personality by body shape book the one that had naturally bigger bodies as the relaxed, happy, calm people and the naturally tiny bodies as sensitive, quiet, frail people? That was the one that I read.

I thought that some of the book was interesting and that it seemed to fit a few people that I know, but it was sure wrong about the smaller folks that I know.

I remember getting quite a kick out of the writing that explained that the body builders might have a combative or self love attitude.

I guess that the study of body shapes as they relate to personality traits goes back quite a ways in history. I remember that part too… The cover was deep green… It was hardback… But, I can’t remember who wrote it. It really was an entertaining read, even if it wasn’t always ringing true for my peer group.

Marie-Eve 14/06/2021 2:48 am

Hello Catherine!

the book I had was from a French-canadian woman and it’s not a really old book. I can’t remember her name but I think she’s also a psychic…

In her book, the small tiny people (like me) are people who felt rejected or unwanted when they were young and that is their way of trying to erase themselves in order not to be so “annoying” to the people that don’t want them. I was a severe case of that example. It took 7 months to my mother to realise she was pregnant with me!! I knew she did not want a baby so I was using all the tricks I could to try to make myself as tiny and invisible as possible… hehe I was 6 pounds when I was born and now am 5’2 and a lightweight. I know it’s a bit of a sad story, but don’t worry, I have dealt with it a long time ago. Now I am still small, but in a healthy waySmile It says in the book that those smaller people can become quite little condensed balls of energy and will once they put the past behind them.

The people who tend to be bigger were the folks that did not want to let go of childhood security (causing extra weight) or people hiding behind their size to feel safer out in the big mean world. Also a lot of people eat their emotions…

Also I used to be into Fitness a lot (not bodybuilding!) and I do think that some people in that field are dealing with a lot of issues. I was mostly doing it for discipline as I have never been a very disciplined person… (I’m an Aquarius 😉 ). It helped me a lot and gave me a lot of energy.

i think those 2 books sound really different from one another. They sure are not the same. I wonder where writers get their information from? haha



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