Detailed Information
Do you experience nausea, vomiting, bloating, belching, heartburn, indigestion, fullness over extended times after meals or any other adverse effects when eating foods? Experiencing any of these symptoms can mean several things. One of the main factors may be a food allergy. The six most common food allergies are milk/dairy, eggs, soy, peanuts, fish/shellfish, and wheat. Food allergy testing can be done through an integrated health doctor to help you determine which foods are causing inflammation in your body. If you experience bloating and diarrhea after a meal that contains a milk product you may be lacking the enzyme to digest the sugar in milk. This condition is called lactose intolerance. With this condition, you should avoid milk products or implement an enzyme supplement that contains lactase whenever milk products are consumed. Another factor may be that your body is lacking adequate levels of digestive enzymes. Normal aging, genetic, dietary, stress, and environmental/chemical exposure factors can diminish our natural ability to digest foods optimally. We may need assistance from outside sources to keep our digestion healthy. If you experience bloating after eating raw fruits or vegetables the likely culprits are the high fiber content or raffinose, sorbitol, or fructose. Starches, beans, and wheat are also known to cause bloating in their digestion. : Foods That Cause Bloating

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