Tips for LDL (Bad) cholesterol
Detailed Information

Is your LDL (Bad) cholesterol level high?

Lifestyle factors such as diet and activity can play an important role in lowering LDL levels. The following foods are maybe beneficial in helping cholesterol levels: Almonds, avocados, barley, beans (black, kidney, navy, pintos, etc.), chili peppers, flax seed, many fruits such as pomegranate, garlic, oats, oat bran, olive oil, onions, shiitake mushrooms, soybeans, and high fiber vegetables. Other tips include smoking cessation, reducing saturated fats, and avoid frying foods choosing to steam and baking instead. Curcumin, Garlic, Guggul, Niacin, Pantethine, Policosanol are natural supplements used for lowering LDL levels.

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