Detailed Information

Do you have persistent leg cramps?

Muscle cramping has many causes. It can be due to overuse of particular muscles, dehydration, imbalanced hormones or electrolytes, sitting in an awkward position for an extended time, poor blood supply, nerve abnormalities, medications (especially diuretics), and diseases that affect muscles and nerves. It is important to diagnose and address the underlying issues. Taking adequate minerals such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, drinking enough fluids, getting regular exercise in proper amounts can help control or eliminate leg cramp frequency and severity.

Quinine, a substance extracted from the bark of the South American cinchona tree, has been used historically to help treat certain cases of leg cramping, but there is a long list of possible side affects with its use. Persistent and frequent cramping requires attention of a physician; they may take health history, do a complete physical evaluation and conduct the proper lab testing to address the underlying causes of the leg cramping.

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