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An ice pack on either the top of the head or the forehead can offer quick relief at the onset of the headache. If the headache is a result of tension, then applying a heat pack to the neck can provide relief. Stress related headaches can also be relieved by massaging the neck or full body massage. A person can massage their own scalp and temples with the tips of their fingers, using a circular motion. The combination of taking a hot foot bath while pressing an ice pack on the painful area can be beneficial. Lying down in a darkened room away from noise can also speed recovery. Gingko Biloba is a supplement which has been shown to decrease migraines and vascular headaches by dilating the peripheral circulatory system and the capillaries, veins and arteries to allow the blood to flow more freely. It relieves ringing in the ear, and dizziness. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory that reduces brain swelling, relaxes blood vessels and activates the brain’s natural opiates to relieve pain.

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