Vitamin B12
Detailed Information

B12 cobalamin is a water-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in maintaining good health. This essential nutrient helps form red blood cells, helps maintain the nervous system, and aids in energy production. Without adequate B12 cobalamin intake, serious health issues can arise, such as anemia, fatigue and nerve damage.

The body absorbs B12 cobalamin through food sources like meat, poultry, fish and dairy products. The body stores B12 cobalamin in the liver so it can be used when needed. However, because of its short lifespan, it must be replenished regularly through diet or supplementation.

Vegan sources of B12 cobalamin

Vegetarians may need to take dietary supplements to meet their daily needs for this vital nutrient. Vegan sources of B12 cobalamin are essential for maintaining excellent health. Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, plays a critical role in the human body, helping to maintain red blood cells and nerve cells and aiding in DNA synthesis.

For vegans, finding vegan sources of B12 can be difficult since it is found predominantly in animal products such as eggs, meat, fish and dairy products. Fortunately there are vegan sources of vitamin B12 available from other foods that are not derived from animals.

Many plant-based foods have been fortified with vitamin B12 including some soy and almond milks as well as breakfast cereals and nutritional yeast products.

Methylcobalamin is better than Cyanocobalamin

Methylcobalamin is a naturally occurring form of vitamin B12, while cyanocobalamin is a synthetic form found only in supplements. The body can more easily absorb methylcobalamin, making it the superior form of B12. Methylcobalamin is also thought to be more effective in treating certain forms of anemia. This is because methylcobalamin helps to maintain healthy levels of red blood cells and prevent anemia. Cyanocobalamin, on the other hand, is not as easily absorbed by the body and is not as effective in treating anemia.

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