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Our diet affects the health and appearance of our skin and changing our diet can dramatically change how our skin looks. This is because when we introduce natural, healthier foods into our diets we are often addressing vitamin deficiencies within our bodies. There are vitamins which are very important for the treatment of acne. The most important vitamin for the health of the skin is Vitamin A. Vitamin A reduces excess oil and is an antioxidant. It can be found in carrots, oranges, bananas and green vegetables. Another important vitamin for improving acne conditions is Vitamin B which is found in sweet potatoes, green peppers, chickpeas, wheat germ and brewers yeast. Vitamin C and Vitamin E should also be included in an acne treatment regime. Vitamin E assists in healing and protecting the skin from further outbreaks and Vitamin C helps the immune system overcome acne outbreaks. If you are unable to ensure that these vitamins are included in your diet, then supplementation may be necessary.

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