Photo by lechenie-narkomanii


Addiction can be a daunting obstacle to overcome, but it doesn’t have to be. With the help of modern science, a positive attitude, and new habits, anyone can beat addiction naturally. The key is understanding the science behind addiction, implementing a positive attitude, creating new habits, and taking small steps each day toward recovery, and most of all, incorporate healthy play into your days. By developing healthy habits and forming positive routines, you can successfully break free from addiction and lead a happier, healthier life. Understanding how addiction works can help equip you with the knowledge needed to work through this process. This guide will provide you with information and strategies on how to think positively about overcoming addiction and making lasting changes that will give you the freedom you deserve.

Addiction can be an incredibly difficult thing to overcome, but with the right attitude and science-based approach, it is achievable naturally. Breaking free from addiction requires dedication and persistent work, but with a positive outlook and by forming new habits, you can reclaim your life.

The Science of Addiction

Addiction is a serious problem that affects millions of people around the world. But why do we become addicted to certain substances or habits?

Recent research suggests that addiction is a complicated process, with different components playing important roles in its development.

At its heart, addiction is an issue of habit formation: the brain creates neurological pathways to initiate and reinforce behaviors associated with a particular substance or activity. Scientists believe that this habit formation begins when dopamine–the chemical responsible for pleasure and motivation–becomes associated with certain activities. When these activities repeat over time, they become hard-wired into our brains as new habits.

These findings suggest that we have more control over our addictions than previously thought; if we can understand how addiction works on a scientific level, then we may better combat it and create new brain associations and better outcomes for those affected by it.

Rat Park – A social community filled with play proved more powerful than drugs

Dr. Bruce Alexander helped us understand that addiction is more powerful than any drug in the 1970s. He did research into such a subject that is commonly called the Rat Park. Researchers had already showed that when rats were placed into cages in isolation from community and play and provided two separate bottles-both filled with water and one laced with drugs, including heroin and cocaine-the rodents would repeatedly drink from the bottle laced with drugs rather than plain water until they died.

Alexander wondered if was this about the drug or if could be the environment they were in. To test his hypothesis, he placed rats in a rat park with other rats, where they were free to roam and socialize and engage in sexual behavior with equal access to both types of drinking containers. When inhabiting Rat Park, the rats preferred plain water.

Even when they consumed the drug-filled bottle, they did so intermittently, not obsessively, and not excessively. A social community filled with playful activities proved more powerful than drugs. This shows us the importance that play and community have in overcoming addiction.

A mindfulness exercise

Create your own Fun Park

If you have a craving for something that isn’t conducive to your well-being, in place of reverting to your old patterns and bad habits, try out a mindfulness visualization exercise. Imagine you are at one of your favorite relaxing destinations with friends close by while incorporating deep breathing. Or if you can include a fun activity; Get outside for a short nature walk or go to a park close by, ride a bike, ride a scooter, dance, shoot baskets, or jump on a trampoline. Anything play-related to engage your body pleasurably and include your friends when possible. The more you associate positive healthy activities with fun, the more effective you will be at persevering in them, and the more success you will have created new habits and fun-filled days.

Reach out to a support system.

If you’re struggling with addiction, it is crucial to reach out to a support system. Your support system can be a friend, family member, or even a support group where you can talk about your struggles and help each other out.

Creating a support system through counseling, therapy or group meetings will provide invaluable social support needed when tackling an addiction. With the right information and resources, anyone can overcome an addiction if they have the drive to change their life with positive choices.

Talking about your addiction with others can benefit you:

  • It will help keep you accountable for your actions and make sure that those who care about you are informed of what is going on.
  • It will help open up communication lines between yourself and others around you so that everyone knows exactly how they can contribute to helping their loved one overcome the addiction.

Overcome the shame and embarrassment.

Shame and embarrassment are the biggest reasons people don’t seek help for their addiction. They’re afraid to tell their family and friends about their problems because they think it will make them look weak or stupid.

Shame is an illusion that can overcome through therapy and self-acceptance. It might cause you to isolate yourself from your loved ones, but only makes things worse in the long run—and what good is a significant other who won’t help you with your recovery? What good is an employer who won’t let you take time off work for addiction therapy sessions?

So don’t be ashamed! Instead, ask for help when you need it and share your story with those around you so they, too, can be part of your growth and may even teach them how to overcome their challenges naturally.

Spiritual Practice

Spiritual practices such as yoga and prayer can help you feel less anxious and stressed. They can also help you feel more connected to the world, which is especially beneficial for those who are experiencing cravings.

Taking care of your body is important. To stay healthy, eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. It’s also important to get enough sleep and avoid drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

Eat better and start exercising.

Eating healthier and exercising more is not only good for your body but also helps you to manage cravings and strengthen the will to say no. Healthier eating habits can lead to a reduction in cravings, while exercise helps manage stress levels.

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables. Foods high in fiber can help you feel full longer, so try adding at least five servings of fruits or veggies per day (that’s about 1½ cups) to your meals. If you’re watching your weight, try smaller portions with higher water content—like melons, berries, and cucumbers—which allow you to eat more without having as many calories or fat grams.
  • Drink more water! You can drink plain water all day long! Add some lemon if it makes it taste better for you!
  • Eat whole grains instead of processed foods like white breads or pastas that have little nutritional value but lots of added sugar (or carbs). Whole grains contain nutrients such as B vitamins, which help reduce irritability associated with withdrawal symptoms from drugs/alcohol – so do not miss out on these important nutrients by skipping meals!

Reconnect with an old friend or make new ones.

We are social beings and thrive around caring individuals we feel our best around. It’s important to reconnect with old friends who you felt were a positive influence and make new ones. You can do this by calling them up, or going out for a coffee. You can also go on social media and reconnect with positive people from your past and meet new friends.

If you don’t have many friends, joining local adventure groups, it is possible to meet them online. There are lots of sites that allow you to connect with people who share similar interests as yourself and a lot of these websites are completely free – Like Bliss Planet!

Practice mindfulness and meditation every day.

Mindfulness and meditation are two other ways to take good care of yourself mentally. Both practices can help you stay calm in stressful situations that might cause cravings for unhealthy habits like smoking or drinking too much alcohol.

Meditation is the act of focusing one’s attention on one object or idea for a while. It can take many forms, from simply taking deep breaths to practicing yoga and mindfulness. The goal of meditation is to quiet your mind.

Practicing meditation regularly has many benefits:

  • Help people relax more easily. Improve focus. Help people to sleep better. Make them feel more in control of their lives, which may help with addiction recovery. Find the inner peace that comes from being present in the moment. View more about meditation here.

Science has shown us that a combination of healthy lifestyle choices is the key to overcoming any form of addiction. Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress are also important steps in the recovery process. Forming new habits like pursuing hobbies or activities that bring about joy or satisfaction will help combat cravings for unhealthy substances or behaviors.


The result of reclaiming your life is worth the effort and will bring you peace of mind, happiness, and improved overall health. With the right awareness, attitude, social resources, play, and support, you can discover a healthier lifestyle free from addiction. No matter how hard or dark the journey may seem, recovery is always within reach.

Overcoming addiction will take dedication to develop new habits. But as long as you keep pushing forward with these steps and a positive attitude to overcome addiction naturally, it will happen…You Got This!

Author: Bliss

Dedicated to making a positive difference for people, animals, and this beautiful planet!

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