There are moments ….I had to get my trailer unstuck when I was in Louisiana.
If I’m sitting and thinking I tear things apart. It was raining…a storm was coming and I knew I wanted to leave Monday and I had to get the trailer out of there. It would get muddier and muddier and the hour I spent doing that was the most MEDITATION I’ve done in months.
Because there was nothing else, but moving and getting in there…there was no FEAR…no thought…that EGO disappears and I’m just part of the process. Once I got it unstuck  and standing there I come back to myself. But those kind of moments are what I’m really living for. Seated meditation is what I hear is the way to get centered, but I LOVE MOVING THROUGH THE WORLD!

Apache woman gifting me 

her story 

reminds me 

of my good friend Gordon, 

who when asked a question might appear 

days later,

Having come with the answer; 

How quickly my mind is always jumping.

Just sit. 

There is nowhere else to be.

Eric Quiggle
spread positivity

Eric Quiggle
Author: Eric Quiggle

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