What is it that makes us truly happy? Sure, we can find pleasure in material things and the success of journeying down a path already set. But true joy is found in something much simpler, and closer to our own selves – it’s in being.

Just BE

Sometimes, our minds overwhelm us with thoughts and worries, leading us to feel discontent or stuck in life. It’s difficult to know how to move forward when our heads are so full of stuff. However, if we just take a moment and shift our focus back to the present, the power of the present moment will take over and remind us of the possibilities that exist in just being.

When we take a step back from the chatter in our heads, we can open our eyes to a new world of beauty, possibility, and joy. We can engage our senses and connect with ourselves and the world around us. We can live deep in the moment and experience the fullness of life without the need to think or talk.

Not that we should stop thinking or talking altogether, but that there is something beautiful about simply being present with ourselves and the world around us. When we take a break from “doing” for a moment and just “be”, we can find a deep peace and contentment that comes from within. We can find a happiness that comes from just being without needing anything more than what we are given in the here and now.

So make the conscious decision to just be – less thinking, less talking, more feeling, doing and being – and you will likely find a heightened level of serenity.

Feeling down? Perhaps you’ve been overthinking and over talking way too much, trying to fix things that don’t need to be fixed. Instead of letting yourself get caught up in a cycle of overthinking and over-analyzing, why not take a step back and take a different approach? Try to focus on feeling, doing, and being instead.

When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way.

Wayne Dyer

Just BE

What does it mean to focus on feeling, doing, and being? It means accepting what is and connecting with your intuitive, emotional side. Feel whatever you are feeling without stifling it or judging it. Do whatever makes you happy and fills up your life with joy, even if it’s something as simple as going for a walk or having a cup of tea. Be present with whatever is going on around you and take time to enjoy the little moments.

When you focus on feeling, doing, and being rather than overthinking and over talking, you become mindful and can really appreciate the little moments. This can lead to more positive thoughts, more positive actions, and ultimately, more happiness. Learning to let go of all the worries, pressures and expectations can help to find contentment and peace in life. Being able to be spontaneous and just go with the flow can also add a lot of enjoyment and fun to life.

So next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by negative thoughts or emotions, try this approach instead. Let go of trying to fix everything and just enjoy the present moment; focus on feeling, doing, and being rather than overthinking and over talking. Allow yourself to be in the moment and enjoy the simple pleasures that life offers. Who knows — you might just find a little of happiness along the way.

Just BE

‘Just be’ is an invitation to step away from intellectual analysis and instead to focus on our emotional experiences and actions. When we get caught up in thoughts and words, we lose sight of our emotional self and of what truly matters. All too often, we needlessly agonise over things that don’t bring us joy or clarity.

So just be – give yourself permission to put the mental chatter aside and focus on experiences that bring you joy, your environment that sparks creativity, and the moments that make your heart sing. Pay attention to how it feels to be fully present in the moment, deeply connected to everything and everyone around you, without a need to think or talk.

When we do this, it helps us remember what truly matters – simple things like spending time with family, walking through nature, or just taking the time to enjoy a good cup of tea. We remember why these small moments make life worth living, and we get that sudden energy burst that allows us to take the next step.

So take a moment to ‘just be’. Allow yourself to be fully present with yourself, with your surroundings and with your loved ones. Feel every moment deeply, savour the experience, and be happy with what life offers.

Enjoy this beautiful message about Being by Minna Marsh

Full of what? ⁉️

If we fill our lives with everything – always something new to worry about – it may become impossible to STOP and to get quiet enough to be with ourselves.

Silence and space are food for my soul. 💫

Sometimes my weeks are busy and my calendar is full, and when it happens only sometimes, it’s ok. I love helping my clients and being available for them when they need support. 🫶🙏🏻💓

But I’m also still a little girl with braids. The one who loves climbing trees, hugging dogs, playing with barbies and letting that fly back outside. 🪰

I need quiet time to see the magic around me. To see how energy moves in the room. To hear what my bones are trying to say to me.

Less talk, more being. Before the deathbed.

Minna Marsh

Life is a co-creation. Special thanks the following contributors for being part of the Magic and Co-creation of this video: Yaroslav Shuraev, Taryn Elliott , Cottonbro Studio, Maksim Goncharenok, Antoni SHKRABA, and Nick Valmores.


Author: Bliss

Dedicated to making a positive difference for people, animals, and this beautiful planet!

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