1) Earthopoly: If you haven’t guessed this game is a twist on the old monopoly game we all loved and played back in the day. This game was designed by Cincinnati-based games manufacturer, Late for the Sky. This board game is similar to monopoly but is instead eco-friendly. How is this game eco-friendly you ask? Well, the entire game is made from either recycled materials or biodegradable materials, even down to the board game. The game pieces are made from completely recyclable materials and the plays wrapping is made from a film that is a bio-plastic. In the game each player is responsible for global landmarks and charges other players carbon credits. These accumulated carbon credits turn into clean air and then help fight against global warming. The player with the most clean air points wins! This eco-conscious game is both fun and informative!

2) Eco Dough: When was the last time you played with play dough? Probably a long time ago but there is no better time to brush up on your old play dough skills than right now. There is now eco-friendly play dough that can be enjoyed by the youngsters and their eco-friendly parents. The eco-dough is an all natural alternative to the old favorite. The eco-dough is made with plant, fruit and vegetable extracts. This means there are no chemicals, artificial dyes or metals making it super safe for both kids and adults. Not only is the dough eco-friendly but the packaging is as well. The containers are made from cornstarch and are 100% compostable. Try this eco-friendly dough and experience the fun and excitement of your childhood all of again!

3) Eco Finger Paints: Finger painting is fun no matter what age you are! There are new finger paints that are both fun and eco-friendly. They are made from all natural ingredients! All you have to do is take the eco-friendly powder and mix in water on a 1:1 ratio. This way you can make your own consistency. These exciting colors are sure to spark the eco-friendly child in all of us!


Janay Scott
Author: Janay Scott

Guffly is a one product per day online store and community featuring eco friendly products and fair trade lifestyle goods like home, pet, clothing, office and personal accessories. We know that people aren't interested in ugly stuff, so you can bet Guffly's green products are stylish, fun and attractive - eco stylish if you will.

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