You were talking about community.

 Yes..and how important it is for us as humans to be living in community… to be breathing with each other to be sharing air and sharing space. The world that we live in is set up so that we are falling into addictions rather than true connections.

 I’ve studied addiction, I’ve studied sociology… they’ve done studies on rats and rats who lived in community versus rats who were isolated would always choose the medicated bottle every time rather than the bottle of water. It’s because they bonded so deeply with the medicine.

Isolation creates addiction. Walls create addiction whether they’re physical walls, emotional walls, mental walls, spiritual walls, like so many people are living in these houses with backyards and with driveways and with the focus on getting the next car or getting the next thing. What’s the next thing? Do I need a new purse…why does your bikini look better than mine? These are thoughts that run through my head sometimes I’ve come to realize it doesn’t matter…we can have nice things but ultimately the more that we focuson trying to get some where the less we’re actually where we are and it’s okay to be where you are. It’s okay to not know the direction that you’re going but if we could all take a moment and stop and smile and instead of just rushing through whatever we need to do. Slow down …ask the person you’re talking to at the coffee shop…ask them how they’re doing.

“How’s your day?”

 And really listen! Let’s end the whole cycle of, 

“How are you?… good…cool” 

No because there are parts of us that are not okay and that’s okay. We get to be real. Life doesn’t have to be picture perfect all the time because it’s not. Most of it isn’t. We don’t need to pretend. This entire world is out of integrity and nothing else matters , but Love! Nothings else matters, but Love!

Grace Light Serenity


Author: Bliss

Dedicated to making a positive difference for people, animals, and this beautiful planet!

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